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Journey Through the Multiverse: Roleplay Thread

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Stratofarius huzzaaaaaaaah Since: Aug, 2011
#1: Mar 23rd 2014 at 7:51:05 PM

Signup thread.

Discussion thread.

"It's starting."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am. I've seen this before. War is starting again."

"We have to do something. We have to stop it!"

"We can't. It's... it's too far gone. It's not up to us anymore."

"And you think they can do it?"

"I don't know. I just don't know."

"... so what are we supposed to do now?"

"Now? We watch."

It's nighttime on Earth. Humankind is either going to sleep in order to get ready for a brand new day, or waking up for a brand new night. In some places, people litter the streets, searching for some kind of entertrainment. In others, they cower in their homes, too afraid to step out of safety. It's nighttime on Earth. And no matter where they are, humans are looking up at space. This inky blackness surrounding them. It was and is the source of many mind-boggling questions. Where have we come from? Where are we going? Is there life out there? And if there is, what does it look like? And does it know about them? Space hears those questions, and it replies to them with stars. Nothing but big balls of fire floating in space a thousand light-years away from Earth.

However, nothing is always what it seems. Because, right now, up there, a battle is going on. And no one can see it. But soon, they will feel it.

A giant red ship soars through space, unheard. At first, it seems to be calmly drifting aimlessly, its blue thrusters deactivated. But another blast of pure photon energy reveals that the ship is not drifting, but falling. Holes cover the outer area of the ship, and inside, things aren't that much better.

In the bridge, there is a man, proudly standing in front of the viewscreen, watching his enemy, even as all around him, crew members frantically go from console to console, trying to fix the situation. The man's ragged black hair has some burnt strands, which go well with the scars littering his complexion, one that clearly belonged to a soldier who had seen too many times of pain and was tired of it. His red trenchcoat and black undershirt have blood spots. He's doing his best to seem perfectly healthy, even covering a spot on his forehead with a bandana. But they all know what's going to happen next.


The man turns around, to face a young crew member. The uniform doesn't fit quite right, adding to his look of desesperation. This crew member is far too young. He joined the ship expecting things to be over soon. His planet had never seen a war in this scale. Everything scares him, and every bone of his body begs him to run, to go away, to hide, to climb on an escape pod and save its life. But he doesn't. The captain recognizes that. It won't do him much good.

"Eighty percent of our fleet has been destroyed. We can't hold out much longer, sir." Sweat covered the young crew member's face, as his finger constantly twitched, poking the center of his hand. "We have to retreat, sir."

"What's the use?" The captain says, although he's not asking the crew member for an answer. He smiles down at the young man. "I have lived my life. But you haven't. You can go to an escape pod if you want to."

The crew member looks back at him, gritting its teeth as it glances at the officers all around him. No one is looking. No one is judging. He doesn't even thank the captain. When he reaches the doors, he's already removing the heavy uniform. The captain doesn't judge him for that. He would do the same, if he had the chance to. But... a captain goes down with his ship.

The enemy leered over him, lasers sailing past his ship, other smaller red ships getting hit, spinning around and exploding in a majestic shower of fire. He can't see what's hitting him, but he knows who's in there. "Hail the enemy ship." He orders his communication officer, maintaining a calm expression as a face appears on the viewscreen. The face's eyes cannot be seen, but his smug grin can. Perfectly white teeth.

"Decided to give up?" The face asked, and the captain responded with a similar grin, although there was no hidden intentions behind this one- only pure, simple willpower. "What is this? A last stand of some sorts? Surely you're above that—"

"Shut up." The man growls, and the face responds, frowning. It fears him. Good. "I had enough of your smug grin... and I'm making sure that it is wiped clean off the multiverse. I'll see you in hell." The captain clutches the steering wheel in front of him, as the face disappears, and the enemy ship starts charging what is it's clear final attack. The crew members stare in awe at their captain, their minds buzzing with possibilities. "Crew." He turns around, as his ship faces the Earth. "It's been a pleasure. I'm sorry it has come to this. Run to the escape pods."

The crew members comply- some of them complying too quickly- as the captain faces down Earth in his final moments. He watches the console as escape pod after escape pod leaves his ship. Behind him, a few officers stand, still working the consoles. All they share is a smile. "The final attack. Star burst." He clutched the steering wheel when the last escape pod left. "Have the shards?..." He trails off, glancing at a crew member, who nods. "Good. Whoever finds it will continue our mission. The fate of the multiverse is on their hands. I hope we made a good choice. "

Flying away, the escape pods catch one last glimpse as a shower of shiny metallic objects is ejected from the ship, onto the small, mostly harmless blue planet under it. They watch as both ships turn around, preparing their final attack. Some are crying. Some are too distracted to cry. They've seen the ship's specifications, they know the thing won't survive. But they know the other ship won't survive too. It all happens in a flash: bursts of photon energy charged at various spots on each ship are released, and before anyone could figure out what happened, a blinding light forces them to look away, as the two ships marveously explode together, like a symphony. The red ship is gone. Nothing is left of it. The enemy ship has had seventy five percent of its body destroyed. Escape pods fly out of it as the last twenty five percent, too weak to hold the thing together, start to explode too.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the skies remained blue and invisible. The stars continued to be the answer to humankind's questions. Until, on a random location in Australia, a star falls, falls and falls, until it lands on the desert, a small, multicolored mineral shard stuck to the ground. In Japan, a similar event happens. And again in Uganda. And in Canada. And in Argentina. And all over the world. Shards are raining from the sky. They don't know, but Earth has just been brought into a war. A war... and an answer.

"The Multiverse, a plane containing many worlds. People have gained the power to travel to and from these worlds. some use these powers for good, others use it for evil. The stories of these worlds are eternally told through books, games, and shows, with those watching unaware that they truly exist. But when a select few find out the truth... they are soon taken into..."

A Journey Through the Multiverse

Michael's eyes opened and closed as he tried, oh so tried, to drink his morning coffee. He really just couldn't be bothered to. There was nothing to do that day, so why in the world did he wake up in the morning? Why couldn't he have waited until lunch, where he would be greeted with a delicious meal... and the chance to sleep some more? No, he had to follow the damn routine. He didn't even notice what the morning news were talking about.

