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Reviews FanFic / Pretty Cure Entwined Hearts

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ryanasaurus0077 Since: Jul, 2009
04/11/2015 13:10:41 •••

Guess pride really does come before a fall

In 2011, Midoriri scored a fandom hit with her blockbuster series Pretty Cure Bukatsudo Energetic. It was so good, it's undeniably her Magnum Opus. This, on the other hand? Don't get me wrong, she does a good job handling LGBT issues, even for someone I accuse of being of The Category That Shall Not Be Named (looking at you, Tumblr skeletons—and before anyone asks, no, I didn't use any nannybots, reverse or otherwise, when typing up this review). But around the time she started Bukatsudo Energetic, she started to develop a nasty streak—in part because of yours truly, I'm sorry to say. I don't know if episode 19 of this one was inspired by bad experiences with me, but I can't shake the feeling that it's as un-Pretty Cure-like as you can get, and considering that my stories have been accused of that before, I should know, just as I should know that pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Because of episode 19 alone, I can't give this series anything higher than a 2 out of 5 (then again, that's probably just me—long story), but I can forgive her (a courtesy I doubt she'd ever extend to me) since the story at least treats LGBT issues with the proper care.

ETA: Clearly I still haven't gotten over certain incidents which will not be described here, and even if that wasn't the case, I'd still have deducted a star or two for episode 19's aesop. As it is, I simply thought it hit too close to home, and that such an aesop could only come from someone who is unforgiving, and I apologize if I overstated things; after all, the overall tone is a step in the right direction for PrecureOCs, if a small one, and I agree with the above reviewer that the guns and gore era is so deader than Deader Than Disco (and yes, the repetitive phrasing was deliberate for emphasis purposes). It's time I followed Perfume Preppy's lead and moved on from that phase.

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