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3-> ''"Older Rat found cheese in a trap. He told Younger Rat he could have it as he was full. Young Rat sprang the trap and died. Older Rat got the prize."''
4-->-- ''[[Literature/AesopsFables The Two Rats]]''
6This index is for tropes related to rodents (mice, rats, squirrels, beavers, etc.). Not to be confused with CountryMouse, CityMouse, or WhatHappenedToTheMouse.
10* BusyBeaver: Beavers are hard working or construction workers.
11* DogsHateSquirrels: Dogs chasing squirrels.
12* EasternZodiac: The rat is the first animal of the zodiac.
13* EekAMouse: A fairly common reaction towards small rodents, particularly among women.
14* ElephantsAreScaredOfMice: Elephants are irrationally afraid of mice, rats and similar small rodents.
15* HamsterWheelPower: Machinery that is powered by living beings that walk or run on a wheel.
16* AMischiefOfMice: Mice that are often depicted as troublemakers or even outright villains.
17* MouseHole: A neat, arch-shaped hole cut into a wall at the floor, sometimes with a door.
18* MouseTrap: A device that traps rodents.
19* NiceMice: Mice depicted as friendly.
20* PestEpisode: When the main characters spend the episode trying to catch a pest.
21* RatKing: Ruler of rat-kind, be they actual rats or a rat-like race.
22* RatMen: Humanoid rodents.
23* RatStomp: Killing large or monstrous rats at the beginning of a game.
24* ReducedToRatburgers: When a desperately starving character eats rats just to survive.
25* ResourcefulRodent: Rodents are depicted as resourceful and clever.
26* RodentCellmates: Rodents become {{Only Friend}}s for a lonely or imprisoned character.
27* RodentsOfUnusualSize: Abnormally large rodents.
28* SewingNeedleSword: A very small character, often a mouse or rat, uses a sewing needle as an improvised sword.
29* ScrewballSquirrel: Squirrels depicted as hyperactive pranksters or just straight-up sadists.
30* SquirrelsInMyPants: When an animal enters clothing, dance parties ensue.
31* SuicidalLemmings: Lemmings off themselves by the way of jumping off of cliffs.
32* SwarmOfRats: A large group of rats added for scare factor.
33* TerrifyingPetStoreRat: Animals used as movie monsters end up looking obviously tame and domesticated.
34* YouDirtyRat: Rats portrayed as evil and disgusting.
