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YMMV / Small Wonder

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  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The show has been so popular in India that it spawned a copycat series in the Hindi language in the early-to-mid 2000s. This was largely because it was shown as an after school kids show instead of as a prime time sitcom. The tone and humor of the dubbed dialogue was pitched so perfectly for the Indian audience that "Vicki" became a household name.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In one early episode, the parents tell the neighbors that Vicki has laryngitis and send her away to gargle (to get her away from the neighbors), Vicki says "I don't have Gargle in my memory bank but I do have googol" (a "googol" is a one with a hundred zeros after it). While she doesn't mean the website (which wasn't around then), mentioning google while also mentioning her memory bank is a funny coincidence.
  • Moe: A rare American example of the theme, and it seems to predate the modern Japanese concept by a decade or two.