"... reports have indeed confirmed that yesterday, at precisely 10:04PM, Central Time, the Earth saw an unforgetabble event, as thousands of little meteor shards rained down on the planet. Before you start to panic, don't worry, as government astromomers have confirmed that the meteor shards were too small, and ended up disintegrating in the atmosphere, but it did make a beautiful sight. Did you catch it, Sandy?"

He groaned, pinching his forehead as he remembered why he woke up so early in the morning: written in big, red letters on his calendar were the words PICK UP CAKE, which made him rush to his room to get dressed. Well, to silently get dressed, as he couldn't wake up this family. This cake was supposed to be a surprise, after all. By the time he left his house, he was already quite awake, his mind filled with thoughts of what to do later. Maybe watch a movie? Or go ride his bike? Waking up early was a good thing to do...

"GAH!" Michael yelled as his foot hit something in the ground, forcing him to stop. As he jumped around, clutching the foot, he spotted the 'something' that he had found. A small, multi-colored shard, stuck on the ground. He looked from one side to the other, but there was no one else on the street, which meant... that it was now his. "Might make a killing in the black market." He muttered as he grabbed the shard, inspecting it and poking the sharp end. "Ouch! Bad idea, bad id—"

Michael was silenced as the shard disappeared, turning into some kind of blue energy and entering his body. He immediately started patting it, thinking he had just absorbed some kind of alien symbiote (not as cool as comics make it seem like), but when nothing happened, he started thinking that the whole thing was a dream, or some kind of illusion brought on by sleep. Yes, that... that must be it.

Because why else would he now be standing in the middle of a spaceship bridge?

... wait a second, what?

Michael looked around, slapping himself in the face several times to make sure he had really woken up. Where was he? Where had the street gone? How did he?... How did he get there? Those questions were immediately shoved aside as a big, wide, goofy grin appeared on his face. "Oh my god. I'm on a spaceship!" He said, a slap mark on his cheek to prove he wasn't sleeping. Even though the viewscreen was showing nothing but black, the blue lights and blinking buttons that served for nothing confirmed it. He was on a spaceship! Best day ever.

Little did he know that others would soon join him...

edited 24th Mar '14 9:21:12 AM by Stratofarius

Sijo from Puerto Rico Since: Jan, 2001
#2: Mar 23rd 2014 at 9:26:20 PM

It's a rather pretty night Simon thought.

Too bad it was so boring. Like so many other recent nights. And days, too.

In fact, his life had been pretty boring for quite a while now.

He enjoyed living in a small town in Puerto Rico. It was nice and safe. But, nothing ever happened there. Heck, there wasn't even anything interesting to watch on television! Just the same movies and shows he'd seen a dozen times before.

If only he had the money to spend, he'd travel around the world. Yeah, right, and maybe someday he'd win the lottery.

And that was why he was outside at this hour. He'd rather stare at the stars than at the TV set. Though even that would bore him soon, he knew.

He was in fact about to turn back inside his house when he noticed some flashing lights running across the sky. "Oh my God, is that- a meteor shower!?" he gasped. He could not believe it! He had never seen one except on TV. And now he was watching one live! "Cool!"

He actually smiled as the "meteors" streaked across the sky. But just as it seemed as if the phenomenon was about to end, one of the lights actually struck a hillside near where he lived!

"No. Way!" he exclaimed. A real meteor had landed nearby!? He was running towards it before he even thought about what he was doing. He did think along the way, things like: *Is it safe to run at night? What if the thing is really hot?* But he did not stop.

Soon, he had reached the hill. At first, he saw no evidence that anything had crashed in the area- just trees and gloom. Did he imagine it?

Then he saw something- a red glow coming from a tiny spot in the ground. He ran to it and saw- a small, red stone lying in a hole. There wasn't anything remarkable about it, except for the glow. Was this really a meteorite?

He reached for it, carefully. He felt no heat; surely, it could not have fallen just now from space, then. But hey, it was glowing, so it was worth inspecting, at least. He touched it-

-and it vanished, leaving a strange, tingling sensation on his hand.

-"What?" he said, puzzled. Again, he was forced to wonder if he'd imagined things.

Suddenly, he felt woozy, as if the world was spinning around him! He closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them-

...He was aboard a spaceship?

Yeah, right. NOW he knew he was dreaming this all up. Most likely, he'd fallen asleep again in front of the TV. Oh well, might as well enjoy the dream. He began to look around, and noticed he wasn't alone...

JustaUsername from Melbourne, Australia Since: Jul, 2009
#3: Mar 23rd 2014 at 9:33:55 PM

It would be about 2:04PM when the shards fell for Andrew James, making it too bright to see the shower. While the man may have been in the same country the first shard hit, Andrew was nowhere near its location, living in the greener south-eastern area of the continent.

He was a bit disappointed he wasn’t able to see it, the event was said to be seen everywhere it was night time on Earth. Still, he could at least see what happened from a video online. There was also a bit of talk on the web about being a religious sign, which Andrew doubted. He didn’t believe that there was nothing supernatural out there, believing that ghosts and psychics were true, though he doubted most off the “evidence” presented about them was valid and was a Christian, though not a very religious one as he didn’t go to church once a week.

Wanting to get some fresh air, he stepped out to the yard. It was a bit bigger than most yards, surrounding his house and had a few tall trees in it. Under one of the trees, Andrew spotted something shiny. He was a bit curious to see what it was so he got up close. It didn’t look like a piece of metal or a shard of glass, it was a crystal that gave off quite a few colours.

Although part of him said that the crystal might be dangerous and thus, shouldn’t touch it, his interest of it got the better of him. He carefully grabbed the gem, making sure not to touch the sharp bits of the crystal, looking at it and wondering what to do with it. Then the crystal converted into a blue light and then entered Andrew’s body. It started to seem like a bad idea to have touched the shard. A bright blue light soon appeared and surrounded both his hands before quickly spreading to the rest of his body.

