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Live Blogs Bring the popcorn and watch me fumble! It's the Persona 3 FES playthrough!
Phoenixor2012-06-10 09:16:12

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In which depressing RANKU UPS happen

Well, that was one heck of an update. First full moon down, mid-terms looming on the horizon and a ton of other things. Well, without further ado, let's get back into the action!

First things first, it's a Sunday and that means TANAKA! This time he's selling a Giga Power Band for around 3,000 yen. As we have more money than we know what to do with, let's get that! After that time spent staring mindlessly at the screen, I head off back to bed, since the full moon tired poor Minato out. Junpei stops us outside of school, apparently pretty psyched that we managed to stop the Shadow and save the monorail. I like this patting on the back on my game's behalf. Makes me feel like I accomplished something big. In class we're reminded that mid-terms (ohgodohgodohgod) start next Monday, but also given the opportunity to get some shut-eye. As we need all the knowledge we can get, I choose to stay awake. As it turns out, this was a pretty good idea, since the knowledge boost turns our academics from slacker to Average! Woo, more knowledge. Since the votes came in and we'll be romancing Mitsuru (much to my girlfriend's delight) we can use all the knowledge we can get.

After school I head over to the station to get some takoyaki (or however you spell it) from Octopia and some Mad Bull from the vending machine in our dorm. Why we're doing this will become clear in time, don't worry. When we get home, we are asked by Mitsuru to check out some of the equipment in the command room. Since the vending machine is on the way, I figure I might as well see what's up with it. In the command room we find that one of the surveillance cameras turned itself on earlier, so we're given an option to check out the video. By saying yes we're treated to Ikutsuki's reports on our recent battle with the Priestess. However, this quickly turns into a series of hilarious puns. Well, I found them hilarious. Your Mileage May Vary and all that. Anyway, there isn't a whole lot else to do this evening, so studying it is. The thing about this week before exams is that we really don't have a whole lot to do. Most of our social links aren't available, so we're confined to studying or doing other things like Tartarus. Oh well, just for to get through these two weeks and we'll be free again.

The next day we chat with Yukari before school, who is pretty happy that there are fewer cases of Apathy Syndrome over the last few days. We tell her that our efforts paid off, which makes her happy. After school I decide to head over to the mall, since the Police Station will likely have some more stuff for us. Sure enough, we're able to buy some more stuff for Minato, Junpei and Yukari, so I decide to grab a sword each for Junpei and myself. Yukari's new bow has no better damage and lower accuracy than her old one, so I decide to pass on that in favour of some better shoes for old Minato. As we head into the Velvet Room, we're told that the Persona Compendium has become available! This nifty little thing lets us register our Personas and pull them out of the Compendium (for a small fee, of course) if they get used up in fusions. VERY helpful. There are also some new requests, including one which we've already completed. Handing that one in gives us a new type of armour, the High-Cut armour. New costume for Yukari, it looks like. Cool!

After that shopping trip I decide to head on into the used book shop. We find Bunkichi cleaning up the shop with his wife, but it seems that he's missing something. He's looking for his wallet, as it turns out, so we offer to help him look for it. As we look around, we're interrupted by... FAN GUY?! I thought you'd died or something? Where have you been for the past month?! Anyway, he found Bunkichi's wallet outside and decided to pop in and see if it belonged to him. Nice guy. After handing it back, he asks if we're the new transfer student that everyone's chatting about. We say it's nice to meet him, to which he responds that he's a transfer student, come all the way from France. His name: Andre Laurent Jean Geraux. Yeah, let's just call this guy Andre, shall we? Apparently people call him "Bebe"... We say that it's nice to meet him, much to his happiness. See? Politeness gains allies from all corners of the world. Ah, that's why we haven't seen him around. He is normally in the Home Economics Room after school. With him gone Bunkichi reveals why he wanted the wallet: it has the key to his son's car in it. Mitsuko urges Bunkichi not to do this, afraid that he'll kill himself... Ah, I think I see what killed their son. Hoo boy... Bunkichi and Mitsuko spell out what I was thinking. Their son got killed by a drunk driver on his drive home from work. Well, pdam sure wasn't lying when she said this social link got depressing! But hey, rank up, so there's that, I guess? Maybe?

Yeah I'm just gonna go watch something cheerful for a bit. I'll return to you when my left eye stops watering uncontrollably.

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