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Awesome / Gwain Saga

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Episode 4

Episode 6

  • Savien shoots Luna off the train, completely catching her off guard and sending her tumbling off into the desert. For once, she doesn't leave the episode with a confident exit.
  • Geo willingly throws himself onto the train tracks, grasping onto the runaway train in an attempt slow it down with his weight.

Episode 7

  • Everything about the Marlow Vs Luna fight. From the fact that the AWE-INSPIRING Fight Chilly With Chili is blaring in the background, the showcase of just how many notches up the animation has taken, the amazing fight choreography, the fact that Luna very nearly bit the dust, and above all, the reveal of Energized Marlow. All of this in the span of three minutes.
  • Lanney's ascent up the statue of Gwain and her fight with Tahjin. She fights through most of Tahjin's batlings with liberal use of her Earth magic in a sequence reminiscent of side-scrolling beat-em-ups, and then takes out Jea with one hit. In her fight with Tahjin, she tanks as much damage as Geo would, and while she doesn't win the fight, she gives as good as she gets and leaves Tahjin visibly wounded and exhausted. Not to mention the sheer moxie needed to practically self destruct. Keep in mind, Lanney is not a fighter, having no training nor experience, and tends to be easily flustered and overwhelmed - and she still rises to the occasion and kicks some serious ass.

Episode 8

  • The entire episode is basically proof that Ami can handle herself on her own without Geo.
