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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Are we really a 'young country'? In some ways, we're one of the oldest... ancient indigenous presence (the oldest human remains found are the 40,000 year old Mungo Man) and geographically it's one of the oldest places on earth...

  • To clarify, the phrase "young country" usually refers to the fact that Australia was Federated as a nation rather than a colony only at the beginning of the 20th century. "Young nation" would be a more accurate way to put it, but that's just not how the phrase worked out. However, you are right to acknowledge the indigenous for their own nation which came before the European occupation.

Viewer: ...not a single mention of Drop Bears. What's up with that?!

Scrounge: Added the note that koalas are never as vicious on TV or in movies as they apparently are in real life. If anyone out there has any koala bear horror stories, or wishes to stick up for the tufty-eared little savages, this might be the place to do it.

Morgan Wick: You sound like you have some of your own.

Looney Toons: He might just have kids.

Scrounge: I don't have either, actually, though I'm pretty sure I've worked retail long enough to have a healthy hatred of both.

Air Of Mystery: Koalas are always really sleepy when I've seen them. They're slightly more lethargic than the average housecat.

Randallw: If I can explain my recent edit. I'm Australian, as I said. I would support anything Menzies did actually our entry to WW 2 was also sucking up, and am myself a bit elitist towards the normal Australian population eg. I hate Vegemite, I don't drink alcohol, let alone beer, and I have zero interest in Australian Rules, and yet his sucking up to the mother country (England) and disparaging Australia pisses me off.

Ettin: And why do we need to know this?

Torri: back to Koalas how about their tenancy to blow up being walking eucalyptus oil bombs

Sabre Justice: Actually, koalas evolved into more or less the same niche as sloths. Due to a lack of predators that can climb trees, they can afford to be sleepy tree decorations. On the ground though...

Fast Eddie: too many quotes Please see Administrative Policy.
Like America, Australia has two or three important cities on the opposite coasts and a whole lot of nothing in between. What we call "Flyover Country", they call "The Outback".
America: The Book

A sick feeling of repugnance and apprehension grows in me as I near Australia.

— Diary of Sir Robert Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia, May 23, 1941

When I came to this land, all the God in me simply evapourated.

— Jellon Lamb, The Proposition

Come to Australia, you might accidentally get killed

— Scared Weird Little Guys try a tourism song

Just a note on the simpsons, the tabboo on women playing the digeridoo only applies to the traditionaly made ones, playing makeshift ones (such as ones made of a length of PVC piping) is not considered a tabboo, also, the gift store could just be trying to rip people off.

Grumman: Replaced this quote:
Australia is not without its dangers and every animal in the country can be classified as belonging to one or more of the three categories: Dangerous, Poisonous, and Sheep.
Make a Wish, chapter 33, by Rorschach's Blot
...with the quote that said author was ripping off.
I'm glad someone did mention the dropbears, that's some serious business that doesn't get reported enough. Don't take bush hiking lightly, tourists!
...more seriously, this reader gets the impression that, in the outdoors, someone from North America might be looking for the wrong hazards and things.

In North America, the poisonous snakes can be impressively large, but are for the most part (water moccasins excepted) not especially aggressive, and if one bites you, the bite may become gangrenous, and you could lose a limb, but you may not die. Australia's poisonous snakes are small, will chase you, and their venom will very likely kill you if you aren't treated with the appropriate antitoxin very quickly.

In North America, the largest spiders don't have much venom and it's the tiny spiders whose bite can kill. In Australia, there are funnelweb spiders bigger than tarantulas, with quite astonishingly nasty venom.

Australia doesn't have a lot of aggressive large predators, other than crocodiles.

Likely habits and habitats of local stinging or biting insects are not well known at all (I had to go to Wikipedia to verify that fire ants are found in some regions of Australia, for instance).

And so on.

Oh, and please forgive the American and Canadian tourists who try to convince you to say "a dingo ate my baby." They're the same ones who go to Ireland and try to get the locals to say "they're after me Lucky Charms."

MileRun: What would you guys think of a screencap of the Great War of the Australian Stereotypes (about9:45 here) as the page image?
Count Dorku: Quotes were getting excessive again, so I've put up a Quotes Wiki page.
Vampire Buddha: Removed a huge pile of natter:

    Don't do what Donny Don't does 

Churba: Erm, Why does the article state that most Australians don't know what the superbowl is? To introduce you to one of our sayings, Pigs arse. We know what the Superbowl is, thanks to the large amount of American media we get in the country, we just don't give a crap about it or the results thereof.
