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Live Blogs A (positive) Re-Read of Fallout Equestria and Side Stories.
Seraphem2014-05-22 16:09:16

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Chapter 6: Staring Contest with the Abyss.

Another pretty obvious quote to start this one off.

“’There must be some kind of way out of here.’ Said the Joker to the Thief.” – Bob Dylan

Given, you know their whole issue now is finding a way out of the complex and the town as a whole. Likely there are even more things that someone could see in it, but that's the obvious ones.

We start with Rose complaining about how she always hated it when she was reading an otherwise action packed pirate story, and suddenly mid-action the pirates all started getting touchy feelly and dealing with their thoughts and emotions. Reflecting that because of this, she should know better then to do the same, to fall apart and get all 'thinky' right now when there were bigger issues at hand.

Okay this bit, the whole 'whiny pirates' is something. Yeah, something. I kind of see what she's going for, and it's better emphasized by the chapter itself. Stories slowing down, going more internal. Dealing more with the characters reactions to events, seeing what a character is feeling, thinking, rather then focusing on what is going on. And in her case, getting annoyed with the character for acting like that rather then just getting on with the action.

A not unfounded complaint. Sometimes getting overly 'thinky' can ruin a story. Make it come off to convoluted, to pompous, to much an intelligible mess of an art house 'film' that no one really understands but everyone knows is 'so deep'. But as she's about to learn, not an unrealistic turn. So long as it's kept to a limit. It's times like this. Where things are getting turned upside down. Everything you knew is getting swept away, and things are looking their worst that you do need to look inside. Need to figure out what to do, who you are, what you want, how to deal with things. But yes, at the same time not get so up your own plot about it that you come off whiny, or stand around doing nothing but inner monologue. it's a balance. (One that this story hits quite well.)

Now I get the impression there is something else to the whole 'whiny pirate' thing. Something I should be seeing and/or talking about that I'm not, but since I'm not, really got nothing more to add.

Her thinkiness turns to Misty. How he knows something. Not sure if he's in the exact same boat as her, or maybe a native to this time who got the same drive and visions as her. But either way, she's sure he knows more about this and isn't telling her. Okay... why? What makes her so sure he knows more about what's going on? Yeah he's obviously been in the wastes longer and knows more about the world then her. Has been dealing with this at least somewhat longer. But what makes it so completely clear he knows something big she doesn't? And not simply knows the same as her, but doesn't want to admit it?

The reactions of the ponies on either side of her finally gets to the mare as she demands one of them explain what is going on. Why so many ponies seem so dedicated to protecting her. Misty trying to give a completely bullshit, pat, no one would ever fall for it cliche of an answer. In a way that makes it even clearer he's pulling it out of his plot. Leaving it to Rose to try and explain. To make her believe that they were telling the truth. Form a connection. And the first step, is finding out the mysterious fillies name.

Strawberry Lemonade

Aaaaand.. my jaw hit the desk at THAT reveal. Quick refresher for those that don't remember her from the original Fallout Equestria. (Yes spoilers, but honestly, why are you reading this story before FOE if you care about spoilers?) Strawberry was one of the Steel Rangers Littlepip encountered. One of the good ones. The ones who joined Steelhooves in forming the Applejack Rangers. Serving as his second in command and taking over after his death. Ultimately leading the troops protecting the Gardens of Equestria from Enclave assault in the Battle of Dragon Mountain. Giving her life to do so.

So yeah, pretty important, though minor player in the events of the original. Helping to form the AJ Rangers and unite them. Get them set up to repel the assaults from the (*insert string of expletives that would make R Lee Ermey proud*) Steel Rangers. While still doing what the Rangers were founded to do, what they were meant to do. Save ponies. Ultimately leading the battle to protect Equestria's greatest hope of ever recovering, giving her life to keep The Gardens safe. Without ever knowing just what it was she was fighting and dying for. Only having faith in Littlepip's word that it was worth it.

