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Context NightmareFuel / KingdomOfTheSpiders

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3''As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.''
5* For those with arachnophobia, especially the scenes of all the bitten webbed-up victims.
6* Real spiders were used and plenty of them died during the filming, so those who actually like arachnids may find this movie disheartening. And given that an {{Anvilicious}} GreenAesop about not needlessly killing certain animals was part of the film's "message", it also goes right into BrokenAesop territory as well.
7* Arachnophobia or not, the final scene, where the entire town is encased in a web, is pretty horrifying. Not to mention pretty stupid for those members of the audience who know that tarantulas are hunting spiders, not web-spinners. However, Terry ''did'' say that it wouldn't end with tarantulas, and that other species of spider might get involved.
