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YMMV / Twilight Syndrome

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: The end of the "Hinashiro High School's Seven Mysteries" chapter where the "Phantom Runner" rumor turns out to be the only true mystery of the titular seven...which is a Living Statue of Ninomiya Sontoku who inexplicably likes to run on the running track at night. Aside from some Stunned Silence, all of the girls just give up and go eat ramen.
  • Bizarro Episode: "Prank", the only episode for which Suda51 had full creative control, and serves as a preview of sorts for Moonlight Syndrome. The result is a sequence of surrealistic scenes without any kind of clear progression or significance , which Suda himself described as "vulgar" and experimental.
  • Cult Classic: Despite its limited international outreach, the series has a devoted fanbase which is fond of their unique style and appreciates their influence in other Japanese games.
  • Mainstream Obscurity: Particularly among international audiences, the series has gained some recognition thanks to its connections to Suda51's work and the stylized throwback to it in Danganronpa 2. Unfortunately, it has remained unlocalized in spite of this, with serious fan efforts to provide some kind of translation for the games' script only going back as recently as the late 2010s, meaning that the number of non-Japanese fans that have directly experienced the stories of the games, let alone actually played them, is very reduced.
  • Retroactive Recognition: A considerable part of the attention the series receives today is owed to its connections to Suda51's early work as a replacement director in the original duology, and main director of Moonlight Syndrome.
  • Tear Jerker: Several cases have the characters dealing with some personal issues which are portrayed in a very realistic and genuine fashion. Main character Yukari evolves throughout the main scenarios as she comes to terms with her personal problems stemming from her relationships with various people in her life. Other case-specific examples include a girl who hanged herself after a botched romantic relationship with one of her teachers, a girl who was part of a lineage of Human Sacrifices desperately reaching out to any connection she can get with the living world, a boy who was driven to kill himself due to combined pressure from abusive school bullies and an overbearing family, and a young relative of Yukari's who suddenly passed away from illness without getting the chance to say goodbye.
