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Argentine State

Official Name: Estado Argentino
Ruling Party: National Republican Party
Ideology: Nationalism
After difficult years and frequent economic crises, Argentina managed to overcome itself under the leadership of General Juan José Gómez Centurión, who took advantage of the crisis in Europe, the demand for lithium and the Brazilian Collapse to establish the country as the greatest continental power, founding the Buenos Aires Pact with Paraguay and Uruguay and seeking good relations with the United States. However, this new hegemony may be threatened by Argentina's ideological rivals, mainly Peru, which also became economically stronger and formed the Lima Forum, based on the former São Paulo Forum, bringing together socialist or merely left-wing countries. Since it was formed, the Forum has been trying to undermine the Pact's hegemony, and vice versa, Argentina seeks to keep the Pact stable while destroying the Forum's presence in other countries until the inevitable happens: the Argentine-Peruvian War.

    General Tropes 
  • Villainous Legacy: Although Centurión claims to seek the "best" for his people, he ordered during the Brazilian Civil War that the army occupy the southern region of the country and extract everything that was of value from the region to the Argentine government (such as precious metals, financial capital, lands, etc.), basically exploiting Brazilians at their worst moment of existence. The only thing that prevented the region from becoming a de facto colony were the separatist movements already existing there, which were forced to collaborate with the Argentines, later forming the Sulist Federation.
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Although the National Republican Party is fractional and has a wing that says it is openly dissident, Centurión does not eliminate unorthodox followers as they are, in his view, important for maintaining Argentine interests on the continent and delivering the appearance of a "tolerant" government.
  • Arch-Enemy: Argentina is Peru's greatest enemy, both compete for political, military and economic influence over Latin America, with Argentina defending traditionalism and Peru defending socialism.
  • The Alliance: Argentina leads the Buenos Aires Pact.
  • Red Scare: Centurión frequently uses the expansion of Foro de Lima and its supposed plan for "communist unification" of South America to control and manipulate PRN politicians with divergent ideals.
  • Realpolitik: Although the Argentine government says that the Buenos Aires Pact seeks conservative, patriotic or minimally traditionalist countries, the Pact has a Brazilian drug trafficking clique (Puerto Sánchez) in the alliance.


    Juan José Gómez Centurión
Role: Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicanonote 
Ideology: Nationalism
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Since taking power in 2019, he has nationalized Argentina culturally and managed to correct several of the country's economic problems, elevating Argentina to a regional power and founding the Buenos Aires Pact. The general is seen by supporters as the "father of the nation", and by critics and the opposition as a personalist dictator who uses anti-communist discourse to expand "Argentine imperialism".

  • Your Days Are Numbered: Centurión is 72 years old at the start of the game and due to his health problems and his age, it seems that he will not live for many more years.
  • Historical Badass Upgrade: In real life, Centurión was just a general who tried to run in the 2019 Argentine elections for the "NOS" political coalition (and lost), defending Argentine nationalism and traditionalism, through paternalistic proposals. In EFB timeline, Centurión not only won the elections, but also carried out a coup d'état that would forever change all of Argentine history, becoming the "Steel Marshal".

    Cynthia Hotton
Role: Head of Government
Party: Partido Nacional Republicanonote 
Ideology: Ecclesiastical Chauvinismnote 
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  • 0% Approval Rating: Hotton is extremely unpopular, even among his colleagues in government, mainly for his ideas, religious fanaticism and his radical view of families.
  • Short-Lived Leadership: She rules for a short time if Centurión dies in 2038, when she suffers a coup d'état by Biondini.

    Alejandro Biondini
Role: Minister of Security and potential Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicano - Radicalesnote 
Ideology: Romantic Nationalismnote  / Reactionary Nationalismnote 
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  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Biondini was in the past an openly Nazi, and although he currently denies this, he has strongly anti-Semitic views and propagates conspiracy theories about supposed Judeo-Masonic global domination.
  • The Coup: Biondini proclaims a coup d'état shortly after Centurión's death and Hotton's short government. This can be prevented with a united counter-coup from the Moderate and Dissident wings.
  • Secret Police: In power, Biondini restructures the Federal Intelligence Agency to become a secret organization that spreads terror not only internally, but externally, in countries that dare to oppose Argentina.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Biondini idolizes the figure of Adolf Hitler, even using the same mustache style.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Biondini was just a politician who tried several times to form a party that would come close to national socialism, with very little popularity. In EB's timeline, he became Centurión's Minister of Security and one of the most relevant figures in the National Republican Party.

    Alejandro César Biondini
Role: Potential Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicano - Radicalesnote 
Ideology: Autocratic Traditionalismnote 
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    Orlando Oscar Arévalo
Role: Minister of Economy and potential of Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicano - Moderadosnote 
Ideology: Free-Market Nationalismnote 
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    Juan Gómez Centurión Hijo
Role: Potential Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicanonote 
Ideology: Dominant-Party Democracynote  / Institutional Despotismnote 
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  • Voluntary Vassal: Centurión Hijo has no interest in governing Argentina for fear of conflict with the orthodox Centurionists, since he is against several of his father's policies. However, in the event of a coup by Biondini, he offers to overthrow him through a countercoup representing the Moderate and Dissident wings. If he wants to remain in power after this, it is very unlikely.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Centurión Hijo disagrees with several of his father's policies and measures, and could reform Argentina if he comes to power.

    Javier Milei
Role: Potential Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicano - Disidentesnote 
Ideology: Milei Thoughtnote 
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    Martín Llaryora
Role: Potential Head of State
Party: Partido Nacional Republicano - Perónistasnote 
Ideology: Peronismnote 
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