I was wondering if we would ever actually learn who this mare was, and how long the story would keep that fact from us. Trying to figure out just who it could be. What mare could have had such an impact on the story to warrant this. Was this some new character? One we find out had some big impact on the Wastes, helped in some way but we'd never heard of? Or was she not even a pony that had a direct part to play in Littlepip's journey at all? And couldn't figure out any that had a big enough part to be worth the effort fate is going to to save her. While having little enough backstory that this would fit in as a possible one. Never would have guessed this was who she was, but it fits. There is clear reasons why she is important. And yet, the story doesn't make her TOO important. Doesn't try to overshadow the original, rather it compliments it. Like with the line from chapters ago, about how the world needs background ponies.

As far as Strawberry's story would be concerned, that's what Rose is. A background pony. A pony that is there, plays a part, but isn't a major role. Isn't remembered. Just, there. important, but not in the spot light. Same for Strawberry and the original. Granted she's a few ranks above mere 'background' pony. But still a relatively minor character. Who nonetheless did have an important effect on the world. I love this reveal. It is something I never would have seen coming. Fits in perfectly with everything we know about the story, the original story, and with the whole theme and feel of the current story. And does nothing but add even more dimensions to the already complex world of The Wastes, without actually changing anything major.

Okay enough gushing about how great I find this reveal.

Rose decides to be honest with Strawberry, tell her the real reason why she's so important. Simply put, Rose has no bucking clue why, only that she is important. That she must be saved and if she tries to go down and rescue the other foals, they will all die.

She tries to cover more, say something convincing, but was being distracted by the sight of a group of foals led by Twinkle beating the shit out of the nurse. Twinkle getting ready to curb stomp his jaw to pieces as Rose rushes towards them, yelling for them to stop.

Okay my first reaction here was that, while brutal, what they were doing was rather understandable. But very stupid. Yeah, after what they had just went through, had nearly had happen. Taking out that fear, that anger, all of the pain and rage on the only tormentor left is, while not 'right', at least normal. The stupid part came in with how it seemed they were just beating him for the sake of it, and possibly either trying to, or might accidentally kill him. Stupid, because he's possibly their best source for information on how to get the out of there and finding out what was going on.

Next the curb stomping. First reaction to that was "No, just no, can't buy it." First, even for how things are, that's a tad on the brutal side, going just a bit to far. But second was how that would be impossible and just not able to be physically done. A pony as tiny, if fierce, as Twinkle being strong enough to do that? Granted I was thinking the goal was something a LOT more fatal then what it was. Just going for messing up his jaw and teeth, yeah that I'd buy, but still pretty damn dark for them to do. Even with wanting to lash out being justified, doing it like that is to calculating to be JUST rage. To deliberate.

And in fact, it was. Turns out it wasn't stupid, because Twinkle wasn't beating him just to beat him, but was trying to get him to open up and tell her something he apparently didn't want to. Was trying to use him for the information I was talking about. So, brutal but does make sense. And can go on and on about getting information like this and all. but we've all heard those debates. Was what she did right" Oh buck no. Understandable? yes. Only way thing might have gone down? Again no. Though all it was was a number. Nine, and the fact they wouldn't be waking up for about two hours. Given what comes later, it's likely talking about some guards or something to that effect. Twinkle passing Rose, the two sharing a long glance that Rose didn't quite understand, but made her feel very uncomfortable.

I guess it’s cause, ‘till then, I’d kinda thought that, in fighting for our freedom, that maybe we were fighting for something bigger - that this was about more than just survival.

That goodness? That purity of heart that the Priestess had rounded us up so cruelly to destroy all symbolic-like? I really thought it was worth taking a stand for. Hell, with all the weird twisty-turny bits that fate seemed like to pull with us, I’d even gotten the idea that defending the ideal of innocence (or whatever you wanna call it) might even have been my whole reason for being there.

Not sure what more to really say. Yeah, her thinking she might be fighting for something more, something grander. It makes sense, and it's how a lot of people, especially younger one might think. Because that's how it is in stories. At least the kind most younger people know. It feels right. But yeah, not even close to realistic. Especially because things like that are, rather nebulous. Ideals like that are so varied, mean so much. You can defend your idea of something like that, but, it's something to large, to varied. Means too many things to everyone to really be fought for. To be something you can 'save'. But, it does show a lot of Rose's thoughts. And does have quite a bit of meaning to her at least.

