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Characters / Ever After High Other Students

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Students whose loyalties are ambiguous, undecided, or who just don't care for the rivalry.
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    The Three Little Pigs 
Sons of the original Three Little Pigs, or the one that survived. Frequently used for visual gags, and the go-to swine for delivering plot important objects.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The smallest pig gets a good deal of screen time in Replacing Raven.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: The smallest pig briefly decides he wants to be an evil villain, though he changes his mind after a few hours. His "evil" acts didn't even reach Poke the Poodle levels anyway; he didn't quite seem to get that switching yellow mustard out for brown mustard in the school cafeteria, and releasing a ton of helium balloons over the school, don't classify as villainy even if you do say "Dun-dun-DUNN!" in an evil voice after doing it.
  • Pimp Duds: The smallest pig is wearing these in the Flash Forward to Legacy Day.
  • Those Two Guys: Don't really serve much purpose past visual gags and as Headmaster Grimm's delivery boys.

    The Three Billy Goats 
Sons of the original Three Billy Goats Gruff from the story of the same name. They serve the same role as background characters like the Three Pigs.
  • Kick the Dog: The three of them took Cerise's lunch once, fortunately she was in a good mood that day.

    Helga and Gus Crumb 
Children of Hansel and Gretel. These identical cousins are gluttonous and unlikeable, and while they don't really hang around the Royal students, they do belong to the faction... sort of. They're actually Headmaster Grimm's cronies.
  • Big Eater: When it comes to cakes and sweets.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Not really "evil", but they are jerks and they genuinely love each other.
  • Food as Bribe: The cousins would likely have no loyalty to Headmaster Grimm if he didn't supply them with candy.
  • Gasshole: The belching variant. Their excessive eating habits are prone to making them into this.
  • Nonstandard Character Design: They are shorter and built more roundly than the other students, even though they're likely the same age.

    Bella and Brutta Sister 
The sisters from The Tale of Two Sisters. The first known characters to refuse to sign the Storybook of Legends, and thus proto-Rebels. After discovering her unsigned Story in the Story Book of Legends, Raven and Apple spend the first book searching for an answer to Bella's fate.
  • Cain and Abel: What their tale was supposed to be, Bella would be beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside and surrounded by flies while Brutta would be ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside and be surrounded with butterflies, Bella would be jealous of Brutta's butterflies and after killing her own flies would try to kill Brutta, fail, and be cursed with ugliness. In reality though Bella didn't hate her sister and really disliked people saying Brutta was ugly, when she wasn't. The two adored each other and couldn't stand their destiny, so they used the old wishing well to run away.
  • Canon Foreigner: They only appear in the Storybook of Legends trilogy. Also in a meta sense as they're from an original fairy tale the author of those books wrote.
  • Flies Equals Evil: Bella was destined to be a villain and surrounded by a swarm of flies.
  • Informed Attribute: According to Bella, Brutta wasn't ugly and she found people calling her sister that to be incredibly mean.
  • Posthumous Character: To the point where they eventually find Bella's skeleton. Later, this is subverted, the skeleton's fake for sure and she's more than likely still alive.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In-universe example. We still don't know what exactly happened to the sisters or where they are now. All we know is that they ran away to some far away land and have never been heard from again.

    Courtly Jester
Voiced by: Paula Rhodes

The Student Body President of Wonderland High.

  • Big Bad: Of the Way Too Wonderland miniseries.
  • Birds of a Feather: Pun aside, she considers Duchess to be her best friend. Both of them are not-so-nice girls who struggle with the desire to have respect and a greater role than they currently have.
  • Canon Foreigner: In a way. There is no Joker card character in Alice in Wonderland, technically.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: To the point that she may play this trope better than Kitty and the Cheshire Cat herself.
  • Easily Forgiven: Arguably, given that she is being allowed to enroll in Ever After High, even given the tricks she pulled on Raven and co. in WTW. Then again, she did do community service as punishment for her crimes, and fans voted in Courtly's favor, but it's hard to tell if the apology she offered in the video asking them to do so was sincere or not.
  • Evil Brit
  • Expy: A blonde villainous jester girl with a diamond motif and a connection to a joker? Hmm, who does that sound like?
  • Facial Markings: A white diamond is painted over Courtly's left eye, much like the red heart painted over Lizzie's eye.
  • Freudian Excuse: Courtly feels that others, mostly the higher ups of Wonderland, don't give her any respect because she is a Joker, a card not usually played. This is why she wants to steal the respect by usurping the Queen of Hearts.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Courtly harbours a special hatred towards Lizzie, because she is the Princess of Hearts who has the adoration the Joker girl lusts after.
  • Happy Harlequin Hat: She has one on a headband, and her collar invokes one as well.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After fans voted to have her attend Ever After High, as well as on a profile of sorts for her, her behavior seems a lot more friendly and grateful. Then again, she hasn't interacted much with any of the cast yet or appeared in a regular webisode, so time will tell if she's faking it or not.
  • High Collar of Doom: A purple collar with five jester tails and bells.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Part of her character is that she has no story to fulfill or defy. In-universe, it's because she's a literal wild card, but out-of-universe, it's because she's not taken directly from the books.
  • No Sense of Personal Space/Femme Fatale: Has a real love for draping herself in seductive posses while talking to people, getting in their personal space, and tapping them on the nose.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Courtly displays an In-Universe example; She normally addresses people with a Posh English accent, but switches to a Cockney accent while alone or losing her temper, hinting that the posh on is false.
  • Original Character: While there are many playing-card residents of Wonderland, we never see a Joker in the original story. However, it's entirely possible and fits the overall theme of Wonderland's madness.
  • Symbol Motif Clothing: Despite her card lacking a suit, she takes on the suit of diamonds, which feature in spades. This ties into the classic pattern of harlequin costumes.
  • Unwitting Pawn: She is unwittingly being used by the Evil Queen in her schemes.
  • Vague Age: She's the Student Vice Principal in Wonderland and has an oval face, usually reserved for adults, in the webisodes. Her Femme Fatale behavior is also something associated with adults. Yet she's the same shorter Wonderland height and enrolls into EAH as a student and wants to date Alistair, something which would indicate that she's at least in the age range of the other girls at school.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Manages to get away from a very Ax-Crazy Raven when Apple steps in to calm Raven down. Though she does have to go through Wonderland court and do community service as punishment for trying to usurp the Queen of Hearts.
  • Villainous Harlequin: But of course.
  • Wild Card: Is directly referred to as this, partially because of her heritage.

