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YMMV / We are the Main Characters of the Demon World!

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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: This manga features many references to Wrwrd! 's activities and released contents, which may be quite off-putting to those who are unfamiliar with the group. This is especially the case for non-Japanese readers given that Wrwrd! is incredibly obscure outside of Japan.
  • Broken Base:
    • Since most of the characters in this manga are based on real-life people and some of the chapters include references to actual events involving them, fans are having a hard time regarding where to draw the line when it comes to making headcanons. There are those who condemns headcanons as it may be offensive towards the people depicted in the manga, while others accept headcanons under the reasoning that due to its fictional nature, the characters' personality and actions aren't truly reflective of their real-life counterparts.
    • How the story treats Emile is either funny or just plain mean-spirited. Those who think the latter would point out how, despite his antagonist status, Emile never actually did anything bad towards the old Our Battler beyond their first encounter (he even helped the first years with learning magic spells for the Harvest Festival), and yet he constantly becomes a subject of bullying and humiliation for them. It's not surprising that there are some who wants Emile to successfully take revenge against the old Our Battler.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Ton the Devil Pork. Aside from his cute appearance, he's shown to be a very smart familiar and often becomes a helping hand for Our Battler that readers can't help adoring him. In fact, one of the first few official merchandise released for this manga is a Ton plush toy.
    • The familiars and other magical beasts featured here in general seems to be more popular compared to the ones from the main series (except maybe Kalego in his familiar form). It helps that each familiar is unique both in terms of design and personality, and is frequently utilized in various chapters.
  • Epileptic Trees:
    • What made Shaoron immune to Gruppen's bloodline magic in chapter 1? The fact that this was never brought up in the succeeding chapters made people believe that this may be foreshadowing something important in the future. Some even theorize that his immunity may have something to do with his own bloodline magic.
    • Speaking of Shaoron's bloodline magic, many found it suspicious how, in chapter 116, Utsu immediately took his words back after mentioning Shaoron's bloodline and got worried when Shaoron started to consider taking advantage of it during the upcoming Harvest Festival, possibly implying that his bloodline is actually more powerful than people would expect.
    • In the manga We are the Main Characters of Another World!, Shaoron is a minor character who found himself in the middle of a nuclear war and was nowhere to be found after it ended. Some people made a headcanon that Shaoron actually died and somehow got reincarnated into the Shaoron in this manga.
  • Fandom-Specific Plot: The fact that not all Wrwrd! members have been incorporated to this manga has given fans the opportunity to create their own take on how they can be added to the story. With the addition of guest characters such as Rader and Paint, fans are also trying to add other YouTubers as well.
  • Fanon:
    • It is not uncommon to find fanarts of Tonton having a more humanoid appearance. He is usually depicted with red eyes and jet black hair (somewhat similar to Utsu but without the eye-obscuring bangs), wearing glasses and (on some occasions) a red scarf.
    • Anytime Roboro is depicted having his Wicked Phase, the 天 on his mask is often replaced with the character 鬼.
  • Genius Bonus: Roboro's familiar is a small Devil Hamster named Roborovski. Roborovski is a real-life dwarf hamster species known to be the smallest of all hamsters. Roboro's own name is likely a reference to said hamsters as well.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Shoppi and Cino are the second-year seniors to first-years Shaoron, Utsu, Tonton, and Zom. Ironically, in real life, the former two are the newest members of Wrwrd!. The gap between their debuts to the latter four is quite far as wellnote .
    • Given that the premise is about YouTubers as demons attending school in the demon world, a lot of readers (especially those who are unfamiliar with Wrwrd!) wonder if this manga is an Isekai upon the first time reading. The promotional video for the manga's third volume has Shaoron and Tonton being voiced by the same VA as Isekai protagonists Kazuma and Subaru respectively.
      • Speaking of Subaru, Yūsuke Kobayashi also voices Senku Ishigami in the anime adaptation of Dr. STONE, of which Wrwrd! had previously collaborated with, particularly in the form of science demonstration videos, as well as a Rakugo skit. It should also be noted that one of Wrwrd! 's most notable affiliate, Professor KuRaRe, works on the anime as the science consultant.
    • There are a few of this involving Shaoron himself:
      • During his early days, Shaoron was the least popular Wrwrd! member, having the least votes on popularity polls during live broadcasts. And while his popularity seems to have increased, fans would still make jokes about him being desperate for popularity. It becomes hilarious when you realize that in this series, Shaoron really is desperate for it.
      • Shaoron is also known for constantly teasing Zom during live gameplays. In this manga, it's Zom who annoys Shaoron to no end.
      • Shaoron hates Iruma for always taking the spotlight away from him. Ironically, the manga's promotional video has him gushing over Iruma-kun 's anime adaptation.
      • Shaoron's counterpart in Hell Doctor KuRaRe's Science Can Solve Everything!!, Wrwrd! 's previous manga, once said that he'll become "The Main Character of the Demon World" at some point. He becomes exactly that here... kind of.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: It is not unheard of for a Wrwrd! fan to read this manga just for the characters and references to the group's other works, as opposed to actually following the story. In fact, there are some fans who don't have any knowledge or even interest regarding the main series whatsoever. The same can be said for some of the fans of the other YouTubers featured here who just want to see their favorites as manga characters.
  • Moe: A lot of the characters are rather cute-looking, which may have something to do with the manga's round and fluffy art style.
  • More Popular Spin-Off: In Japan, this manga actually sells at a much faster rate than the series it's based on, which is quite a feat given that the main series itself is already one of the highest-selling manga that's still running on Weekly Shōnen Champion. This manga frequently makes it to the top ten on weekly volume sales chart, eventually reaching a million copies in circulation just one year after serialization. Outside of Japan, however, the main series is still more popular.