But I was wrong. The Universe just dishes out the whats. We make up our own whys.

Pretty much this. Things can mean a different 'why' to everybody. Different meaning. And as an aside, I really REALLY loved this line, not just for what it's saying in the story, not just what Rose is thinking of. But because of just how much I agree with that sentiment as a whole. Even more so if you replace 'universe' with 'story'.

And then, the story that's already trying to make me tear up and gouge a hole in my heart just for having to see Rose go through this, twists the knife a little further into my chest.

It turned out all that sunshine and rainbows stuff was already dead.

Ouch. Just, it's bad enough seeing her losing her hope, losing that sense of there being good out there, starting to be beaten down and just, sliding into that darkness. But using those words, those perfectly chosen words. Ones that make perfect sense for her to be saying even without the connection. But knowing what more those words mean for the world she's in as a whole, and seeing her give up on them. Just, ouch.

The thoughts start to pass, followed by her wondering if her and Twinkle were still friends after what had just happened. Even though nothing really happened between them, just the body language, and Twinkle's single line to Rose.

“I’m sorry.” She sighed at long last. “I never said I was one of the good ones too.”

This. Oh boy this. Really, just elaborating a bit from above. What is 'good'?

As she tries to puzzle things out, she notices the 'hornets' in her head were dying down. The ones that were pushing her to stop Strawberry from going below, telling her she'd die if she did. Trying to make her stop it. Realizing as she turned to look at her talking to Twinkle and Misty, that it was thanks to whatever information Twinkle had just beaten out of the nurse. Whatever it was was letting Strawberry figure out a plan of escape that might actually work, making Rose a tad sick at such an act being rewarded.

Survival rewards the ruthless. I would have preferred the hornet’s nest to having to face that cold, awful realization.


But as I stood there, watching my friends hammer out a plan, pointing at screens and dials and things on the console...I wondered if we had anything left that was even worth fighting for.

Okay, this, is going a tad thick on the despair and shattering of hope and all. At least in verse. But again understandable. Given the life Rose is used to, seeing things go this far, yeah it's going to be overwhelming, hard to see the good there is that is still left. To even want to see it. So yeah, this comes off as her just exaggerating somewhat, to herself at least. Getting overwhelmed and just seeing the bad as even worse then it is, more pervasive. Not for reasons that don't make sense, but that do start to come off a little too melodramatic. Not badly yet, but starting down that road.

Though she herself seems to realize this, seeing that she'd become something she hated. A Whiny Pirate. (Yeah already covered the 'whiny pirate' thing earlier.) Putting her own inner issues, her own worries and sappy concerns over something as vague as ideals over the very real, very dangerous, and very time sensitive mission.

While she realizes she needs to focus more on that, she also quickly realizes she has little clue what the ponies making the plans were talking about and couldn't help there. Instead doing something else she felt she had to do, as much as she didn't want to. Talk to the Nurse. She pulls the foals still kicking and beating on him off and tells them to join the group, waiting till they were alone to try and get his attention.

At first horrified in her own way when he flinches back from her in fear, never having seen ANY pony actually terrified of her before. And that thought not sitting well with her. Realization dawning on her. He was completely at her mercy. And he knew it.

I could do anything I wanted to him.

Avenge every kid who’d ever passed through his “Nurse’s Office.” Kiss his boo-boos. Chew on his eyeballs just to find out what eyeballs tasted like. Anything!

