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Awesome / The Angry Birds Movie

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.
  • After Red's customer not only mocks him for explaining the treacherous journey he made to deliver his cake, but expects him to pay for not meeting a schedule change he had no way of knowing about, Red smashes the cake in his face and dresses him up as a clown.
  • The entire bird invasion scene. Admit it, long-time fans: You never thought you'd see that iconic slingshot on the big screen. Seeing the carnage players have been inflicting on the pigs ever since 2009 rendered beautifully in full 3D is an incredible nostalgia trip.
    • Red, Chuck and Bomb find the eggs, locked behind a heavily guarded door. Red starts planning to take out the guards with Bomb, but leaves Chuck out because he doubts he'll be able to do much. How does Chuck respond? By tossing a bucket of paint over the pigs, covering the pigs in their own weapons' ammunition, and framing a pig by a bucket of paint and a plunger gun in his hand... all in the span of a single second.
    • Bomb finally manages to explode on command, not only taking out the pigs' airstrip, but releasing a massive shockwave in the process, just like the Short Fuse chapter from the original game.
    • Red willingly hurling himself back into the castle and the waiting clutches of the pigs just to save a single egg that had fallen out of the net. And save it he does - by setting off the mountain of TNT stored underneath the castle.
    • Mighty Eagle, despite clearly being past his prime, decides to swoop in to save the eggs just when all hope seems lost, crashing through the castle roof while shouting his catchphrase. Though he fumbles quite a bit from being out of practice for so long, he ultimately saves the eggs. Just imagine what he was capable of in his glory days...
    • The attack is just one big Hoist By Their Own Petard moment for the pigs. Not only are the birds using the pigs' own invention against them, but Red may not have even had the idea to use the slingshot as a weapon in the first place if Leonard hadn't chosen to humiliate him by hurling him to kingdom come during the slingshot demo.