The energy surrounding Andrew did it’s work quickly but that didn’t stop Andrew from feeling it clearly.

The first thing he felt was the scales growing on his hands and they spread quickly, his pinky fingers shrunk until any trace of the digit was gone while the rest fingers and thumb had the nails turn into claws. When the scales reached his sleeves, the fabric disappeared, as if the scales were eating them. After both his arms were transformed, they reached his torso. The scales on Andrew’s front were different, ventral scales you’d expect to see on a reptile’s underbelly. Spines grew on his back with two wings growing on each side and his body seemed to start taking a cylinder shape. When the scales reach his neck, his neck got longer with the same spines as he had on his back climbing up. When his neck was done lengthening, his head was the next target. Andrew’s mouth became a muzzle, his tongue feeling his teeth getting sharper while the tongue itself became forked. His nose shrunk while his ears grew longer. The transformation didn’t touch the hair on his head, the spines even just stopping where his hair grew. With his upper body done and all his tops disappearing as if into thin air, it was time for his lower body to change. A tail started to grow, a thick long tail that shared the underbelly and spines Andrew’s reshaped torso had. The heels of his foot stopped touching the ground as feet became digitigrades, with what felt like his toes now bearing the weight of him standing. Claws grew on his toes, much like the ones on his fingers.

When the transformation was over and everything he wore disappeared, the blue light evaporated and Andrew noticed that the transformation wasn’t the only strange thing that happened to him. There were no longer any trees or grass, the high tech environment and the view of the stars outside made it clear he was now on a spaceship. Dear god, this is turning out like a transformation story on a furry website. Hopefully his mind won’t be forcibly changed like his body.

However, he noticed a few humans nearby, why the heck are they still normal yet he turn into a reptile?

edited 23rd Mar '14 11:21:39 PM by JustaUsername

Some people say I'm lazy. It's hard to disagree.
caliburnplm GENIUS!, THE EVIL from VALHALLA! Since: Feb, 2014 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form
#4: Mar 23rd 2014 at 9:50:05 PM

Well. This night had gone SOUR.

I had gotten up, did my thing, cooked breakfast, and walked to work. I walked because I am, frankly, a SUCK driver. Like, the worst. It was a miracle I was even given a license. For all of two months. Until I wrecked. Into an old folks home.

Where was I? Oh yes. My nights major suckage. I got off of work, walked to gamestop, learned that, sadly, EVERY SINGLE PS 4 had been bought. Trivial, I know, but I was looking forward to getting the next console. I began walking back home, when it began to rain. Jesus why. So, wet, soggy, and miserable, I continued my mile long walk back home. Now, had it just been the rain, and the ps4, I wouldn't have minded. But then, when I decided to cut through some back alleys, I got mugged.

What the hell.

So, current situation, I was being held up at gunpoint by a hobo in a rabbit suit. A pink rabbit suit. Dammit why.

"Gime ell er moneey!"

"Okay, calm down, hold on."

Shakily, I reached into my back pocket, and removed my wallet slowly. I was pretty damn terrified.

The meteor that hit didn't really help. Landing close enough to knock me back, somehow, that rat bastard mugger in the bunny suit didn't get knocked off his feet. Goddamnit, why me. Anyways, he ran off, gibbering in terror. Yeah. Definitely off his gourd. Standing up, I took a few moments to breathe. Wasn't really thinking. I think I was in shock. That being said, I know shit about shock. Anyways, I turned to the meteor. Which was a crystal. A WEIRD crystal.

Again, was not thinking. So, like a dumbass, I walked up to it, and grabbed it. Anyways, boom, vision fades, I wake up on a spaceship.


For a few moments, my jaw dropped, and I stumbled to make coherent words. Of course, because I didn't get a good look in a mirror, I didn't realize my face was currently grey, and corpselike. I would learn soon, but now, I was currently gawking at my surroundings. Weird ass people were in the place as well, including some reptile guy. After, I kinda-sorta got over my shock, I had one VERY important question.


Its so easy when your evil
TheBigBean Wizard of science. from underground. Since: Dec, 2012
Wizard of science.
#5: Mar 23rd 2014 at 11:00:44 PM

Another person soon appeared on the bridge of the spaceship, although this one wasn't that much better. He was on his knees, clutching his chest, teeth gritted and a look of horrible pain on his face as small groans escaped from his lips. "It hurts... it hurts too much!" He finally yelled, clutching a round bright spot on his shirt. "Where am I? Did you... did you guys do this to me?!"

Kaito had been having a wonderful time up until now. Open shop, wait for someone to wander in, convince them to buy something, and then leave. That is, until he found a shard inside one of the boxes that had been laying on the back of the shop. A look at the ceiling confirmed that the thing had fallen from the sky, and was now lodged in the head of a teddy bear. Thinking it'd be a cute little gift, he accidentally pierced his finger on it.

And that's when it happened. A sharp, sharp pain on his chest. Thinking it had something to do with his heart, he rushed to the bathroom, pulled up his shirt... and saw that he now had an arc reactor right there, on his chest. An arc reactor. Were there shrapnel in his heart? He didn't know, but it certainly felt like it. And now he had a giant nuclear reactor on his chest to keep him alive. He didn't have much time to run to the doctor or ask for help, because he was immediately transported to this futuristic spaceship. What was going on? He needed answers...

sanojutsu King of Lame-Style from Throne Room Since: May, 2012 Relationship Status: Norwegian Wood
King of Lame-Style
#6: Mar 23rd 2014 at 11:44:05 PM

"hmmm... no that doesn't add up now that I think about it" Would say Sanne into the empty room, as she was hunched over her desk on the corner of her room, her table lamp casting a white light unto the white of the note book. On that notebook disorganized notes on her math lessons, and the source of her anguish as A) Sanne was bad at math and hated it and B) A test was taking place the next day and she had procrastinated up to this point, cursed be the TV, her friends and the Internet. "no neither does this..." she sighed in frustration and stood up from her chair, studying was making her stiff all over, not only that but her room was getting stuffy.