First that last thing. Here, while not the same level of levity as some other lines that serve to diffuse some of the tension (like earlier while Twinkle was beating up the nurse, Rose calling her. "My friend, the Pink Microscopic Unicorn of Doom,") it is a tiny bit. But also, illustrates just how different some things can come off, how much better certain phrases, words, actions, etc... can seem when coming from foals. How the story uses the fact it's told by a foal, and about a foal to it's advantage, and keeps things feeling like this. That last phrase, if it was a grown up thinking them, would have come off a lot more horrifying. Would have been something they might actually be considering, that they would realize the horror of it. But from a foal? it's not. It's just something, that while horrifying to think about, doesn't really hold the weight because it's not her actually considering ever doing it. It's just an idle disgusting idea a foal would have. Something they'd never think of actually doing, but that just sounds really sick and gross.

But, the bigger thing, is what she does with that power, that knowledge. She doesn't abuse it, doesn't hurt him. Instead, simply asks him a single question. Why?

Sadly, we don't actually learn anything major about what is going on. Other then yeah it is one really fucked up cult, that at least the lower ranked members sincerely believe they are doing the right thing. They worship a god named Baal, and somehow that is the only thing keeping the town alive and functional since the mines ran out. How he fully believes that sending the foals to die is a good thing, that it's the greatest thing that can ever happen to them. Being consumed by Baal being utter bliss, and clearly upset he was to old when things started to do so himself. Rose getting upset at this, trying to point out shes SEEN the bodies, and they hardly looked like they were at peace. The nurse rebutting that with how one of the sacred scrolls says the body is just the vessel, and you shouldn't pay attention to the condition it was in after Baal had taken their spirit. Yeah, not getting much out of him.

But Rose does get something else out of it, more horror at herself and what she's becoming. Midway through she reacts out of anger, grabbing the nurses mane and shaking his head in frustration, stopping the instant she realizes it and horrified at herself. Again something that while easy to see why she'd do it. Also easy to see why she would have issues with her doing it. But she also just sees the negative. Only the bad parts of it. Yeah acting like that, little 'good' in it. But, there is in her reaction. Yes she lost control, let her anger take control for a moment, but there's not anything about that that make her bad. With all the stress, the fear, everything she's been through over the last few hours, especially with being a foal and not fully developed her own self control. Acting out is perfectly understandable. She hates that some part of her enjoyed that. Again nothing wrong with that. It's natural. After everything she went through, being able to vent that rage and fear, to take some control back. Yeah some part of you is going to enjoy that,

But the bigger thing is how she acted once she realized this. She stopped. She acted without thinking about it, just let a surge of emotion overwhelm her. But all she did was give a pony a few shakes, and then instantly stopped herself when she realized what was happening, and felt bad about it. Regrets it. She lost control, but is still, at her core, a good pony.

Though one issue with the scene. Upon hearing their gods name, Rose rather sarcastically quips to herself. " What? Was “The Great De-Innocentizer of Souls” taken?" Which okay, good line, and makes sense. The issues comes a few line later, when the Nurse refers to Baal as just that. Now the name, in and of itself isn't bad. Stupid, and rather lame yes. But that's the point. And without knowing more about what's going on, can't really say much about it as a whole. The issue is Rose coming up with that name on her own, and then the Nurse using that same one, and.. no reaction. it just feels weird. Not even a "wait, they really DO call him that?" or anything. Hell, just on it's own, I thought Rose was simply substituting in that name for Baal on her own. Not that it was the Nurse really saying that. The nurse really was saying Baal, and Rose just preferred to use her own name for him in the retelling. But Word of God is he really did say those words. Just comes off as a stretch that she'd know the exact name. But one that given it's about how lame that name is. It could work, just not without some reaction from Rose to her sarcastic idea actually being true. For another SF Debris qoute (Though this own not from PMMM)

How sad is it that the master villain's name, is derived from sarcasm

Now, that's apparently what the point is. That his name is that pathetic, so it works. (Though will have to wait to learn more about the whole thing to really have any major thoughts.) So that bit, not only works, but could even add to Baal's being so stupid and pathetic. The real issue in that case, is the lack of any recognition from Rose when the nurse lets her know she was right. That's all it really would have needed to be a lot better IMO. Some "wait, that really IS his name?" making clear it's supposed to be lame. Rather then as it comes off, just a really odd coincidence that comes off like something completely different.

