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Characters / Omen of Sorrow

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  • Body Horror: His body is covered in stitches as expected from an being composed of multiple body parts.
  • Disappeared Dad: Adam is driven to resurrect his creator, who died shortly after bringing him to life.
  • Frankenstein's Monster: The one and only, albeit looking closer to his book counterpart than the Boris Karloff's depiction.
  • Younger Than They Look: His official age is listed as one year old, despite looking like an fully grown adult.



    Dr. Hyde 

    Erzsebet Bathory 
  • Ax-Crazy



  • Adaptational Badass: While Quasimodo was very strong in his own right in the source material, here he is made into an cyborg and is capable of throwing down with creatures like werewolves, vampires, flesh golems and etc. Quasimodo is also biologically immortal.
  • Cyborg: His left arm was replaced by a mechanical prosthetic.
  • Handicapped Badass: He is still a hunchback and lost his left arm, which he had replaced with an prosthesis in order to fight.
  • The Lost Lenore: He was in love with Esmeralda just like in the book, but she was hanged for witchcraft due to safeguarding the Book of Tears.



    Vladislav III 

