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1Characters that are mentioned in at least one playable character's lore, but not yet PromotedToPlayable. In other words, TheGhost. Not everyone will be like this forever though; [[Characters/SmiteChinesePantheon Hou Yi]] and [[Characters/SmiteHinduPantheon Ravana]] used to be such, but eventually became full-blown playable. Of course, one must take into account that these characters have to be a deity or some sort of mythical monster if they want to be playable in the future. [[AncientGrome Both Greek and Roman versions will be put in the same section to reduce redundancy]].
5[[folder: Greek pantheon]]
6!!Adonis & Actaeon
7Two men, extraordinary hunters, who fell to the wrath of Artemis to show that she meant business when it came to her skills and pride as a hunter (and distaste of men). Adonis boasted that his archery could surpass Artemis? She sent her Tusky (the Calydonian Boar) to kill him. Actaeon bumped into her while bathing? He was transformed into a stag and devoured by his own hunting dogs.
9* BlasphemousBoast: Adonis boasted he was better at hunting than the goddess of the hunt.
10* BrainlessBeauty: Adonis was a handsome youth who was stupid enough to piss off a god.
11* ForcedTransformation: Artemis cursed Actaeon to take the form of a stag with no hope of turning back. While deer can be dangerous and unpredictable animals in real life, in this myth he was helpless once transformed and was quickly dispatched by his dogs.
12* InformedAbility: Adonis supposedly being an amazing hunter is only mentioned in this myth, which makes it seem like this trait only exists to give him something to brag about and thus earn Artemis' wrath.
13* IronicDeath: Actaeon's dogs were the ones responsible for killing him, unaware their master had been changed into a stag.
14* TooDumbToLive: Adonis, for bragging he was better at hunting than Artemis. It isn't shocking she killed him for it.
17A Grecian king who attacked Troy because one of their princes, Paris, stole his wife, Helen. He gave Achilles, a [[NighInvulnerability nigh-invincible]] Greek hero and warrior, command of a thousand ships, but later on offended him, causing Achilles to [[AchillesInHisTent sulk]] and pull his forces from the battlefield.
20The queen of fate and Chronos' mate and only companion at the beginning of time. She helped him divide the vastness into [[LandSeaSky land, sea, and sky]].
22* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Of fate/necessity.
23* GodCouple: Implied to be this with Chronos in his lore.
24* TimeAbyss: She's older than Terra, apparently having been one of two beings who created her. Who (or what), if anything, created her and Chronos is left open, but they both appear to have just popped into existence when the universe/time itself came into being.
27One of Chiron's many students. Chiron's lore notes that he battled bravely against Troy.
30The leader of the Titans and father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades. He devoured all his children fearing that they would surpass him, but Zeus managed to escape, stage a counterattack that freed his siblings, and defeated him, ushering in the age of the Olympian gods.
32* AbusiveParents: Eating your kids certainly isn't ''good'' parenting.
33* AscendedExtra: Eventually after being stuck in lore-only limbo, he ends up replacing the Chaos Titan in the Conquest map.
34* OffingTheOffspring: Infamously ate his children so one of them wouldn't overthrow him like he did his father, Ouranos/Uranus. Though eating them didn't kill them outright, just imprisoned them. Post-release, they seem to have suffered no negative effects from this.
35* PromotedToPlayable: Most likely Averted due to him replacing the Chaos Titan in one of the game modes. It would be weird to have a PC and an NPC Cronus at the same time (unless Hi-Rez brings back the Titan just to make him playable, but that would make the whole replacement episode even weirder).
36** As of Season 8, however, he is no longer the Chaos Titan due to the whole map receiving a visual update. This makes his future addition a possibility once more.
37* SelfFulfillingProphecy: In attempting to avert the prophecy one of his kids would overthrow him, he only ensured it would come true.
38* YouCantFightFate: He heard of a prophecy that foretold him having a son who would overthrow him like he did Uranus, leading to him eating his children to prevent it from happening. Of course, this only ensured the prophecy would come true because now his kids had a reason to hate him and want him removed from his throne.
41Mother of Persephone, sister to Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Hestia, and the goddess of grain/agriculture. After her daughter was kidnapped by her brother, she couldn't find her and grew so distraught she caused a great famine. She would only relent if Persephone were returned. Hades let her go, but not before feeding her pomegranate seeds, so Demeter is only reunited with her daughter for part of the year.
43* AdaptationalVillainy: Hades' lore makes her seem a bit more malicious than she was in myth, purposefully causing the famine and not particularly caring about all the humans it will affect. In myth, she was so caught up in the search for Persephone that she neglected her duty as an agriculture deity and humanity starving was an unfortunate side-effect. Though this is still better than all the modern "[[InNameOnly retellings]]" that outright turn her into RonTheDeathEater and forget that the rape of Persephone wasn't supposed to be a romance story, no matter how [[UnintentionallySympathetic sympathetic Hades]] is to a modern audience.
44* DemotedToExtra: While a bit more prominent than her daughter among your average Greek, Demeter gets demoted to the same status as her in Hades' lore. Which is to say a brief mention of how he obtained her daughter as his wife. Her extra status in ''Smite'' is made even more apparent by most of Cronus and Rhea's children being made playable. The only other one who isn't, Hestia, never really featured in the myths to begin with, so it makes sense she (Hestia) wouldn't be included (and she has yet to be mentioned by name in ''anyone's'' lore).
47A primordial monster who gave birth to lots of other monsters. One of her most famous children was Cerberus.
49* MotherOfAThousandYoung: Infamous for populating Myth/Classicalmythology with a lot of monsters, though Cerberus was overall not really a threat unless you wanted to enter (still alive) or leave the underworld. Hercules killed most of them as part of his Twelve Labors.
50* RedBaron: Her moniker "Mother of Monsters" is at least equal to her real name, if not surpasses it.
