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Context DrinkingGame / Barbarella

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1Wanna make this campy slice of 1960s cheese even more fun? Play the drinking game!
3Take a shot:
4* [[InnocentFanserviceGirl Every time Barbarella is naked]].
5* [[StrangeSalute Every time the "Love" salute is made]].
6* [[ChangingClothesIsAFreeAction Every time Barbarella does a wardrobe change]].
7* [[ClothingDamage Every time Barbarella gets her clothes ripped]].
8* [[EverybodyHasLotsOfSex Every time Barbarella has sex]]. Double shot if she's the one that initiates it. Triple shot if it's non-consensual, non-penetrative or with something non-human.
9* [[CaptainCrash Every time Barbarella crashes her ship]].
10* [[TechnoBabble Every time technobabble is spoken]].
11* Every time Durand Durand's name is spoken. For extra fun, sing a lyric from the actual band Music/DuranDuran while taking the shot.
12* [[DamselInDistress Every time Barbarella gets kidnapped]].
13* [[TickleTorture Every time Barbarella is "tortured"]].
14* [[TheKlutz Every time Barbarella trips over herself or some object, usually flat on her face.]]
