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Archived Discussion Main / StoryToGameplayRatio

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Is it just me, or does this entry seem really anti-story? Evening it out a bit.

dkellis: Yeah, I was wondering if the hint of bias was on the article's side, or on my story-liking side for reading too much into it.

Tanto: The Tales series is not the best of examples of a series that's "nothing but story"...


  • The gameplay of Oregon Trail is pretty much limited to "Sit around and hope you don't die," with an occasional hunting scene. This suggest that the bulk of the game is actually comprised of cut-scenes of your "adventures" getting to Oregon... incredibly boring ones but cut-scenes none-the-less.

Oregon Trail had awesome gameplay. Sure, if you don't count decisions on what you're going to do next "gameplay", then it didn't have any... but you're also a stupidhead. And you can't say it really had much story. >>;

Ununnilium: This page seems to want to be a scale.

dkellis: Possibly, but then we would have to have some form of comparing things like Katamari Damacy and Doom. That way, to me, lies madness, although other scale pages have done it, so maybe I'm overestimating the problems.

Ununnilium: If we're comparing it just on this one axis, then I could definitely see it. KD and Doom would be about equal, oddly enough; they both have a specific storyline, but it doesn't enter gameplay much other than the overall theme of a level.

Blork: I've tried to put this into scale-mode, it should be pretty easy to change it back if anyone thinks that this way doesn't work - just add the labels back in. Also, I've removed this example as it seems to be talking about something else:

  • Shadow Of The Collossus has been described as a game that everyone should watch. Playing it isn't as interesting an experience.

This was in the high ratio section, I haven't played SotC but from what I've heard all the plot is concentrated into two cutscenes at the start and end.

Sot C doesn't really have a plot. It's just "Kill these", then you kill them, then some other stuff happens. The plot only exists in the player's mind.

Ununnilium: Shuffling them about. Metal Gear Solid does not rank higher than something with half-hour cutscenes.

DaWrecka: I've put Ikaruga just below Mario 64. However, on reflection I'm not quite so sure it shouldn't be higher. Mario 64 does have a couple of more-or-less unskippable textual dialogue bits. Sure you can speed through them by mashing the right button, but this is still more than Ikaruga has. I'm just not sure; Thoughts?


  • Well, it does have a modicum of plot. Reliable Excavation & Demolition, who are jerks, are in constant warfare with rival company Builders League United, who are also jerks.

That's not a plot, that's a description. >>