53A Trojan prince and brother of Paris. Unlike his brother, he was smart and brave and took to the battlefield and slew Achilles. Or so it appeared; he had actually killed Achilles' best friend Patroclus wearing his armor. This sent Achilles into a furious rage and he took up arms against Hector to avenge his fallen friend. Hector ended up losing their battle.
56Mother of Artemis and Apollo. One of but many women Zeus has had extramarital affairs with.
58* SpellMyNameWithAnS: Her name was initially spelt (wrongly) as Leta in Artemis' lore. When Apollo was added, it was correctly spelt Leto. One can assume the initial spelling was a mistake, either intentional or not, that Hi-Rez later fixed.
59* SuddenNameChange: Apollo's lore correctly spelling her name when his sister's botched it makes it come across as this trope as well, considering she's only mentioned in these two characters' lores and Apollo wasn't made playable until almost a year after Artemis. And Leta isn't a valid alternate spelling of her name. Myth/ClassicalMythology's clear her name's Let'''o''', though Zeus did have another fling named Leda. [[WildMassGuessing Maybe Hi-Rez got the two mixed-up?]] (Not that you [[ReallyGetsAround can't blame them.)]]
62Not a god, but a particularly vain man who was so proud of his own beauty that he flaunted it. This was an act called hubris, really the only sin in Myth/ClassicalMythology. His hubris unsurprisingly pissed Nemesis, the personification of divine retribution, off. She led him to a pool of water where he was so transfixed by his own reflection that he died of starvation because he refused to look away, not even to save his own life.
64* {{Narcissist}}: The TropeNamer.
65* TooDumbToLive: You'd think he'd know better than to be so proud of himself and flaunt it. It was inevitable that his behavior would attract a vengeful deity looking to teach him a lesson and Greek gods' lessons were often fatal as a warning to other mortals. Those who didn't heed them pretty much deserved to die.
67!!Otos & Ephialtes
68Twin not-too-bright demigods who could only be hurt by each other. They had the [[SarcasmMode brilliant]] idea to kidnap Artemis and force her to marry one of them. Artemis tricked them into killing each other by dashing between them in the [[VoluntaryShapeshifting form of a doe]].
70* AndNowYouMustMarryMe: They were planning on forcing Artemis to marry one of them.
71* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: They die by spearing each other by accident; they were aiming for the deer that had dashed in-between them.
72* TooDumbToLive: Because threatening to kidnap a goddess and make her your wife is a really bad idea, even if you are half-god. And it's especially stupid to say this about a goddess who DoesNotLikeMen.
73* VillainousCrush: While nothing about their motivations for wanting to marry Artemis is revealed in her lore, it can be guessed they found her pretty or something similar.
76Hermes' son sent to beat Apollo in a musical contest. Apollo won.
79Prince of Troy, Hector's brother and the unwitting initiator of the Trojan War. It all started when Hera, Athena and Aphrodite came to him asking who's the fairest of the three in order to win the apple sent by Eris/Discordia, and Paris chose Aphrodite under the promise that he'll marry the WorldsMostBeautifulWoman: Helen of Troy. This act escalated quickly that the Trojan War erupted. After witnessing the rampage of Achilles, the Gods, in particular Apollo, requested assistance from Paris to slay Achilles, and thus he shot a guided arrow blessed by Apollo right into [[AchillesHeel Achilles' one weak point]], killing him. The war ended soon after.
82Achilles' best friend who disguised himself in his armor and met Hector on the battlefield. This was a desperate attempt to boost morale and not lose the Trojan War. It technically worked, but probably not how he intended. He was slain by Hector, which caused Achilles to rejoin the battle and in turn slay Hector. This boosted morale enough the Greeks got their second wind and defeated Troy.
85One of Chiron's many students. [[GameplayAndStorySegregation Despite Medusa still being alive and playable]], [[ContinuitySnarl Chiron's lore mentions that he beheaded her (yes in the past tense) and it is for this act that he has gained fame]].
87!!Phobos & Deimos
88Ares' two terrifying sons he had with Aphrodite.
90* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Phobos of fear and Deimos of terror, specifically these emotions as brought on by war.
91* ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin: Their names mean what they're personifications of.
92* LikeFatherLikeSon: Despite their mom being the goddess of love and beauty, they're war gods like their dad Ares.
93* MeaningfulName: Phobos means "fear" and Deimos means "terror". Both are negative emotions brought on by the [[WarIsHell horrible aspects of war]].
94* WarGod: They accompanied their father into battle, along with several other Greek personifications that pertained to war.
97An unfortunate Greek soldier who keeps running afoul of various hostile deities and monsters.
99* BadassNormal: A mortal who lived through three separate instances of getting attacked by playable characters, one of which without any (noticeable) divine intervention.
100* BornLucky: Managed to survive encounters with Charybdis and Mantichoras with [[BigDamnHeroes last minute assistance]] from Bellona and Maman Brigette, respectively, as well as an entirely separate encounter with the Manticore King on her own.
101* ButtMonkey: Appeared in a few God teasers[[note]]Charybdis and Mantichoras[[/note]] as a victim to be terrorized.
102* OriginalGeneration: A minor character completely made up for Smite's storyline.
105The serpent sent by Hera to kill Leto and her two children. Apollo slew it. It's also known as the Gaia Serpent.
108Cronus' wife and the one responsible for hiding Zeus from Cronus' eating spree, though it took her until their sixth kid to even attempt to stop him at all.
110* AllWomenAreLustful: The only explanation for why she had sex with her husband knowing he would eat their kids.
111* NeutralFemale: It took her six kids with her crazy husband for her to finally try to save one of them and she finally stopped having sex with him so she couldn't produce more kids for him to swallow. No wonder her relationship with her kids post-release seems to be non-existent. Hera in particular never tries to see her, instead visiting her foster mother Tethys in ''Literature/TheIliad''.
112* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: What happened to her after Zeus defeated his father and became king of the gods is never stated anywhere. She's never said to have died or been imprisoned, so presumably she's still roaming about somewhere. She's never mentioned in her kids' lore outside of the {{backstory}} and none of them say anything about her in any of their voicelines. Presumably they're still ticked at her for letting Cronus devour them in the first place.
115[[folder: Egyptian pantheon]]
117The snake of chaos and Egypt's GodOfEvil. Ra and his children constantly battle him for the world's safety. The last time he was heard, Bastet and Anhur seemed to have slain him for good. However, he returns as the OptionalBoss in the new Egyptian-based Clash map.
119* CameBackStrong: If Apophis is defeated, he comes back later as "Enhanced Apophis".
120* DynamicEntry: Comes out by bursting out of the ground with a small frame of warning and anyone nearby takes ''massive'' damage.
121* EvilUncle: Technically, since he's Ra's brother, he's the uncle of Bastet, Anhur, Hathor, and Ra's other children.
122* ForTheEvulz: The only apparent reason he has for wanting to destroy the world.
123* GodOfEvil: People don't pray for Apophis' blessings. They pray so he doesn't win.
124* OptionalBoss: Takes the place of the Fire Giant in the new Clash map.
125* SnakesAreSinister: He's not called the "snake of chaos" for nothing and he's the harbinger of TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt if he ever gets his way.
126* SuddenNameChange: From the game's release in 2012 to 2016 (when Thoth was added), he was lore-exclusive and solely referred to as Apep, his Egyptian name. In early 2017, he was implemented as a jungle boss in Clash mode and was now called Apophis, his Greek name. With Set and Horus finally being made playable, it'll be interesting to see if his name changes once again (assuming their lores mention him at all).
127* WoundThatWillNotHeal: Apophis has a special venom he spews to the ground and unless he's killed, the debuff won't disappear. And sometimes there's a glitch so that Apophis' venom doesn't go away even after his defeat, practically giving the debuffed character a death sentence.
130Ra's daughter, but one of his many children. When mankind became insolent, it angered Ra so much he sent Hathor, in the form of a lion, to devour people as a punishment. However, when he saw the carnage that she wrought upon them, he had a change of heart and stopped her before she wiped out humanity.
132* ImplacableMan: If her feeding frenzy in Smite lore was anything like it was in myth, Hathor is ''definitely'' this. She was nigh unstoppable, even for the other Egyptian gods. They only succeeded in saving humanity by getting her drunk.
135Anhur's wife, who for some reason fled Egypt, but she was brought back by Anhur and Ra gave them his blessings to get married.
138Mother of Anubis and wife of Set. She desired a child, but since Set was infertile she disguised herself as Isis and
139 seduced Osiris, becoming pregnant with the jackal-headed god.
141* BedTrick: How she conceived Anubis. She tricked Osiris into thinking he was having sex with his wife. Unfortunately the consequences of her raping him will probably never be addressed, aside from mentioning Osiris loved Anubis anyway, because the game's rated T. Note that Set actually ''is'' Anubis' father [[DependingOnTheWriter in another version]], so there was no need for Hi-Rez to use this version except to make Set look even more evil (which is how this version originated in the first place).
144The god of wind that Ra sent to separate Geb and Nut from each other. [[JustSoStory And now you know why there's air between the sky and earth]]. This also allowed humans to be able to live on Geb.
146* BlowYouAway: As a wind god. Not to mention he (almost?) literally blew Nut away from Geb.
149[[folder: Norse pantheon]]
151Myth/NorseMythology's god of light and something of an IronButtMonkey since everything thrown at him just bounces off, except mistletoe. Unfortunately, Loki made a spear out of it and handed it to Hodr, Baldr's blind brother, who ended up killing him when he shot it at him. Hel agreed to let him leave the underworld if every single creature mourned for him. The plan failed because one old crone refused to do so (who was Loki in disguise).
153* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: The mistletoe used to kill him was in the shape of a spear, so it went right through him like a hot knife through butter.
154* IronButtMonkey: Since almost nothing can hurt him, the other Aesir made a game out of chucking various objects at him and seeing him survive.
155* NighInvulnerability: Excepting mistletoe, absolutely nothing can hurt him.
158A dwarf that, through hard effort, managed to forge Mjolnir.
161Mother of Baldr, wife of Odin, and queen of the Norse pantheon. To protect her son, she extracted promises from all living things to not hurt him, but skipped over the mistletoe, which ultimately resulted in Baldr's untimely death.
163* GodCouple: With Odin. Together they're king and queen of the Norse gods.
166Baldr's blind brother who accidentally killed him.
168* DisabledDeity: He's a blind god, which played excellently into Loki's hands.
171One of Odin's brothers. He was with Odin and Loki when they accidentally killed one of Hreidmar's sons and so was imprisoned while Loki was ordered to fill the pelt with loot.
174Fafnir's father, also a very greedy dwarf. He imprisoned Odin and Honir when they accidentally killed his son. He demanded payment for the death of his son and Loki went on a FetchQuest to save the Aesir, but this would be Hreidmar's downfall. The loot in the pelt was the cursed treasure of Andvarri, another dwarf. It included a now (in)famous ring. Hreidmar agreed to the exchange not knowing the gold was cursed. It didn't take long for the hoard to arouse Fafnir's greed, who killed his father that night so he could claim it as his own.
176* OutlivingOnesOffspring: He outlived one of his three sons, Otr, due to the Aesir unknowingly killing him. He was understandably upset and demanded restitution [[TruthInTelevision as was the custom in Germanic cultures]].
177* {{Patricide}}: Why he didn't outlive the other two. One of his remaining sons, Fafnir, strangled him the night he received the treasure.