Also with coincidences, is Rose referring to where the other foals are being kept as The Great Below. Only for the nurse to reveal, that is ALSO their name for it, and again no reaction. (Though word of god on this one is it was a mistake and she wasn't supposed to call it that.)

She rejoins the rest of the foals just as Misty was telling them the plan. Noting how odd it was he was the one every foal was listening to, given most of them hated him, and none of them trusted him after that way he'd acted. But of the core of the 'leaders', the ones that were taking charge, he was really the only one to give a speech. Strawberry was to shy, not wanting to be in the spotlight. And Rose figured Twinkle wasn't quite right given her being covered in blood, and likely to start just cursing and swearing a lot. Rose not even considering of herself as an option.

The plan is pretty simplistic, and it's clear it's just more a general idea of a plan rather then something solid. but Misty does a good job selling it. Strawberry would start the recordings of the Priestess' speech on every monitor she could. Distracting most of the ponies in the building by getting them to watch it. While using her computer access to order any remaining guards away from their escape route while they sneak away. Even commenting how they had a few ponies that were to weak to make it on heir own, and they needed some ponies to carry them. How they had to stick together and not leave anypony behind. Making rose wonder if that vision they shared had knocked some compassion into him.

He ends the speech, and gets the foals to agree to it by bringing up Rose. Saying it would work because it was Rose Petal approved. She was a ninja who had dealt with all those cloak-o's and was the one that got them out of their cages. Of course they'd be able to escape with Rose helping. Rose herself feeling uncomfortable about being put on the spot, but smart enough to see it was a good idea to play along. She does so rather badly, in a very amusing way. But she at least tries, and it's enough to spur the foals into motion.

As they get set, dividing up the load of carrying the ones who couldn't walk. Rose was amazed at how well Misty was handling this. How eager he was to help, and wondering if she'd misjudged him, if he was one of the good ones. Right up until he whispers to her, that if they get caught, she and him should run in the opposite direction of the rest of the group. Leave the ones slowed down by carrying others behind to get caught while they escaped on their own. While we don't get a reaction to this from her. We do get her trying to talk to him about their apparently shared vision and mission, and him deflecting the question like he didn't understand, then disappearing into the crowd.

While everypony else was ready to move out, Strawberry was still at the computer, still trying to break into the system. It seems that Misty might have talked up what she could do a bit to much. While she could reassign the guards patrols with the thing, she hadn't been able to hack in far enough to do so. Getting frustrated, angry, demanding that she be given the time to do so. All the while the hornets in Roses head getting louder, telling her they needed to move. Even Twinkle agreeing that sticking around any longer was a stupid idea. But Strawberry wouldn't hear of it.

She turned to us all, panting. Frazzled. On the verge of tears. I’d clearly missed something. Twinkle and I exchanged confused glances.

Strawberry was having a totally different argument than the rest of us, and it was definitely not about tech. Twinkle and I exchanged confused glances.

No Strawberry's issue had nothing to do with the computer, with trying to make things better, with getting the guards out of the way. No this is going right back to that theme running through the story. The one of choice. Of Control. She had been under somepony else's control her whole life. And now, there were still ponies trying to control her. Misty and Rose trying to save her, but only because she was some piece in some cosmic game. Everypony trying to tell her what to do. She wanted to take control, to have a final say for once. And this is a flip side of the beauty of taking what control you can of a situation in which you seemingly have none. Yes doing so can lead to hope, to finding a way through that darkness. But when it builds and builds like this. It can lead to these situations. Desperately taking control of anything, not because it's what you really want. Not because of coming to some understanding, some mindset that puts you in control of some facet of your life. But simply lashing out and grabbing onto something, anything that you can control and holding tight. No matter how badly that might turn out. Even when people are right in telling you not to do it. Ignoring them simply because it's our choice. And right or wrong you are going to make it. You WILL have control over this.