She moved from there to her window and slid it up, causing a nice cool nightly breeze to come in, soothing her somewhat. It was a pretty night actually, and her home town looked gorgeous from here. Yep, very pretty, this was completely justified and not some excuse to stall and not study, not at all. Fortunate that she continued to watch because the sky began to drop its stars and grinned delighted, it was a beauty. She continued to watch though one had a weird trajectory it almost seemed like <CRASH!> it was headed to her room. It busted though her roof and made her T.V. a cozy little nest of plastic and wiring, though fortunately the metal shelf the tv was placed on hadn't collapsed. She was pretty miffed to see her TV busted, but such feeling were replaced by wonder as she saw the iridescent crystal in the plastic nest. This were the moments the Everyday Wierdness Club was established for, this was marvelous, she to take it and store it to bring it to the club offices... but as she touched it said object vanished into her and she vanished with it.

She was zapped into some type of space ship. Though confused, dazed, and still on her uniform she was marveled by the scene around her.

The graceless warrior, wielder of the edgeless blade, prophet of the old religions, writer of fluent nonsense, saviour of soul and song.
Eachiunn Rise Above Fate from Yes Since: Jun, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Rise Above Fate
#7: Mar 23rd 2014 at 11:48:49 PM

Donovan had been minding his business at home, watching TV when a Glowing chunk of crystal flew through his ceiling and landed in the middle of his floor, charring the carpet and leaving a small crater. Donovan was kind of pissed about this seeing as he'd have to pay an arm and a leg to get the ceiling and carpet repaired as well as seeing if this thing was radioactive.

"Shit, why'd this have to happen when I'm in between jobs?" groaned Donovan as he walked towards the crater in the middle of his living room, ruing the day he'd quit that job at Burger King. When Donovan picked up the Crystal, it started glowing even brighter before exploding in a flash of brilliant white light. Donovan was momentarily blinded before he noticed that his surroundings had changed from his living room to some sort of space ship. The next sensation to go through his body was intense, uncontrollable pain. Donovan was roaring incoherently as his entire body felt like his flesh was being ripped from his bones. "GODDAMMIT MAKE IT STOP!"

Eventually, the pain subsided and Donovan realized that he was wearing a suit of rather fancy looking armour as well as what looked like a pair of clawed gauntlets with a gun welded to the back of the one attached to his right hand. Leaning against the nearest wall, Donovan looked around the room he was in and sighed. It was gonna be a long night.

HeirophantsFool I use guns instead of magic. Since: Jan, 2013 Relationship Status: Tsundere'ing
I use guns instead of magic.
#8: Mar 24th 2014 at 12:10:54 AM

Patrick 'Pat' Durfee was a total shut in. He never went out unless he had to or it was playing video games or tabletop games with his very close friends. Why? He was paranoid that anything and everything was going to kill him. He'd watch enough horror movies, anime and played enough video games to know enough.

A loud CRASH was heard outside. This scared Patrick as he was deeply engrossed in the new South Park: Order of the Stick.

"What the f—k?" He said aloud.

He headed outside to fine a bright multiple colored spark in the drive way.

Feeling daring, for once in his life he aproached the spark.

"So the news was right." Pat muttered. He had heard the strange phenomenon from his brother.

However, before Pat could finish his train of thought, the spark leviated and pierced his lower chest area.

"!" He couldn't even speak. Soon, a paragraph of digitized text began to fill Pat's view that read: eat them all_ eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_eat them all_ eat them all_

Said paragragh is replaced with: Om Mani Padme Hum. (Pearl of the White Lotus)

"W-what the h-hell is happening t-to me..." He was moaning in pain.

Pat soon found a massive tearing pain on his back. He was crying now due to the massive pain he was in. Six bloody wings emerged from his skin. Pat was coughing up blood by this point.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna di- AHHH!" Pat was interrupted by intense piercing pain coming from his cranium.

"My he- W-wait the pain is coming from... the inside!?" Two large and bloody horns slowly grew from both sides of his head.

Pat soon realized that there was a lot of people surrounding him. He began to feel thirsty and the people surrounding him were starting to smell... sweet. It was making him even hungry. This new urge for food and drink overwhelmed his mind completely.

"Blood... INEEDYOURBLOOD!" He charged at the crowd. And he blacked out.


Pat found himself on a cold metal floor.

"W-what the hell?" He soon checked himself. No horns nor wings. There was a weird six angel wing tattoo on his right fist. Pat soon noticed that he was not on Earth anymore.

(I'm on a spaceship...?) He thought.

He soon notice other people were on the spaceship. Being causious, he started slowly walk toward them.

edited 24th Mar '14 1:04:36 AM by HeirophantsFool

Super Robot! SUPER ROBOT! ◥▶◀◤ Also, if some of my posts don't make sense, please take note that I might lack slee
stargirl93 Snowy from Zemuria Since: Jul, 2010 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'
#9: Mar 24th 2014 at 1:01:03 AM

Taylor sat on her bed, flipping through a book. Ok, one more chapter, and then I'll go to bed. She reached up, adjusting her bedside lamp a pit.

Suddenly, something broke through her bedroom window. Taylor flinched, dropping her book. What the- Taylor thought, scanning the room for the offending object. She then looked down at the floor.

A small blue crystal pierced the carpet, surrounded by burn marks. It pulsed slightly, lighting up the dark corner of the room.

She walked over to her closet and pulled out a broom. She then flipped it around, and poked at the crystalline object with the wooden handle. Hmm... Taylor bent over, picking up the object. What is this, some sort of meteorite? Taylor thought. Before she could contemplate that any further, the crystal burst, covering Taylor in a shower of light.

"Ack!" Taylor dropped the broom, raising that hand to shield her eyes.

Once the light faded,She looked around, finding herself on a spaceship. Taylor blinked. What in the world?

mrzalli from Land of Ice and Nokia Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: RelationshipOutOfBoundsException: 1
#10: Mar 24th 2014 at 1:02:32 AM

Ukko Hiirijärvi woke up, brushed his teeth and ate some porridge and bread for his breakfast. Then he backed some lunch on his backpack, took his phone, put on his warm hoodie/jacket and left his apartment. Today he had no lectures and it was a sunny but a cold morning in the Finland. He had decided yesterday to go for a hike in a nearby forest, so he took his bicycle and went outside the city to the border of the forest.