178* TrulySingleParent: Nothing about him having a wife or female significant other of any kind is ever stated in either his son's lore or in real life Myth/NorseMythology. Dwarfs seem to be a OneGenderRace, but parent-child relationships for some of them, like Hreidmar and his sons, explicitly exist. This trope could be one possible explanation for why this is.
180!!Huginn & Muninn
181Odin's two pet ravens that travel all over Midgard everyday and tell Odin everything that has happened.
184Sol's brother, personifying the Moon. Unlike Sol who's angered at her situation, Mani seems to be more content and doing his duty without complains.
186* TheDutifulSon: Unlike the more fiery Sol who is concerned about having fun and resents her position, Mani is more concerned about doing his duty, i.e. driving the chariot of the moon across the sky.
187* SiblingYinYang: He’s calm, collected and represents the moon, while Sol is energetic, wild and represents the sun.
190The dragon that lives beneath the World Tree Yggdrasil who is constantly in conflict with an eagle that nests atop said tree... because Ratatoskr keeps riling them up.
193Skadi's ex-husband, the god of summer, and the father of Freya and Freyr. Their clashing domains caused them to divorce, but they remain on good terms with one another.
196Freya's husband who unfortunately was somehow turned into a sea serpent while he was on a journey. Freya was sad, but stayed and comforted him. One night a daring hunter killed Od, thinking he was just your run-of-the-mill sea monster. Freya despaired so much the other gods allowed Od to go Sussrumnir, Freya's afterlife, despite the fact he didn't die in battle, just so he could be together with Freya.
198* DiabolusExMachina: No reason is ever given for how Od ended up a sea serpent. It's a twist that comes out of nowhere and considering it has no basis in myth, it seems like an excuse to make both Od and Freya's lives worse. [[SarcasmMode Because Freya wasn't upset enough her new husband left on a trip shortly after marriage and was gone so long the other gods presumed him dead]].
199* ForcedTransformation: However Od turned into a sea monster, it probably wasn't anything he could control and it's likely Freya would never be able to turn him back no matter what she did.
200* HopeSpot: Freya goes out to search for Od herself when the other gods fear he's dead. She does find him-- transformed into a monster, but still alive. Just when it seems things will work out for them, Od is murdered by an unwitting hunter.
201* SadlyMythtaken: Everything about Smite's version of Odr is just plain wrong, so much so it reaches EpicFail proportions. Odr never died in Myth/NorseMythology, much less was turned into a sea serpent and slain by some random hunter. Literally the only thing Hi-Rez got right was his love of traveling (and him being Freya's husband); it's the reason he hardly ever appears. Their ''Smite'' versions also seem to be childless. In the myths, he and Freyja have two daughters, so he was around enough to knock her up twice. You have to wonder where the hell Hi-Rez got this info from for it to be so badly off-the-mark. Unless they knew this and just wanted a tragic love story, so they made one up.
202* TogetherInDeath: With Freya, sort of. He's dead, but she's not, but she rules over a warrior afterlife. Once allowed into Sussrumnir, he and Freya could be reunited. At least until Ragnarok.
205Thor's wife and mother of Ullr. There was an incident in which her hair was sheared off by Loki. This made Thor so angry he demanded Loki replace it. This eventually led, through a somewhat complicated series of events, to the creation of Thor's signature weapon, Mjölnir, and a crown for Sif that would grow gold as replacement hair (so she essentially has a gold wig).
207* GodCouple: With Thor.
210Loki's faithful wife who keeps venom from dripping on him when he's imprisoned and punished following his role in the death of Baldr. For the most part; she must turn away and empty the bowl when it's full and there's no way to prevent the venom from touching him then. The pain from said venom is so agonizing it causes Loki to thrash about violently, [[JustSoStory thus providing a convenient explanation for earthquakes]].
212* GodCouple: With Loki. He's technically half-giant, but since he became Odin's blood brother, he's fully considered one of the Aesir (until Baldr's death breaks the camel's back).
215Skadi's late father. He was a perennial enemy of the Aesir who celebrated when he was finally killed, though the party was interrupted by Skadi seeking to avenge him.
217* AlwaysChaoticEvil: Since he's a frost giant, he has this alignment.
220[[folder: Chinese pantheon]]
221!!Cao Cao
222A powerful and cunning warlord in China's Three Kingdoms period during the time when Guan Yu was alive. He managed to capture Guan Yu and attempted to coax him to his side, but Guan Yu refused due to his code of honor. Eventually, once Liu Bei's location was found, Guan Yu departed and Cao Cao let him go.
224!!Flame Emperor
225There are two Flame Emperors. The first Flame Emperor is Xing Tian's liege. He engaged in a war against the Yellow Emperor, but he lost the war and was ready to surrender . . . except Xing Tian refused to surrender and had one final battle against the Yellow Emperor, in which he lost. The other Flame Emperor is Jing Wei's father, who kept forbidding her to see the outside world just to protect her. He then witnessed Jing Wei being swallowed by the ocean and also immediately revived as a WingedHumanoid.
227!!Fu Xi
228Nu Wa's brother and husband. Together they molded the realms of China and ruled it wisely before handing it over to the Jade Emperor.
230* BrotherSisterIncest: Although Chinese sources don't say they had any biological kids or even had sex (though it's possible they did), he and Nu Wa still technically count for this trope since they're married and otherwise act like any normal, non-incestuous couple.
231* TheMaker: Together with his sister, they created humanity from clay.
232* SnakePeople: Traditional Chinese art portrays him and his sister as half-snake, though considering how Hi-Rez handled Nu Wa, it's possible if he ever becomes playable or just shows up in the background that he'll mostly be fully human like her.
233* SpellMyNameWithAnS: Like his sister and other Chinese characters, his name is supposed to be mashed: Fuxi.
