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Archived Discussion Main / OnlySaneEmployee

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Liz Lemon Job: From YKTTW

LO Rd: I removed my Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu example from the list because well, Hale is 9 and not in any company, but I was wondering if this trope extends to any and all situations where the Only Sane Man's function within the show is to effectively babysit his Too Dumb to Live costars, which would include Hale as well. (Fairly enough, he did pretty well in the village before Guu's arrival, but the Weirdness Censor leaves him the only person standing between Guu and her consumption of the entire village.)

Professor Thascales: The fact that Dave Nelson let Bill Mc Neal, his employee, walk all over him (except in the pilot) gives me some doubts about his competence. If he'd even tried to rein in Bill, he would qualify more.

Steven Howard: Merged the two Miss Management examples into one.

Nlpnt: Created a Troper Tales page and moved the personal examples to them.