At no point did he check the news, but that wouldn't have made his amazement of finding a pretty crystal shining through the small snow spot in the forest any smaller.

"I have found many cool rocks on the forests but never anything like this." he thought

"I didn't knew there were pretty crystals like these in this forest. You would think I would hear about it." he wondered and picked up the crystal.

The crystal disappeared, much to his wonder. He however didn't have time to think about that as a glowing mark appeared on his left hand.

Next he noticed a folded sword, a small crossbow, a familiar mask next to him. "Wait I know where these are from!" he shouted as he tried the mask, took the folded blade and started trying the crossbow. "Are there supposed to be ammunition for this thing?" he wondered just before finding a quiver with some (20) crossbow bolts and another quiver with five sleep darts. "Well this can't get much more weirder. I have no idea how could I get fully authentic gear that Corvo used. If this is a dream I don't want it to stop."

After he picked the quivers he found himself on a radically different place, something that looked like an interior of a sci-fi spaceship. There also were some weird looking people.

"Of course it got weirder. Who are these people, did they do all this. They look as confused as I do so I don't think. Is that a dragon?" he thought as he nervously greeted everyone, using Finnish, "Heippa kaikki."

"Tietääkö kukaan mitä tapahtui?" he asked before finally realizing that these people probably didn't talk with the same language.

edited 24th Mar '14 2:52:40 AM by mrzalli

There is no broom closet ending
TenebrousGaze Dark Eye from A Shaded Face Since: Sep, 2013 Relationship Status: Giving love a bad name
Dark Eye
#11: Mar 24th 2014 at 1:05:57 AM

Zephyrus Braddock walked along the beach, enjoying the cool sea air. Although it was still fairly light out, there weren't any other people for a reasonable distance as there were more popular locations. As he walked, he looked up and watched the meteor shower above, thankful for the clear weather that allowed him to do so. As he did so, one suddenly came down a short distance across the beach.

He knew it was probably too dangerous but regardless he ran towards the brightly glowing object. Shielding his eyes with his hand as he reached it, he reached out and touched it, carefully placing his fingers on flat surfaces instead of sharp edges, the light intensifying as he did so.

The light did not completely fade but rather just gradually reduced to a moderately bright glow. He no longer stood on a beach but rather on what looked to be some kind of crazy sci-fi room. He also could feel a heavy metal mask on his head and a heavy lance was now resting on the floor, the handle in his hand. While it took him a second to realise it, he was also now glowing.

As he looked around, he saw other people in the room, some seemingly normal but also including what looked to be a dragon, seemingly suddenly appearing as he had.

edited 24th Mar '14 1:07:26 AM by TenebrousGaze

troydenite sword of promised halp from Somewhere South Since: Mar, 2011 Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]
sword of promised halp
#12: Mar 24th 2014 at 3:55:41 AM

Monday, 24 March
3:46 P.M.
Bucklands Beach
New Zealand

After the tedium of school, every day was more or less the same for Jasmine Yu. She would walk in through the door and dump her shoes on the rack. Then she would dump her socks in her shoes. Then she would dump her bag on the dining room table. Then her mother would scream at her through the clouds of stir-fry in her obnoxious Chinglish for doing all of the above. Deviation came with the summer uniform, when it was sandals, the occasional shocked guest, when she would throw her bag in a corner, and the regular report card, when the screaming would triple in ammunition and quadruple in volume.

Variety was the spice of life.

The pale, unathletic girl sat huddled on her chair with her Wacom tablet on her lap, glaring at the rectangle of glowing white before her. She made a few attempts at scratching the back of her head, but then she realised that those attempts at scratching were half-assed. So she gave up and glared at the white. Unimpressed with its whiteness.

Blank canvas. Life was good.

Her room was dark and musty, the smell of unwashed carpet and sweaty bedsheet hanging in the air like a sedentary spectre. She made a point of drawing the curtains every time her mother threw them open. Occasionally, the curtain war would come to a temporary standstill when both of them were out. Those instances were few and far between. She didn't particularly like the darkness or anything. At first, she just did it to piss her mother off. Then she got used to living like a bat, so now she could piss her mother off with impunity.

She was sure it was a beautiful day outside. Sometimes, you had to reach out and grab life by the balls.

Jasmine shook her legs awake and staggered to her feet. A rare mood was worming its way into her brain. She wanted to stand up for a bit. Groaning, she rubbed her sleep-deprived eyes and stared groggily at the ceiling. Why was she doing this, anyway? It wasn't like she used her legs much.

Something fell through the house and pricked her in the back of the neck. The next thing she knew, she was staring at neon-blue panels so bright that they made up for ten computer screens.

Jasmine looked down. Jasmine looked up again. Jasmine looked around. Jasmine squinted at all the other people in the room.

Jasmine decided that she was not impressed.

"...Look, I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but if this is some freakshow cosplay kidnapping thing you might as well let me go. Go start a sand-counting service somewhere. Charge a dollar an hour. You'll be wasting less time that way. Who knows, you might actually turn a profit."

"You probably don't want to ravish me, either."