235!! Di Jun
236The TopGod in a different, more ancient tradition of Myth/ChineseMythology, separate from the Jade Emperor. He sent Hou Yi to deal with the ten suns, but did not expect Hou Yi to kill them. As punishment, he stripped Hou Yi and his wife Chang’e of their immortality.
238!!Liu Bei & Zhang Fei
239Guan Yu's sworn brothers during his time as a mortal. He made an oath to stay loyal to them and combine their strength for the same cause, quelling chaos in China's Three Kingdoms period until his death (he never betrayed them).
241* ThoseTwoGuys: As opposed to ''Romance of the Three Kingdoms'' where Liu Bei is TheHero. Since Guan Yu is the only one deified and thus able to get involved in the battle of the gods (and thus ends up more important), Liu Bei and Zhang Fei are stuck as this.
242* UndyingLoyalty: They and Guan Yu were extremely loyal to each other.
245A monk on a journey to the West (i.e. India) to retrieve sacred sutras. Along the way, he picked up Sun Wukong as one of his disciples and became an important figure for the Monkey King's transformation from a trickster demon to a heroic immortal. He also picked up two more disciples ([[ThoseTwoGuys Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing]]), but they're significantly less important and famous than Wukong.
247* DistressedDude: He keeps getting kidnapped by demons that want to eat him. The fact that he's a bit on the naive side and keeps falling for their tricks doesn't help. And he doesn't have any way to defend himself or fight back. And Buddhism looks down upon violence. If it wasn't for Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing, he would've been dead a long time ago.
248* SadlyMythtaken: A minor example. Though he is called Xuanzang in Wukong's lore, the actual name used for the monk in ''Journey to the West'' is Tang Sanzang. Xuanzang was the name of the historical monk Tang was based on.
250!!Yellow Emperor
251The first Flame Emperor's rival and Xing Tian's ArchEnemy. He's on the winning side of the war and not even Xing Tian's last stand stopped him. He personally beheaded Xing Tian, but didn't realize that this didn't stop him from coming back as a headless warrior.
253* ArchEnemy: Xing Tian's. He was his opponent during the war and then personally killed him.
255!!Emperor Zhou of Shang
256An emperor that lusted over Nu Wa, disregarding the warnings he got, until Nu Wa got fed up and sent Da Ji to make his life spiral down into misery. [[GoneHorriblyRight It worked too well]]; Da Ji manipulated his empire into a hellish reign of torture. His people rebelled and eventually forced him to commit suicide . . . and [[KarmaHoudini Da Ji got away with it]].
258* BetterToDieThanBeKilled: Why he ultimately decided to kill himself instead of letting himself be captured. No doubt the angry peasants were going to execute him for his crimes, but it's possible they had some [[ATasteOfHisOwnMedicine payback]] in mind before that.
259* FatalFlaw: Lust. It's what got him into trouble in the first place and then when his punishment showed up in the form of a beautiful woman, he let her do whatever she wanted (which happened to be ColdBloodedTorture). This aroused the ire of his entire realm and they sought {{revenge}} when they had gained enough power to overthrow him. They ended up cornering him and that was pretty much the end for him.
260* TooDumbToLive: Seriously, your goddess has been telling you to stop lusting after her and you go and paint her temple with declarations of love/lust to her?? ''Really??''
263[[folder: Roman pantheon]]
265A king Hercules sought services from as atonement for killing his family. He's jealous of Hercules and gave him his famous Twelve Labors hoping that it'd kill him, but Hercules accomplished all of them, which made him a legend.
267* AncientGrome: Why his name is clearly Greek when he appears in the lore of a character who's in the Roman pantheon. Guess the Romans didn't care to Latinize his name like they did Hercules.
268* GreenEyedMonster: Really jealous of Herc.
270!!Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
271The first life-long dictator of Rome, who rose to prominence because he listened to Bellona's whispers. With his influence, Bellona would see worship again if only temporarily until Sulla moved on and she was forgotten again.
273!!King Midas
274A king who made a wish to Bacchus to have everything he touched turn to gold. Safe to say, it backfired on him horribly and Bacchus gave him a way to reverse his wish, which he did with gusto.
276* AdaptationInducedPlothole: It's hard to imagine Midas surviving his encounter with Bacchus had Hi-Rez's version of this myth been the real one. [[TooDumbToLive Kidnapping a god's friend and lying to the god about it would've been a sure-fire way to end up dead]] in [[JerkassGods actual Greek mythology]].
277* AdaptationalVillainy: The Midas in Bacchus' lore is greedier and more of a villain than he was in myth. He captured Solinus specifically to gain his knowledge and when caught by Bacchus, lied to his face about how his mentor had ended up in his kingdom. In myth, Midas ''found'' Solinus passed out within the boundaries of his kingdom and treated him nicely because of SacredHospitality. Bacchus granted him any wish he wanted as thanks for finding and taking care of his mentor and [[IWarnedYou warned Midas about how his wish was really stupid]].
278* AintTooProudToBeg: Begged Bacchus to remove the gift he had given him. Though considering Bacchus could be an incredibly unpleasant god when pissed off, it's probably for the best Midas was humble about the request instead of, say, mad as hell and insulting him. Even more so since Smite!Bacchus might actually be insane.
279* AncientGrome: Like Eurystheus, Midas' name doesn't seem to have been altered by the Romans.
280* BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor: Probably the TropeCodifier (or one of them at least). At first, being able to turn everything to gold seems like an awesome ability, until he turns his food into gold and can't eat it. Worse still, he accidentally turns his daughter into gold. This is the last straw and he begs Bacchus to take the "gift" back.
281* CursedWithAwesome: Turning everything to gold ''could'' be a useful ability (and cool), but you'd have to know when to use it and definitely be mindful of who and what you touch.
