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Nightmare Fuel / Gwain Saga

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Before The Series


Episode 1

  • Geo and Ami are almost killed in the forest by wolves.

Episode 2

  • Geo is almost killed by Gwain.

Episode 4

  • Geo and Marlow are almost killed by a gigantic worm monster.
  • Geo, again, is almost killed by Gwain.

Episode 6

  • It's implied that Geo is unable to use magical Teleporters to get around the kingdom. Due to his differing species and weakness to magic, it's not hard to imagine what could happen.
  • Geo enters a hijacked train to try and save Ami.
    • While on the train, the medium shifts into a Run-and-Gun. But, if these events are happening as they are portrayed, our normally Pacifist Geo is killing dozens of people.
      • Even if an argument could be made that those being 'killed' are simply being knocked out (even though we've seen the damage his gun can do), many of their bodies are left on the train, which promptly goes off a cliff.
  • In attempting to stop a train, Geo not only gets ran over by it, but pulls it so hard that he breaks his own arm.

Episode 7

Episode 8