Her voice was dry, raspy from undersleep and as caustic as a lemonade-bleach mix. Extra-strength.

edited 24th Mar '14 4:01:53 AM by troydenite

'Being around you guys makes me go "wtf" instead of pondering the ever increasing dread of time' - EchoingSilence, 2023
desdendelle (Avatar by Coffee) from Land of Milk and Honey (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: Writing a love letter
(Avatar by Coffee)
#13: Mar 24th 2014 at 5:59:24 AM

The soldier that would in time come to call himself Thanasius Ampelius hated getting up early. According to him, the person who invented the idea of getting up earlier than eight AM deserved to be shot, hanged, or both. Still, being a soldier meant he had to wake up early to reach his base in time, so last night he had set his alarm clock to half past six AM and went to bed relatively early.
Imagine his chagrin, then when something rudely woke him up before the alarm. He sat up in bed, blinking groggily. At first, he thought his noisy neighbours were up to their usual devilries, but then he noticed that his uniform, normally hung on a clothes rack near the far end of his room, was now serving as background for a still-glowing shard embedded in the floor of his room.
Blinking again, he got out of bed with a groan and sat down near the small crater, leaning so he could make the details out without his eyeglasses. He noticed that the shard was black with golden veins before overbalancing and falling toward it; while, fortunately, it did not stab his face — he swerved aside at the last second — it did tear a long gash in his hand.
He opened his mouth to cry out but promptly blacked out.
When he did come to, the first thing he noticed was that all that he saw was black. Then a few words in a pseudo-Cyrillic script, separated by a colon from the words “Drone Connection”, appeared in the centre of his field of view.
He tried to ask “what the fuck” but found that he could not.
The words blinked out, replaced by others:
CyberBrain reboot complete.
CyberEyes synchronisation complete.
CyberEye | Targeting System interlocking complete.
CyberEye | EYƎ Vision mutuality maximum.
Weapons interface located Damocles, Black Crow, Kinder Grenades, Hunting Machine. Protocols activated.
Neural interface activated, on standby.
Cardiovascular enhancements ready for action.
Sound Triangulator on standby.
Ψ block detected; powers available: Alchemy.
Activating Cyber limbs.

As suddenly as they appeared, the words vanished and the soldier found himself standing in what appeared to be a high-tech command centre. He brought a hand up to massage his brow but stopped mid-way when it entered his field of vision; instead of the slightly-scarred but still very much human left hand he expected he saw a black gauntlet with golden edges.
He let his hand drop and looked around. Most of the other people there looked fairly normal, but he also spotted a blue Lung (or something extremely similar) and a guy sporting a sextet of wings on his back.
“Um,” he said and stopped, surprised at how mechanical his voice sounded. He tried to clean his throat, found that he couldn't, and sighed, which sounded more like static than anything else.
“Um,” he said again. “Anyone has any idea what's going on?”

The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground
biomechtraveler Since: Apr, 2011
#14: Mar 24th 2014 at 6:21:56 AM

Auckland city

University(or somewhere in that zone)

New Zealand

The air was always good here.

The boy took an extra deep sniff and allowed a faint smile to curl into his lips. The air was extra good on Fridays; why? Because it was the last day of the week, nothing more, nothing less. A chuckle followed closely, he was being a damned romantic.

Roy looked around, the afternoon sun making hims squint slightly behind his glasses. The other people were filing out from the lecture hall, some conglomerated into masses of excited people chatting animatedly about something or other(White people, he did not associate himself with them for a good reason), others formed pools of nerdy Asians comparing lecture notes; then there were the stragglers that trailed off in their lonesome back to their halls of residence. He was one of that number and he didn't really care- he was a born loner (or so he would like to think).

Compressing his headphones onto his skull, he allowed himself to become lost in a world of Disney songs, some with less than adequate sound quality but no matter, he didn't mind. At least not too much. Slowly, he meandered down the concrete path that would eventually take him over a grassy bump then to a car park, then up some stairs.....unfortunately for him, these actions were going to remain future tense for at that moment he stooped down and picked up an insignificant piece of something that just so happened to catch his eye: probably someone's two dollar jewelry. Seriously, there were some people that would settle for anything these days, he briefly wondered if this was someone's idea of a gift to their girlfriend. Stupid boy, some people were just beyond comprehension.

It was when the jewel started glowing that he finally took real notice; shame really, he was just about to return it to the loamy earth and live a normal life.

What a joke. Before his startled eyes the jewel began to glow....or was the world turning dark?

"Wait....what?" (Cookies to whoever catches all his movie references)


Where everyone else is

There was a shadow behind one of the doors. Startled and bewildered as he was, Roy knew when to keep quiet and stay still. But it seemed to him that today his attempt to get smart was all for nothing. There was just a random bunch of people from who knows where gathered in front of him. At first, his eyebrows had almost shot off his face when people simply appeared in front of him. But now he guessed that this was how it rolled, might as well get over this first little hurdle.

He was scared, excited, probably on drugs (no, not that last part but he failed to think of an alternative to explaining this). But he was still sane, his mind could handle things now.

A girl flashed into existence in front of him; a quick scan of her told him that there need be no excitement over this female specimen. In response to this line of thought, his eyebrows remained perfectly calm.

-"You probably don't want to ravish me, either." -

Even as Jasmine finished this sentence a voice cut in after her.

"No we don't."

It was said in such a straight tone as to bisect Jasmine's little snark in half. Like a knife. Roy looked out from behind his own pair of glasses which he realised just now that he would need to wipe.

"And I don't think any of us would know what is going on, otherwise we would have told you why already."

Roy found that he had no problem talking to girls he wasn't interested in. He was glad that he wasn't all fumbling stupidity. Since he had revealed his existence he might as well blow cover so he strode out from behind whatever he was leaning against. He directed a searching look at some of the louder ones, one eyebrow ever so slightly raised as to pose an unanswerable question.

"And 'what the hell' indeed, perhaps if you shut up"- here he directed a straight look at Kaito- " and tried to work out what the hell is happening and where the hell we are, we might all know something all the sooner."

Thus done with his monologue, he returned to leaning on the wall.

edited 24th Mar '14 6:23:37 AM by biomechtraveler

Oni-Lord Since: May, 2010
#15: Mar 24th 2014 at 8:04:20 AM

With one last yawn, Jamie pushed herself out of the front door and on to the door step. She didn't get as much sleep as she would have liked, since something woke her up in the middle of the night. She couldn't remember what, but it probably wasn't a big deal if she went back to sleep, right? Its not like today was anything important, just one class on the schedule. She'd get that done and then come home and nap or something if she stays tired. Chances are she would wake up eventually.

