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YMMV / Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

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  • Complete Monster: Queen Regina is Snow White's stepmother, and a witch obsessed with maintaining her power, youth, and beauty. Getting Snow's father into falling in love with and marrying her, Regina begins picking off the staff and subjects as sacrifices for her magic trees, feeding them an apple which would turn them into a tree, their fruit turning into shoes that would grant Regina her beauty and power. After numerous failed attempts, Regina would capture and enslave the King before hunting down a thief—a transformed Snow White—who "stole" said shoes. Recruiting Prince Average, when he fails to capture the thief, Regina turns him and his men into wooden golems. Realizing Snow stole from her, she coerces her into eating one of the apples, turning her into another tree at the threat of killing her beloved Merlin.
  • Critical Dissonance: the critics gave the film a 40% in rotten tomatoes but the audience was a lot more forgiving giving it a whopping 81%.
  • Cult Classic: The film has a small fanbase who loves it for providing a relatively unique take on the original fairy tale.
  • Fandom-Enraging Misconception: When discussing this movie, don't ever say that it was about fat-shaming. Fans of the movie will angrily point out that not only do the previews give the wrong idea of the movie, but that the Aesop of the movie is actually the exact opposite of what the previews implied.
  • Misaimed Marketing: In the western release, the film's trailers and posters were rife with insensitive jokes and references to Snow White's larger figure, with this particularly infamous tagline implying that plus-sized women cannot be beautiful. This caused many assumptions that the film was promoting fat-shaming, leading to the filmmakers (including ChloĆ« Grace Moretz, the voice of Snow White in the English dub) to criticise the marketing for completely betraying the film's actual message.
  • Moe: Snow White/"Red Shoes". Many find her original form to be much cuter than the Generic Cute girl she disguises herself as.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: The film is pretty obscure in the West, which means most people know it for the infamous fat-shaming controversy its Misaimed Marketing caused.
  • So Okay, It's Average: Many find the overall story to be passable if fairly generic, though the film's strong central message greatly elevates the material.
  • Tainted by the Preview: The very first poster and trailer understandably did not go over well, and had alienated a lot of people who thought it was fat shaming. Fans of the movie emphasize that actual movie is nowhere near what the marketing was.
  • Values Dissonance: The film was produced in South Korea, where beauty standards are notoriously strict.note  This was the main factor behind the film's infamous ad campaign and the intense backlash it received, even though the film itself revolves around the theme is that physical beauty isn't all that matters.