282* DespairEventHorizon: Midas was pretty sad when he kept accidentally turning things into gold, especially if they were stuff he needed like food and water, but the thing he transformed that pushed him into this territory was his own daughter. He couldn't bear the thought of her being stuck as a solid gold statue for the rest of his life.
283* PetTheDog: Bacchus giving him a legit way to get rid of the curse. He could've easily been a dick about it and told him no or a BS way to get rid of it ForTheEvulz. There are very few instances in Myth/ClassicalMythology of gods taking back the gifts they've bestowed on mortals with no strings attached. This action was even more this when you take into account that 1. Bacchus' lore says he might be insane 2. Bacchus ''knew'' Midas lied to him and 3. Smite!Midas caught a minor case of AdaptationalVillainy.
284* SadlyMythtaken: Much like Od above, almost everything about the King Midas myth presented in ''Smite'' is grossly inaccurate, even with there being several different versions of the myth existing in real life. As stated above, Midas was made villainous even though nothing in the sources gave off this impression of him; he willingly helped a lost god that was a friend of another and was rewarded for it. Bacchus also warned Midas about his wish, which is missing from ''Smite'''s version because it would cease to make sense; instead it seems Bacchus granted him the wish as a way to punish him (which, considering other Greek gods' punishments, comes off as ''incredibly'' light). In short, there was NoAntagonist in the actual myths, but in ''Smite'' Midas is more or less elevated to that status.
287The primordial god of the sky and Terra's mate. Unfortunately, because of fear his children (one of them being Cronus/Saturn) would surpass him, he buried all of them in Terra, causing her great pain and to take pity on them. Together they plotted his downfall.
289* AncientGrome: He's referred by his Greek name, Ouranos, when describing Terra's lore. If you ask "why not his Roman name" . . . [[UranusIsShowing do you really want a lot of dirty jokes?]]
290* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Of the sky.
293A mortal princess who was said to be even more beautiful than Venus/Aphrodite, which pissed her off. She sent her son Cupid/Eros to make her fall in love with a hideous creature, but the plan backfired when Cupid/Eros fell in love with her. Through trials and tribulations, he managed to get Psyche to ascend to Mount Olympus as the goddess of souls.
295* ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin: Psyche is the ancient Greek word for soul, so of course if she's gonna be a goddess of anything, it's going to be souls.
296* SoBeautifulItsACurse: Because she's so beautiful, it gets her into a lot of trouble courtesy of a certain goddess of beauty.
299A sea nymph that took in Vulcan/Hephaestus after he was discarded from Olympus. From her, Vulcan/Hephaestus learned all he could to make jewelries which eventually attracted the attention of Juno/Hera, so he could come back and exact his revenge. Later she married a mortal king Peleus and bore him a son, Achilles.
302[[folder: Mayan pantheon]]
304The other half of the Hero Twins and brother of Xbalanque. While eventually Xbalanque was deified as the moon, Hun-Apuh became the sun.
306* OffWithHisHead: Camazotz decapitated him for sticking his neck out from his hiding place. However, Xbalanque managed to make him another head so he lived again.
307* PaletteSwap: Through lores, he's basically depicted as Xbalanque with the colors reversed (red pelt and orange/brown skin).
309!!Seven Macaw
310One of the big monsters in Myth/MayanMythology and the father of Cabrakan. When he proved too tough to be killed directly, the Hero Twins resorted to guile and trickery to get him to die in shame and despair.
313[[folder: Hindu pantheon]]
315A virtuous demon king that grew too powerful and was able to challenge Indra for the throne of heaven, but is eventually humbled when Vishnu descended as Vamana and showed him the difference between their power without fighting.
318A hero of the epic ''Mahabharata''. He's noted to be the eventual slayer of the demon Bakasura, but he didn't seem to notice that for now, Bakasura has risen again.
321The supreme goddess of [[DependingOnTheWriter some Hindu sects]]. All other goddesses are different forms of her. [[ContinuitySnarl Kali's identified in her lore as being an aspect of her, though Ganesha's lore mentions Parvati, a goddess usually assumed to be the "default" form of Kali, but doesn't connect Kali and Parvati. His lore doesn't connect Parvati to Devi either.]]
324UsefulNotes/{{Hinduism}}'s monkey king and steadfast ally of Rama. He's one of the beings that attempted to stop Ravana's rampage (and kidnapping of Sita), but failed.
326* TheWorfEffect: He's Hinduism's monkey king, but he's beaten easily to show how dangerous Ravana has become after getting Shiva's boon.
329God of thunder, lightning, and rain, he's the [[TopGod king of the gods]] in Hinduism and the twin brother of Agni. Twice his throne was contested: first by the demon king Bali who proved to be so powerful that Indra had to ask Vishnu for help, and second by Kumbhakarna who proved to be too pious. He ends up asking to rule the heavens as a reward, which Indra "fixed" by making him say the wrong words, thus putting him into a constant sleeping state.
331* TheCameo: In Season 9, his Scepter appears as a special buff granted to conquest teams who charge up their Obelisks with 7 offerings.
334The goddess of fertility and love and the mother of Ganesha. After Shiva, her husband, kills the boy she made on her own, she cries that that was his son and he must save him. Shiva replaces the boy's head with that of the wisest creature on earth, an elephant. Since this brings the boy back to life, Parvati seems to be satisfied.
336* AlternateCompanyEquivalent: As Hinduism's love and beauty goddess, it's easy to think of her as the Hindu equivalent of Aphrodite, albeit ''much'' nicer. She also shares some domains with Hera, Aphrodite's exact opposite, making her, from a Western perspective, a CompositeCharacter of the two. She even made a son by herself like Hera, though she lacks Hera's unfaithful husband.
337* LoveGoddess: One of her many domains.
338* OddJobGods: "Fertility and love" are the short version of what she's goddess of. They also include beauty, devotion, marriage, children, divine strength, power, and other stuff. Basically she's the goddess of femininity and women.
