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YMMV / Les Messagers du Temps

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  • Anvilicious: The Prince's and Princess' numerous remarks on the greedy nature of the humans in the 20th Century can become really annoying really quickly; especially since they are themselves a bit of Kleptomaniac Heroes, therefore they come off as a little hypocritical.
  • Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game: The books are well-known for their well-written story and characters (by gamebooks standards), for the possibility of playing an unambiguously female main character and for their humor. Not so much for the quality of their gameplay which is average at best and sometimes veers into Fake Difficulty.
  • Narm: While his scheme in itself is treated as appropriately dangerous, some readers found Peter Meduzz too ridiculous to be taken completely seriously, being a Large Ham Mad Scientist Evil Genius with an obsession for singing sailor songs and constant sneezing. It's especially noticeable because, until Meduzz's proper introduction, the story was kept relatively realistic.
  • Protagonist Title Fallacy: The "Messengers of Time" from the title do not refer to the heroes but to the people the heroes must rescue.