And we learn, that not only was Strawberry taken and enslaved as a foal, but that it wasn't even by the Cloak-o's they were just the latest. And worse, he was sold into slavery by her parents. As was Twinkle

All right, this... this is a bit of a stretch for me to buy. Yeah it's harsh, and the Wastes are quite dark but, this feels so wrong. Even at their worst, I couldn't see anypony in the Wastes doing this short of outright raiders. Just casually doing this. And not one, but at least two of the foals? There has to be more to the story then this. I really cant say to much without knowing the details. Maybe they had to, they had no choice for some reason. It wasn't selling her, but that's how Strawberry views it. There's little enough known, and what little is from the recollections of a foal whose spent a long time suffering since then. So just outright. "here's our kid now give us money" I can't see that happening save for some really REALLY extreme cases. Something that might lead a foal to think that's what's going on. Possibly. Just, curious what the exact details were. But the worst case just feels, to horrible even for The Wastes.

Rose accepts this. That there was no way they would get her to leave. Misty however tries to get more forceful, and while she was making it even clearer that she wasn't going, a bit of well timed percussive maintenance ends up getting her the access she was trying for. Just as they all see exactly why waiting was a bad idea as the patrolling guard she'd talked about earlier comes into the room and starts screaming, rushing for the ponies around the computer.

And that knife the story was twisting a bit earlier? Here, it rotates it a full 180 and then slams it deeper in. Right to the pommel I think. The guard wasn't rushing to attack the foals, but rather rushing to the body of Skull Stomper. Screaming in grief and sadness over it. Ignoring anything but the lose of his loved one. Rose knowing that once he noticed them, things might go badly, trying to get the rest to run. Only for Misty to pick up one of the guns the first guards had and kill the weeping pony.

This.. this scene.... So short. So simple. And yet, so powerful, so moving. So... incredible, and yet depressing, and heart-wrenching, and saddening... and all over a pony that seems to be little better then a raider. These ponies were doing horrible things. Killing foals regularly, sacrificing them to some... thing. And yet, they aren't just soulless monsters. While it might be something you could work out. Something that you'd know in your head. This make it hit home, really just drives it though, in the saddest, most disturbing way possible. We saw from the nurse how it seems many ponies here have been told this isn't wrong. They feel they are doing something right, that joining with Baal is the greatest gift they can give to the foals. And above, we saw what looked like a perfectly normal couple. Who were terrified of Rose. They are ponies, they have lives, loved ones, families. What is going on in this town, is wrong, there is no denying how wrong it is. But, the ones above, are they really evil? How much do they even know?

Yes whatever pony set this up, the ones that know what is going on, like the Priestess most likely. They are evil. But the rest? the Guards? While not innocent by any means. Guilty of aiding in horrible acts. They are still ponies. There is still something good in them. Normally, killing any of them needed on the way out would be perfectly justified. And still is. But just, meaningless. Here, it has meaning. Deep, sad, touching, and heartwrenching meaning.

And the scene. Two ponies we shouldn't care about, we should hate for what they are doing. And, with that one scene, the story (For lack of a better word.) humanizes them to much to just see as faceless mooks. As canon fodder. And does so for the rest as well. How many of the Cloak-o's are guilty of nothing more then believing the lies? Are being used by Baal and it's minions? How many are going to suffer for it, when all they want is to live a safe life with their family? Are some of them evil? Likely. Is what they are doing insanely fucked up? Oh yes. And yet, that doesn't mean that they are all evil. Yes the guard's "He never hurt a soul" thing is clearly not true. Just an emotional outburst from somepony who just lost his beloved. But it shows there is more to them then just the evil in this place. And then, Misty just puts him down without a second thought. And yet, it's not really wrong on his part either. He was a threat. And yet to respond so coldly. But even still after what they were trying to do. It makes things so incredibly complex.

This scene just, it is, so powerful, so hard to talk about with a clear head. Just so... good, in a really painful way. And all in just a single page. This is, this is beyond my words to convey just how powerful this one little scene is.