339* TrulySingleParent: She's technically Ganesha's only parent, having created him when she was taking a bath, though sometimes Shiva's considered his father.
342Rama's beloved wife. Unfortunately, to rile him up, Ravana hatched a plot to kidnap her, which succeeded, and Rama set off to rescue her.
344* DamselInDistress: She pretty much only exists to get kidnapped.
347The "preserver" and god of protection in post-Vedic Hinduism. Many times he descended to earth as a mortal when the world was in danger. His fifth avatar is Vamana and his seventh is Rama.
349* AscendedExtra: He's one of the most important gods in modern Hinduism and by ''important'', that's to say that he's the outright TopGod of some sects and otherwise one of their top Trinity with Shiva and Brahma; but was extremely minor in the early Vedic period, having only ''six'' hymns dedicated to him out of the 1,000 that are in the ''Rigveda''.
350* GodInHumanForm: Tends to do this a lot. Vamana and Rama aren't his only forms and Rama isn't his last.
353[[folder: Japanese pantheon]]
355Raijin's brother that rules over the wind. He's engaged in a FriendlyRivalry with his brother to decide who will dominate the skies.
357* BlowYouAway: The Japanese wind god.
358* FriendlyRivalry: His relationship with Raijin.
359* SiblingRivalry: Again with Raijin, but it's of a decidedly friendly nature.
362Creator god and brother/husband of Izanami, father to Amaterasu, Raijin, and Susano. He molded the Japanese islands with Izanami, but when she died giving birth to Kagutsuchi, Izanagi was overcome with grief and killed the newborn god. He tried to retrieve Izanami from the underworld, but he became frightened at her hideous new appearance and instead sealed her there. Just as Izanami swore she'd kill 1,000 men everyday for revenge, Izanagi swore to give life to 1,500 men everyday.
364* GodIsFlawed: While being the creation god, Izanagi makes quite a bit of mistakes. He killed Kagutsuchi out of grief, freaks out at Izanami's new scary form and set her off on a path of vengeance and hatred. And on seeing Susano's tempestuous nature, Izanagi decided that he should be sent to the underworld as a punishment.
365* {{Hypocrite}}: He kicks his son Susano out of heaven for causing trouble and being unpleasant, even though he isn't much better and Susano gets it from him. He probably never even attempted to discipline Susano growing up, so he acts like a PsychopathicManChild when he gets older. Suffice it to say, [[DoubleStandard the odds of anyone kicking Izanagi out of heaven for being a dick like his son are slim to none.]]
366* {{Irony}}: Izanagi doesn't seem to realize where Susano gets his trouble-making behavior from.
367* {{Jerkass}}: He may be a powerful and important god, but Izanagi has very few, if any, redeeming qualities. The only good thing he really does in the myths is create Japan. He kills one of his kids because he isn't thinking straight, leaves his wife in hell simply because she isn't pretty anymore, and tosses his son Susano out on the street because he can't behave himself (Izanagi probably never bothered to discipline him). In general, he just kinda lets things happen after Izanami dies and never seems to actually do anything except cause more birth to counter her oath to cause tons of deaths... but we never see him actually being a dad to and raising those kids. They seem to be FreeRangeChildren.
368* LikeFatherLikeSon: It's easy to see where Susano gets his temper, rashness, and general unpleasantness from. The last one also applies to Tsukuyomi. Surprisingly, Amaterasu took none from him...
370!!Empress Jingu
371Hachiman's mother, a mortal. When her husband was killed by a rival clan, she took up arms and led an army for her husband's honor, but she was pregnant at that time. For that, she tied her belly with bandages and kept Hachiman there for three years until he's finally born.
373* ActionMom: Mortal mother of Hachiman, leader of an army.
374* PregnantBadass: To the point that fans were like "Okay, Hachiman's cool and all, but can we talk about this badass mother who fought wars ''while pregnant!?"''
376!!Kato Kiyomasa
377A general of the UsefulNotes/SengokuPeriod under UsefulNotes/ToyotomiHideyoshi. Apparently had an encounter with Kuzenbo and handed him his second defeat and made him enter a pact that he will not harm any humans again.
379* BadassNormal: He's not a deity by any means, but he still beats Kuzenbo, a terrifying {{youkai}} king. May be downplayed because the standard here is gods, but still impressive.
382A demonic eight-headed serpent who ravaged the land and tormented an elderly couple so they would surrender one of their daughters every year for seven years until the last one, Kushinada, remained. Thankfully, before her time came, Susano came across the couple and hatched a plan to slay Orochi, which succeeded and from his tail came the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, which Susano brought back to Amaterasu as his atonement.
384* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: Even to this day, no one knows where Orochi came from. It just appeared, caused trouble, and then got killed by Susano.
385* {{Orochi}}: The original.
387!!Uke Mochi
388The Goddess of Food. She's only doing her duty of serving food, even if it's done through some rather disgusting manner, the food is always tasty and healthy. Tsukuyomi would have none of the 'disgusting' part and then killed her, causing a strife between him and Amaterasu.
391The goddess of mirth. She hatched a plan to lure Amaterasu out of hiding by stripping naked and dancing in front of the cave she hid in and making a lot of noise. The plan was a success.
394[[folder: Celtic pantheon]]
396A wise druid that foresaw Cu Chulainn's rise to fame and also named him after he slew Chulann's watchdog. He gave a prophecy that anyone who took up arms on a certain day would become famous, but before he could finish the prophecy that it would doom the one who took arms with early death, Cu Chulainn already took up arms and started cultivating his fame, devastating Cathbad.
399[[folder: Arthurian pantheon]]
401Arthur's wife, the Queen of Camelot and (according to SMITE lore) the mother of Mordred. She is currently dead due to Jormungandr's past attack on Camelot.
