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YMMV / South Park S 25 E 2 The Big Fix

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Tolkien says that he hates his name, and for the past 24 seasons, he had no issue with his name being spelled "Token", even spelling it that way himself for Token Black Productions. It's likely that he actually prefers his name being spelled "Token" to remove the association with J.R.R. Tolkien (though he may not have thought of the "Token Black Person" meaning until Stan pointed it out, which may also explain why he starts using the correct spelling in later episodes).
    • Tolkien's hatred of the author could stem from the traumatising memory of watching the hardcore pornography Back Door Sluts 9 and for a long time related J.R.R. Tolkien's works to remembering that porno.
  • Broken Base: The Internal Retcon that Token's name is actually "Tolkien". While the episode overall was well received, the "reveal" split the base down the middle between the group of fans who still prefer to call him "Token" and those who play along with the episode's joke and correct everyone who doesn't call him by his new canon name. The former group tend to not get along very well with the more vocal members of the latter group due to them often using the In-Universe strawman of calling them racists for thinking that a black kid would be called "Token", which can get tiring for the episode's detractors.
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Played for Laughs In-Universe. Both Stan and the audience were lead to believe for years that Tolkien was named "Token". Yet everyone in town already knew this and are surprised Stan didn't. It's even lampshaded as how ridiculous it would be for the only Black family in town to name their son Token.
  • Play-Along Meme: Token's name has actually always been Tolkien, and Stan spends the episode feeling guilty that he thought the only black boy in school was actually named "Token". The fandom ran with this by accusing anybody who still called him "Token" of being racist, and claiming that any scenes where he was still called "Token" were edited.
  • The Producer Thinks of Everything: Shortly after the episode's release, all of the show's official online material and social media (even South Park: Phone Destroyer) changed Token's name to Tolkien as part of the joke. For the most part, Stan's subtitles still refer to Tolkien as Token, too.
