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[=Mister CPC=] just added Clawhauser's reassignment as an example of ShooOutTheClowns:

* ShooOutTheClowns: He gets PutOnABus (or in this case, reassigned to a different part of the station) during the final third of the film, just as things get their most serious. He doesn't appear again until after the climax as he gets his old position back.

For one thing, even if I thought this example was valid I'd say it's not really a character trope and belongs on the main page. But I don't even think it's valid.

ShooOutTheClowns is getting funny characters out of the picture to keep them from getting in the way of dramatic scenes. Clawhauser wouldn't really have had a part to play in the ensuing action even if he wasn't reassigned, so I don't think that applies. I think his reassignment was meant more as a GutPunch, and also serving an expository purpose of showing that the political situation in Zootopia was starting to go sour for predators (in a way which is not terribly severe, but implies that things are steadily going in the wrong direction and will probably eventually get much worse if something doesn't change soon).

I know that GutPunch and ShooOutTheClowns can overlap, but again, I don't think ShooOutTheClowns applies at all since there was nothing dramatic that would logically have involved him had he not been gotten out of the way, and which his presence would have clashed with the drama of. I just don't think this is an example at all.
EDIT: wrong thread.