403* GreenEyedMonster: She became jealous of Morgan le Fay, who was seemingly getting closer to Arthur. As a result, she insinuated to Arthur and Merlin that Morgan was planning to usurp the throne of Camelot, leading to the Enchantress's eventual banishment.
404* TheHighQueen: Was this in Arthur's memory; he says Mordred inherited her wit and intelligence. However, she shows a darker side in Morgan le Fay's lore background.
405* TheLostLenore: Is this to Arthur by the time he enters SMITE, having died in Jormungandr's attack on Camelot.
406* ManipulativeBastard: Evidently is not above being this when she feels her relationship with Arthur is threatened. Fearing that Morgan may be stealing Arthur's attention, she manipulates him and Merlin into seeing Morgan as a threat.
409Bastard son of King Arthur and a member of the Knights of the Round Table. He initiated a cold betrayal against King Arthur, an event that would culminate in the destruction of Camelot.
411* RedAndBlackAndEvilAllOver: As shown in his [[ concept art]] for the Arthur and Merlin teaser trailer and his [[ portrait in Arthur’s lore reveal.]]
412* TheEvilPrince: Becomes this after his mother's death and initiating his rebellion, though his goal is far more nihilistic than just replacing Arthur as king.
413* FaceHeelTurn: This version of Mordred was once a promising, intelligent prince before his mother was killed during Jormungandr’s attack on Camelot. The trauma eventually drove him to rebel against his father in the name of finishing what Jormungandr began, forcing Arthur to kill him.
414* SadlyMythtaken: In SMITE’s interpretation of Arthurian lore, Mordred is actually the legitimate son of Arthur and Guinevere. This is a departure from most of his traditional portrayals as a bastard son.
417[[folder: Yoruba pantheon]]
419Chameleon who serves as Olorun's messenger that contacted Yemoja when they were looking for Persephone and Hades in the Underworld, later Persephone was located in Yggdrasil by Heimdallr.
421* TheCameo: Appears directly in ''Smite'', but is just an unlockable cosmetic award. Ingame he already does have an established visual design.
422* HollywoodChameleons: Agemo can turn invisible, possibly justified since he's divine and magical. Interestingly, Olorun mentions in one of his quotes that Agemo is standing close but is invisible.
425[[folder: Babylonian pantheon]]
427The primordial personification of fresh water and mate of Tiamat. At the beginning of time, he and Tiamat created the world together and gave birth to the gods, who later betrayed them. Apsu was trapped under his temple while Tiamat was cast into the primordial void for a long hibernation.
429* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Of fresh water (though it is not known if he had a humanoid form).
430* GodCouple: With Tiamat.
431* SparedByTheAdaptation: In Myth/MesopotamianMythology, Apsu planned to [[OffingTheOffspring kill the younger gods]] because they were too noisy and disruptive, but he was slain by the god Enki/Ea when his plan got loose. In SMITE, however, he is simply trapped beneath his own temple, perhaps to leave the door open for his future addition.
432* TimeAbyss: Like Tiamat, he existed way before the world was created.
435The Babylonian God of agriculture and shepherds, the former husband of Ishtar. He isn't directly called by his name, but Ishtar references him during one of her ingame taunt quotes.
437* DraggedOffToHell: Ishtar's single quote which references him without saying his name (possibly because she's that angered towards him) mentions Dumuzid ending up in the underworld after betraying her.
438* HappilyMarried: Was this with Ishtar, until he did something which pissed her off and got him banished.
441A “wild man” created by the gods to check Gilgamesh’s strength and tyranny. After fighting Gilgamesh to a standstill, however, the two of them became the best of friends and went on many epic adventures together. Unfortunately Enkidu was killed by the gods for helping Gilgamesh slay the Bull of Heaven, leaving Gilgamesh a broken man in search of immortality.
443* {{Sidekick}}: To Gilgamesh. Probably the [[UrExample Ur Example]] of one (and of the [[DeadSidekick Dead Sidekick]] trope) as he comes from [[Literature/TheEpicOfGilgamesh the earliest written epic in the world.]]
444* WildMan: Also the original archetypal example.
447The Babylonian Goddess of the Underworld and the sister of Ishtar. When Ishtar descended to the underworld to expand her domain, Ereshkigal found her guilty and sentenced her to death, trapping her inside the underworld. It took certain gods loyal to Ishtar, like Enki, to rescue her from there. She is mentioned by Ishtar if the latter gets killed in combat.
449* GodOfTheDead: The queen of the Mesopotamian afterlife, with her husband Nergal being the king.
450* TheUnderworld: She rules over Irkalla, the place where all humans from Babylon went after they died.
453A divine bull sent by the angered goddess Ishtar to destroy Uruk after Gilgamesh and Enkidu had insulted her. Is mentioned in Gilgamesh's lore.
455* BrutishBulls: The bull of Heaven of the original Literature/TheEpicOfGilgamesh. This gets referenced in Gilgamesh' defeat lobby screen where he gets hit by a bull into the screen.
458A fearsome giant which protected a sacred cedar tree forest until he got slain by Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Is mentioned in Gilgamesh's lore.
460* {{Protectorate}}: Was placed by the Mesopotamian gods in the forest so he can defend it. However, that was rendered a moot point seeing as he was killed by Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
463The “youngest of the gods” who presides over thunder and winds. When the rest of the Babylonian pantheon was threatened by Tiamat, he agreed to help them on the condition that they acknowledge him as their king. He defeated Tiamat in an epic battle and cast her into the primordial void from which she came, after which he became the leader of the gods and patron deity of Babylon.
465* ShockAndAwe: When Tiamat meets Zeus in the Dawn of Babylon event lore, she notes that he reminds him of someone—which is most likely Marduk.
466* TopGod: Of the Babylonian pantheon, at least according to stories preserved by Babylon (the city he patronizes).
