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Archived Discussion DarthWiki / TVTropesRuinedYourLife

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Lurkerbunny: I don't know whether to laugh or cry that I am personally mentioned on here. Do I really piss people off that much? Or am I reading too much Serious Business into this Just for Fun page?

Wascally Wabbit: Zapped the personal mention, all in good fun or not it would be a precedent for real personal attacks to hide behind.

Fast Eddie: I read it as no harm intended, just ribbing.

Pink Lime: For some reason, this page reminds me of 4chan.

Anima: ...What's up with the wiki tag markup for the Portal entry right below mine (about the Clock Roaches)

Japanese Teeth: Does anybody have a copy of the picture that doesn't have "tvtropes" spelled as "tvtopes"?