    "Miss Muffet" 
The daughter of Little Miss Muffet. She runs a frozen yogurt stand and does not appear to share her mother's fear of spiders.
  • No Name Given: Like most backgrounders, she is never given a name
  • Recurring Extra: One of the most frequently seen backgrounders, and one of very few who get a speaking role

    Ramona Badwolf 
Cerise's sister, who lives with their dad and is destined to be the Big Bad Wolf. Obviously most people don't know she and Cerise are related. Her roommate is Justine Dancer, and it's unknown if she's a royal or rebel right now.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Downplayed. Cerise certainly views Ramona as this for her rudeness and generally just being a jerk For the Lulz. Cerise is also this to Ramona. That said, the two do sometimes have fun with their rivalry and genuinely care for each other.
  • Brutal Honesty: In Moonlight Mystery, she bluntly tells Justine and the others that their plan to catch the shoe thief is a waste of time.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: A female example and possible subversion. Ramona's voice is much deeper than any of the other girls', but despite being a villain's daughter, she's not very antagonistic herself.
  • Furry Reminder: Subtle, but in Moonlight Mystery, she says the following whilst talking about not trusting technology
Ramona: Push that button, chew that cord.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her mom's side is being kept secret. Everyone knows the Wolf is her dad, they don't know that Red Riding Hood is her mom.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: It can be assumed she's signed the Storybook of Legends, which as far as she knew meant signing her own death warrant. A lack of Big Bad Wolf would render the story of Little Red Riding Hood obsolete. Considering Red Riding Hood is her little sister's story, her signing becomes this.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Ramona's gruff and seems to enjoy being obnoxious just to annoy people, but supplementary materials, like the diaries, and her webisode with Justine reveal that she is very protective of people she cares about.
  • Meaningful Name: Switch the a and the o and you get Romana. Ancient Rome had a prominent wolf motif, tracing all the way back to their origin myth of twins raised by a wolf.
  • Pet the Dog: In Justine's diary, she sends Cerise to save Justine so the latter won't be caught sneaking around in the middle of the night by Baba Yaga.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Before Dragon Games, there was no indication that Cerise had a sibling. Unless you read Justine's diary. It's later revealed in the webseries that she was sent to the Dark Forest Reform School and only recently returned, hence her previous absence.
  • Sibling Rivalry: She and her sister have a pretty tense relationship due to different opinions on how far to hide the family secret. It's also implied that Cerise was the one that got Ramona into reform school. That being said, to two still care about each other.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She gets obvious traits from her dad such as the height, wolf ears and white streaks, but ironically she takes after Red Riding Hood more prominently, getting Red's brown hair as opposed to Cerise and Badwolf's darker color. The pinkish-red streak in her hair is certainly not natural, but may be a nod to her mother.
  • Unusual Ears: Wolf ears like her sis, although since she's known as the Big Bad Wolf's daughter she has no reason to hide them.

    Jillian Beanstalk

Daughter of Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk. Unknown if she's royal or rebel yet. Makes her cartoon debut in Dragon Games.

    Nina Thumbell 
Daughter of Thumbelina. Unknown if she's royal or rebel yet. Makes her cartoon debut in Dragon Games; also is part of the cheerhexing squad as seen in Faybelle's diary.

    Meeshell Mermaid 
Daughter of the Little Mermaid, she made her cartoon debut in Dragon Games. Unknown if she's royal or rebel yet. She's friends with Melody piper due to their shared love of music and roommates with Farrah Goodfairy.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Possibly. Has a somewhat tan/olive complexion, though it could more of a beachy tan look.
  • Fish out of Water: Played to a nigh literal degree. A great source of Meeshell's shyness and insecurity is that land life is so odd and new to her.
  • Water Is Womanly: A sweet, shy mermaid who wears a long blue skirt and seashells.
