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Would like to point out, just for the record, that as a rule diabetes is not contracted or caused by excessive sugar consumption. True, Type II Diabetes (which actually IS caused by quite insanely poor diet and/or general old age) is the fastest growing form, however Type I (which I have) is genetic. As far as I understand, it is \'partially\' genetic, in that you can have a genetic predisposition towards it but not actually be 100% BANG! gotcha guaranteed to get it.
Would like to point out, just for the record, that as a rule diabetes is not contracted or caused by excessive sugar consumption. True, Type II Diabetes (which actually IS caused by quite insanely poor diet and/or general old age) is the fastest growing form, however Type I (which I have) is still the most common. As far as I understand, Type I is \\\'partially\\\' genetic, in that you can have a genetic predisposition towards it but not actually be 100% BANG! gotcha guaranteed to get it.