With that reminder of their utter lack of safety the group heads out. Rose noting how the passage the were sneaking down was really short, and she could have galloped down it in 'ten seconds flat' *Facepalm* but noting that when you have this many hooves, and everypony is trying to be very quite, it takes much longer. Silence being required as they were passing right under a room they could hear other ponies moving around in. And though Rose doubted they could hear any of the tiny sounds the foals were making over the noise of their own hoofsetps on the creaky floorboards nopony wanted to risk it. Going on about how they stuck together, huddle as tight as they could to each other while walking.

That herd mentality that made us slaves - that kept us from acting out - that had kept us docile and stupid in the face of yellow painted lines on concrete? It also saved our flanks, (ashamed as I am to say it).

It's that almost certain death thing. All it took was somepony to come along and say, "Hay! I have a plan. Follow me and everything is gonna be okay."

And just like that, we went from the weepy, whiny, soggy-upper-lip kind of pirates to the awesome, super-cool yarrrrrr kind of pirates. We did it cause when we looked around, it’s what everypony else was doing.

Okay there are two things being talked about that have come up, but the story seems to be putting the two together, treating them as the same thing. the 'herd mentality' line and the 'almost certain death thing'. Those are both unique issues, not one in the same. Though they are both at work, the way it's worded here makes it come of as they are both the same thing almost. Might just be an issue with the wording.

The almost certain death thing I already covered. The Herd mentality bit, another good point. And right here the story shows how it can be both good, and bad. It made the foals more accepting of walking to their deaths, because they weren't alone, they were just going with the group. Everypony else was behaving, so they would to. And here, keeping them together. Being brave because everyone else is. Even earlier when they were all singing. It was together, united. But soon as Rose was separated from them, put on her own. She started to crack. It's easy to be strong when you have others to support you. Harder when you are all on your own. But that strength in numbers, as said. is a two edge blade. It can be quite powerful, but for both good and ill.

And even beyond the foals. Along with the last scene. Another bit of how it could be a bad thing. How many of the cloak-o's are only along because everypony else is? Simply following the herd? Lead to believe this is right, and since everypony else believes it, it must have some rightness to it. They aren't evil (that we know of) just indifferent. And that's something that applies to the Wastes as a whole. It's not ponies not caring. It's nopony wanting to stand up, stand out from the herd and be noticed. Face the darkness alone. Be that first one to try and light the candle to hold back the darkness. But once Littlepip did that. Stood up on her own, gave them somepony to look up to and showed them it could be done. How many ponies turned right around, started helping, doing what was right, fighting back? All they needed was a little help. Really interesting other way to look at things. Quite good bit here.

Rose and Twinkle bring up the rear. Rose feeling a chill not from any wind, an unshakeable feeling that there is something behind them, following them. Hiding in the shadows. The feeling only getting worse as she stops Twinkle and asks if they were still friends. The tiny unicorn saying she doesn't know. Rose feeling even worse for that, blaming herself for being so judgmental. For taking issue with Twinkle attacking the nurse, yelling at her to stop. But Twinkle goes on, making clear that isn't the case. Rather Twinkle isn't sure, not because of her feelings for Rose. But rather she also thinks there's no way Rose could still want to be friends with her. Rose is one of 'the good ones', and in her own words. Twinkle sees herself as a fuck-up. She'd do what she did to the nurse again if she had to. And she doesn't know if Rose could be friends with a pony like that.

And Rose, is herself uncertain. This whole bit, again really well done. You'd expect the whole "Of course we're still friends" since each one wants to be friends still, they just don't think the other one does. But, Twinkle has a good point. What she did, it horrified Rose. And knowing what else the tiny foal could do? Rose is really questioning if she COULD handle being friends with a pony that would do that.

The group was getting further away, Twinkle trying to catch up while Rose stood there, frozen in doubt and worry. That cold sensation, the feeling of there being something out there behind her getting stronger. Looking back she sees one of the lights flicker off, certain that she saw movement in the shadow. Something there, not a pony, but something. The fear, and cold and dread welling up inside her. Just overwhelmed with dread. Knowing there was something horrible out there in the darkness just waiting to spring out and grab her.

