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YMMV / The Adventures of a Sword

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Emperor Ginold is a despotic tyrant who staged a coup against the leader of Northeast planet and afterwards brutally tortured or killed those who dared oppose him. When Jordan, Arnie, and Gary acquire a book that could transform into a sword, Ginold throws his best friend into a pit of snakes and kills his fortuneteller and many of his guards in a fit of rage. When he discovers Morliss failed to capture the boys, he uses a kettlebell to bludgeon him, and while the protagonists are being chased by Ginold's army, they encounter a ruined city that had been raided and torched by Ginold and his army. The main characters encounter Ginold once again on Earth, by first using someone he killed as a vessel on their plane, and after attempting to drown them and everyone in their vicinity in his water form. Eventually, he manages to imprison Gary and Arnie in his castle, and kills one of Jordan's army men when the latter refuses to give crucial information. Ultimately, Ginold manages to fatally burn Arnie, subject Gary to a Fate Worse than Death by trapping his soul inside a robot, turn on and kill Balthazar when the latter has a change of heart, and finally kill Jordan and his army by duping Jordan.
    • Adrianna de la Santos is an obsessed fan of Emperor Ginold who, in life, attempted to impress him by murdering her own family, killing 68 other people and keeping their skeletons as mementos, and abetting in the homicide of Jordan's mother. Afterwards, she chopped off her hands and hung herself on an oak tree to frighten anyone who was unfortunate enough to encounter her corpse. As a ghost, when the protagonists find her skeleton collection, she appears and tries to suffocate Jordan before being temporarily defeated. However, she attempts to kill them again by putting invisible pods on Jordan, which would coerce the victim into killing everyone around them and then themself. During the final battle, Adrianna brags to Jordan about how she killed eighty other people with the pods, before electrocuting Carl and killing Olivia by reversing the effects of the de-aging seeds she consumed.
    • "Chapter 5": Morliss the Mountain Giant is a top wrestling champion who has won every single match he has participated in. However, it soon comes to light that he is a sadistic monster who ripped a dog in half in front of a boy, killed several partygoers by dumping kettlebells on their heads, and hurled a baby in a creek, all out of sadism. Worst of all, it is revealed that he ate 72 children to grow extremely strong. After convincing the three protagonists to rest in his cabin so he could eat them, he reveals his vile nature by showing them pictures of his atrocities, and then sends his minion Parkskar to capture them for his consumption. When Parkskar fails to seize them, Morliss brutally ends him by impaling a spear through his neck. After, he shoots a man dead and devours his corpse.
