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Live Blogs An exercise in masochism: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Hard Mode
SCBracer2011-10-27 04:12:11

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Prologue: Under Grey Skies

We see our protagonist, Micaiah, for the first time as she's handily rescued by Sothe from a group of soldiers (one of whom sounds like a pimp). Sothe also happens to be a thief, though he doesn't seem very good at the whole sneaking around, not being seen thing.

We are later introduced to the battlefield (and Sothe is MIA), and our first couple of characters, Edward and Micaiah!

A quick introduction to them (with growth rates in brackets whenever the characters first appear.)

Micaiah (Lvl 1 Light Mage)

Base stats

15 HP 40%

2 Str 15%

7 Mag 80%

8 Skl 40%

7 Spd 35%

10 Luck 80%

2 Def 20%

4 Res 90%

5 Con 5 Wt

She's capable of being a solid unit if trained up and makes a fabulous healbot once promoted. She's compulsory, so may as well get some use out of her. She has certain other redeeming factors, other than the fact that, no matter how bad the res of her stats are, she can and will hit like a magical freight train. She also comes with an automatic A-support with Sothe, which boosts both her offense (as if she needs it) and her avoid (which she does).

Edward (Lvl 4 Myrmidon)

Base stats

19 HP 85%

7 Str 60%

0 Mag 5%

11 Skl 65%

12 Spd 60%

8 Luck 50%

5 Def 35%

0 Res 20%

7 Con

7 Wt

He's actually one of my favourite units, and is a veritable murder machine once he gets going. Sadly, his defense isn't upto snuff in HM (as I found out several deaths later), and he will be shunned once I get a few more units. He's absolutely worth it in Normal and Easy all the same. He comes with the skill Wrath, which while completely broken in earlier installments, makes him a liability when on low health as his avoid is terrible in Hard Mode.

Map 1-Prologue

Victory Condition: Rout

Defeat Condition: Any ally dies

The two of them proceed to murder the first bandit - slowly. Edward dies in 3 hits in the goddamn prologue, and Micaiah dies faster. Edward is basically meatshielding (perish the thought), while Micaiah tries to do as much damage as she can.

On Turn 4, Leonardo, our first Archer joins us with the intention of being helpful - the most useful thing he does he is give his Dracoshield away. He spends the rest of the chapter lurking in a corner (and gets to poke the boss once so that Micaiah can finish him.)

Leonardo (Lvl 4 Archer)

Base stats

17 HP 60%

8 Str 40%

0 Mag 15%

12 Skl 75%

10 Spd 35%

6 Luck 65%

5 Def 35%

4 Res 55%

7 Con

7 Wt

He can be vaguely useful in some later chapters, but really. Every level Leo gains, another unit doesn't. We shun him (and we always will).

All in all, the chapter was a pretty good introduction to the horror that is Hard Mode. I died several times over, the worst being when I didn't realise that the Boss moved (whereupon he had Leo take an axe to the ribcage - not that I'm bitter). All in all, it was quite a thing.

Welp, seems like I'm really doing this.

One last note I'd like to make - I promise to make this less *numbers!* once I catch up to my playthrough on chapter 7.

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