She turns and tries to catch up to the group needing that comfort, needing somepony near her. Catching up to Twinkle easily, while the tiny foal was having a hard time catching up to the rest of the group. Rose thinking more about her, and about herself. leading to...

This was ridiculous. I had enough. Maybe we couldn't agree to agree on everything that was ever gonna happen. Maybe we’d even have serious fights over our unique takes on morals and violence and stuff like that, but this was just stupid. My whole life I’ve been terrified of being a burden on everypony else. And the little pony inside my head was screaming at me to hang back. To let her go on like this, just in case it might be awkward. But I didn’t care. I just couldn’t stand to watch it anymore.

Twinkle shuffled on, grinding her teeth, cursing under her breath, and falling slowly, slowly behind. Then her hooves found themselves scraping away at nothing - walking on thin air. Below her belly, she found me and my big head.

I didn't say a word. Neither did Twinkle. She just closed her eyes and hugged the back of my neck as she perched on me. Some apologies only get ruined when you open your yap and try to talk through ‘em.

And even though the light's flickered off again behind them before Rose caught up to the rest of the group. This time, there was nothing there. Just ordinary shadows, nothing hiding in the darkness to grab her.

And more reason why this story is so amazing. First Rose and Twinkle. Neither just giving the expected "you silly of course we're friends" even after Rose figures out that she still wants to be with her, but doesn't think Rose wants to. That it's a case of both of them misjudging what the other wants. That should be the end. But it's not. Because as said. Twinkle had a point. Rose wasn't sure she could be friends with a pony like that.

Rose is still new to true friendship. Still doesn't quite get the complexities. Still thinking of just the shallow, simply like to hang out with you sometimes but won't be there for you when it counts type friendship she had with Blueberry. So it's not quick. But soon enough she realizes, it doesn't matter. Yes her and Twinkle have different ideas on things. Don't agree. Have vastly different moralities. But not so much so they couldn't get along. So what if they fight about it? Disagree? Doesn't mean they can't still be friends regardless? And the way they make up. Not a word said. Just both instantly knowing the same thing, one tiny gesture being all that was needed. So beautiful. And because it wasn't just an instant forgive and forget, but something Rose had to struggle with, think about. That she actually stopped to consider it. Coming to the conclusion she does just makes it feel more genuine.

And then the, whatever it was in the shadows. First time through was thinking it was some sending, some manifestation of Baal. Or whatever that thing under the city is. If there even is anything. I loved how creepy it was, how it effected Rose. (Then again I also love the Dresden Files, and what she was going through was textbook for encountering an Outsider so yeah, scary as fuck.) But then, once she makes up, it's gone. Was it ever really there? Or was it all in her head? Just her pain and loneliness, all the evil and darkness she's faced since coming to the Wastes. All just getting to her. And once she has her friend back, knows she hasn't lost her. That one little spark of hope being enough to push those fears and doubts aside. Which would also fit in nicely with the bits in this chapter about the Herd mentality. About being stronger as a group, even if it's only a group of two. While still leaving it open that it just might be something more. Something that preyed off that fear.

Thoughts-Not much more to say. A lot of call backs or more exploring themes already set up in the work, as well as adding another one, the whole herd mentality bit. Already talked about all the big stuff. But the Title. Staring into the abyss. We all know the second half to that, and it is rather appropriate here. That could be seen to be exactly what Rose was doing at the end. Staring into the abyss. Not an external one, but an internal abyss of darkness, loneliness, pain, hopelessness. Something she's been dealing with since she arrived. And Twinkle, Strawberry, all the foals have their own inner darkness to deal with. Their own abyss. While the Cloak-o's too. Since as we saw, they aren't all evil, heartless, mooks. They are ponies. Have lives, loved ones. Aren't just pure evil. But they too stared into an abyss, and fell into it. Becoming what they are, allowing foals to be sacrificed for their own welfare.

And that Mystery deepens. What really is going on hear? What is under the town? Who or what is Baal. How did this start? So many questions, and every answer just leads to others. But always feeling like ti's going somewhere. So yeah, another brilliant, thought provoking chapter.

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