After a brief stretch, the blond stepped down from the porch and was heading down to the side walk. She preferred walking to the near by campus instead of driving. She had to stop as she noticed something. Her mailbox had been knocked over, dirt kicked up in its place. "Oh come on. What, did someone run it over?" She complained out loud as she walked over to see if it was salvageable. It looked like the pole and box were still in one piece, so it shouldn't be too hard to stand back up. Her attention was then drawn over to the hole that was where the box had been.

From the looks of things, something had smashed into the ground and kicked up all of this dirt. No tire tracks so it didn't look like it was a car. She stepped closer to the hole and looked down into it. Resting at the bottom of said hole was a strange rock. Maybe it was a crystal, didn't matter really. It was multicolored, and kinda pretty in a weird way. Jamie reached out towards it, but her hand hesitated once it got close. It looked safe-ish and she couldn't feel any heat coming from it. She should get a closer look. With one quick motion, the blond picked up to the shard and raised it up for a better view.

Her investigation of the shard was suddenly cut short when it started glowing a bright blue. She squinted her eyes from the sudden light source, but managed to see it slip from her hand and fly into her chest. With a shout of surprise, Jamie fell gracelessly on her ass and looked down at where the stone just entered. She pulled open the collar of her shirt and looked to see if the crystal had made a wound. There was no hole in her skin and no pain, only this weird dim glow under the skin. She let go of her shirt and looked up, only to find a change of scenery in front of her. Now she was in a very metallic, very high-tech place. The kind you'd only see on TV.

Jamie picked herself up off of the floor of the spaceship and looked around, seeing the confused faces of a bunch of other people. Well, at least she wasn't alone in this weirdness. Maybe she was still asleep and this was a dream? It was a very vivid dream if that was the case. "Ummmmm..." She muttered, really not sure what to say in this situation.

Sijo from Puerto Rico Since: Jan, 2001
#16: Mar 24th 2014 at 8:51:59 AM

Simon Jones- or Sijo as his friends called him- assessed his "dream". The fact that he was aware he was "dreaming" didn't tip him off he was guessing wrong, since he'd often been able to tell when he was still asleep; he was a pretty lucid dreamer. Although he had to admit, this was a rather realistic-looking dream...

He was a bit disappointed, though. This wasn't fantastic enough. Sure, the spaceship looked good, and there was a dragon and a few costumed people, but for the most part, the other 'characters' looked kinda mundane. His dreams were often much weirder, probably to compensate for the monotony of his real life. Plus, all that fanboy stuff he read or watched probably accumulated in his subconscious mind.

He decided to just wait for now. Soon, an Asian girl started whining about something. He almost made a crack about Daria having a Chinese cousin aloud, but a nerdy-looking boy beat him to responding to her. Figuring him to be the dreams 'exposition character' he decided to watch him instead.

VoidsEmpathy Emissary of the Void from Realm of In-Between Since: Jan, 2011 Relationship Status: A heart full of love
Emissary of the Void
#17: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:02:29 AM

In a large house, somewhere in the US

A loud clang could be heard from this house at least twice as far out as it was tall. Its sole occupant had dropped a few pots and pans while he busily attempted to make himself dinner. Surrounding him was mountains upon mountains of books, neatly stacked high enough to at least be half way to the ceiling, which was about 5 ft.

''Damn, I really need to reorganize my dishes if I'm having this much trouble." Thought the quiet Librarian, as he shuffled around a stack of books under the crime drama genre. To date, his collection of books had reached about 900, with the exception of the comic books and other entertainment files that stayed in the spare bedroom. That would have nearly doubled the amount if he actually counted those as well.

After taking care of the dishes, the Librarian pulled a taped recorder from his left pocket and pressed the record button. "Journal Entry #55976: Today I went to see my new shrink, a woman by the name Tannis, to discuss my current status. She appeared to have been enamored with me as every other female shrink that I've had in the past. There had been a major difference between her and the others: she has an extremely unhealthy interest in my bouts of raging insanity, bordering on the sexual. While I shall not divulge the details, the results were...adequate."

Roland paused as he heard a low moan emanating from the Master Bedroom, then continued quietly," at the very least. In other news, there has been a report of a meteor shower occurring earlier today across the globe, though the likelihood of a meteorite landing here is astronomically low-" Crash! The sound of broken glass came from above him as a dark grey object landed at his feet with shards strewn about the room.

Picking up the meteorite, he began to examine it thoroughly and said," I found an unusually colored object from the meteor shower, its material unlike anything I've seen before." Before he could speak further, the object faded into his skin and vanished, leaving a chilling sensation. After that, a light bluish glow appeared on the opposite side of his hand, revealing a stylized lotus. As it began to glow brighter, the same light engulfed him before fading away.

Standing still for a few moments, Roland gazed at the alien armor curiously, then brought out his recorder once more: "Interesting design, not really sure how to remove it though. I will begin testing in a much more suitable environment." Putting the device away, he looks around and carefully walks forward, only to vanish in a flash of white light.

As he reappeared, Roland realized that he was no longer in his home, he pulled out his recorder again, though it would be the last entry for a little while,"Journal Entry #55977: Toto, I'm afraid we're not in Kansas anymore." Though this was not out of fear, but in joy.

FullMoon feeling blue from Surface Since: Jul, 2012 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters
feeling blue
#18: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:09:50 AM

Study, study, study. That was all Naoki had to do in his life, no time for anything else. Just sitting on his room and studying with a book open in front of him. Even he had his limits though and he eventually decided to go do something else. He went outside his house just to see what seemed to be a meteor shower happening. He was amazed by it since it came out of nowhere to him, it was a very pleasant surprise indeed. However, soon he saw that something was headed his way and in fact a piece of meteorite seemed to crash right in front of his house, making a small crater in front of it.

"W-Woah... Things just got crazy." he said to himself, nervously.

He then came closer to the crater to find some sort of odd glowing shard. It was totally something that came out of a TV show and he was smart enough to know that maybe it wouldn't be the best idea to touch it, but he did it anyway, making sure to not hurt himself on the pointy bits. But as soon as he made contact with it, it disappeared into a blue energy that went right inside his body, he froze for a moment, thinking he just had ruined his life forever.

