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Context Awesome / TheGamesWePlayFriendshipIsMagic

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1!!Administrivia/SpoilersOff applies to all Awesome pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. Administrivia/YouHaveBeenWarned!
3* Chapter 19. "You'd better start running."
4* When Rainbow Dash finally just hauls up and [[ShutUpHannibal punches]] [[TalkToTheFist Mare Do Well]] in chapter 8. Even [[TheStoic Mare Do Well]] is impressed.
5* In chapter 9, when Mare Do Well invites Rainbow Dash to join her during one of her nightly superhero patrols and they actually encounter a group of criminals. Mare Do Well proceeds to kick their collective asses. Arguably becomes [[TookALevelInBadass even more awesome]] once Mare Do Well is revealed to have been Pinkie Pie all along.
