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Sidekick Glass Ceiling launched as Sidekick Glass Ceiling: From YKTTW

Working Title: Sidekick Glass Ceiling: From YKTTW

fleb: These aren't subversions. The Haruhi one really isn't anything to do with this.

* Subverted in Static Shock; the sidekick got Contagious Powers, picked out a costume and a codename, and was permanently upgraded into the hero's partner. Though there was an early episode in which Richie, via the second of the above scenarios, got powers but still lost them by the end.
* In a somewhat bizarre subversion, in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (and the light novels on which that anime is based) the male protagonist/narrator, Kyon, is actually the least powerful person in the entire SOS Brigade. It is a major plot point that he is the only normal person in Haruhi's group, though some fans have speculated otherwise.

fleb: This sounds like a permanent upgrade, but I don't know enough about it. Can someone clarify?

* Tristan and Riley in Angel Moxie, though it's more of a case that Alex simply found out that she was part of the Higher Authorities' plans first.