"Oh no, this is bad, reallly really bad, what is this thing going to do me?!" he thought, starting to panic.

He was panicking so much that he took a while to notice that he now found himself in what seemed to be a space ship, if that was caused by the shard, he didn't know. What he knew was that things just had gotten seriously messed up, especially once the looked around and saw that there were other people there, one of which seemed to be dragon.

"... Oh god, did I just get kidnapped by space dragons?" asked Naoki, nervously.

Stratofarius huzzaaaaaaaah Since: Aug, 2011
#19: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:17:57 AM

"Holy smokes!" Michael yelled as a bunch of other people appeared on the ship, but his sights were set on the dragon. "I know you! You're from that... you're from that Disney Channel show! Wow, that costume is pretty damn good. It almost looks real."

"That's because it is real!"

The voice came from the ship's ceiling, and if anyone had paid any attention to it, they would have found it sounded a lot like a famous Earth comedian. One of the screens, which was stuck to the ceiling by a metallic arm, slowly lowered until it was at the height of the other humans, an eye appearing on its screen. "Hello, intruders!" The screen said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Generic Enterprise Negotiator, Interventor and Extrapolator. But that's just because they really wanted it to sound cool. You intruders can call me G.E.N.I.E!" The eye was replaced with the static face of the famous genie character from a series of children's movies.

The screen noticed the Finnish-speaking person, and sighed. "Oh boy. Seems like those translator microbes aren't working, and this is an international joint!... activating them now." There was a faint hissing sound, and suddenly, the humans on the ship would be able to understand each other perfectly. If you spoke German, you would be hearing the others speak in perfect German. But if you spoke English, the others would be speaking perfect English. "Fancy-shmancy technology, huh?" GENIE asked. "Now, before we move onto protocol and BLAST ALL INTRUDERS INTO OBLIVION, can I just ask... how did you guys get in here?

edited 24th Mar '14 9:18:48 AM by Stratofarius

mrzalli from Land of Ice and Nokia Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: RelationshipOutOfBoundsException: 1
#20: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:29:17 AM

"Hey, I can speak English perfectly well, I was just confused." Ukko interjected using his English skills. You could hear his untrained pronunciation and Finnish accent clearly and that he couldn't speak English perfectly well.

"I just found a glowing crystal that gave me all these items and now I'm here." he said returning to the original question

"I wonder do I have also all the powers though" he mumbled before blinking to another place

"Whoah! That was interesting. I do have his powers." he said blinking again.

At this point he didn't even care if this was a dream or not, nor who were the other people, he was too interested in his new found powers.

edited 24th Mar '14 9:54:28 AM by mrzalli

There is no broom closet ending
desdendelle (Avatar by Coffee) from Land of Milk and Honey (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: Writing a love letter
(Avatar by Coffee)
#21: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:38:23 AM

The now-armoured soldier raised his hand. He looked at the Finnish-speaking boy teleporting around. Looking down, he examined what he could of his own body. Combined with the words he saw earlier, he guessed what he was wearing and immediately got that sinking feeling you get when you discover you've just left the nuclear launch codes at the canteen.
He could feel his mouth forming an O, though nobody else saw it behind his helmet's mouthpiece.
“Y'know...” he told no-one in particular, “if this isn't some sort of hallucination, I'm now wearing a suit of EΨƎ armour, quite possibly Jian Shang Di...”
He looked around. “Can I scream now?”

The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground
PhilosopherStones Anyways Here's Darude Sandstorm from The North (lots of planets have them) Since: Apr, 2013 Relationship Status: You can be my wingman any time
Anyways Here's Darude Sandstorm
#22: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:45:28 AM

It was cold, yet he was warm. Running, sweat dripping down his brow and soaking his shirt. Up he climbed, determined to reach his goal. To show them, to show the world he could the distance and defeat all ev-


A flash of blue sent him for a spin. He managed to pick himself up and saw he had been ejected a ways away from a crater. Slowly he approached it, observing a glowing blue gem within it's epicentre. He reached for it with an outstretched hand...

And was unceremoniously dumped onboard the ship in the middle of GENIE's speech, taking with him a considerable amount of snow that fell on Naoki and Ukko.


TenebrousGaze Dark Eye from A Shaded Face Since: Sep, 2013 Relationship Status: Giving love a bad name
Dark Eye
#23: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:50:08 AM

"All those language tutors totally fatuous then?

At the appearance of GENIE, an idea popped into Zed's mind. He reached up to his face with his free hand and removed the mask, his glow immediately turning off as he did so. It took him a second but something then seemed to occur to him.

"It's...This is the Avohkii. I'm wearing a damned children's toy."

He then replaced the mask and placed his other hand on the long handle of the lance, managing to lift it.

"So...This ungainly armament is my focus then."

As he said so, the glow around him returned, brighter now. It also occurred to him to actually answer the question.

"Magic, probably. Seems stupid enough."

VoidsEmpathy Emissary of the Void from Realm of In-Between Since: Jan, 2011 Relationship Status: A heart full of love
Emissary of the Void
#24: Mar 24th 2014 at 9:54:58 AM

Roland observed the other people with a cool expression, whipping out a pencil and notepad, writing a few notes based on what he saw. Observation Note #1: It appears that these mysterious shards each of us has found has given us unique abilities. Not only that, we appear to be intruding in an unknown spaceship with a cartoon character as an AI. More observations are needed for this new journey.

mrzalli from Land of Ice and Nokia Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: RelationshipOutOfBoundsException: 1
#25: Mar 24th 2014 at 10:05:09 AM

Ukko noticed Zed's mask and lance, and blinked to him.

"Hey wait is that Takanuva's mask? Cool." he said "It looks like most of us have gotten some powers and items based on fictional characters and stuff. I guess."

He looked around and recognized the armors of Thanasius and Roland, but other people's characters were mystery to him.

"Where did this snow come?" Ukko said while brushing it off and looked back and saw Joe in a small pile of snow in where he had been shortly before

edited 24th Mar '14 10:16:44 AM by mrzalli

There is no broom closet ending

Total posts: 370