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Live Blogs Let's fight...and farm! It's Rune Factory Frontier!
WillyFourEyes2010-12-10 14:24:11

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No special cutscene or a "thank you" from the villagers for taking care of the chicken-that-isn't-all-chicken, but Raguna does get a notification from Ganesha that she's expanded her shop a bit. An RSVP letter from Desperate Danny wonders why nobody's buying anything from his shop. Raguna has two choices: he can either be nice to Danny and give him some advice, or be a bit of a dick and tell him to give up. While the latter would most assuredly relieve me of his "buy something" pleas, Raguna figures he needs as much help as he can get, so he plays the Nice Guy card. Selphy also sent him a letter, thanking him for the bamboo rice delivery, but noting that she could just have picked up some food from Rosetta or Danny.

The new items in Ganesha's shop include a ready-made battle hammer and battle axe, and some improved quality elemental crystals. Raguna could just as easily procure the materials to get the weapons, but he makes a note of the prices of the crystals so that he can save up to improve his hammer and axe. Whether or not they would do him much good in removing the tree stumps and rocks on his field would be a matter for another day.

Not much else happens on the 24th, with Raguna taking the time to improve his lumberjacking and hammering skills. One item of note: there is a small plant buried in rubble outside the observatory near Lake Poli. It seems that the defeat of the monster under the Green Ruins has encouraged it to grow a little bit.

The holiday is on, and that means only Lute and Selphy are in business (she doesn't work Fridays, which is the only day out of the week she isn't reading). With the new addition to the house in place, Raguna can go ahead and buy the Great Kitchen he had his eye on for a while. He also buys up the rest of the appliances from Lute - an oven, a steamer and a blender, as well as an upgraded frying pan. The rest of the money is spent on new books at Selphy's for recipes that he can't use yet because he doesn't have the proper ingredients.

Raguna does a bit of running around with his ghost containment unit harvester, trapping dozens of poor, innocent Runeys to be used as fuel for a Rune Stone at the hands of the not-so-innocent songstress Candy. He gives her ten Tree Runeys, and she gives him a block of wood. Clearly, Raguna is not the brilliant negotiator we thought he was. He is, however, a man of compassion, so he releases the remaining Runeys into the atmosphere (presumably to be sucked up again later when he needs their "help").

Later on in the day, he heads back to the Green Ruins to do some dungeon diving, because Whale Island is out of reach again. This time, he tames a plant monster, which he names Spring. Its limbs are far too flimsy to do any farm work, so it will serve as his battle companion. However, it hasn't gained any sort of Leaked Experience, so it's at level 3 while his other monster friends are at level 7 and higher.

At the end of the day, Raguna goes home and tries out his new cooking tools, seemingly having the most fun baking things in his oven. He makes note of what sorts of ingredients he'll need for the recipes he hasn't yet prepared, and goes to sleep, clutching his Tree Rune Stone in his hand.

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