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YMMV / It's Curtains

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Yes, soup cakes like the one Astarte makes in Week 4 actually exist. They're a lot better than they sound, too, and far from the weirdest cakes out there (a few recipes from the early 1940s include salt pork).
  • Ascended Meme: After Billy makes a Hook-having-syphilis remark to the Balladeer, the latter turns and mouths it to the audience during Hook's execution, at which point the joke had already spiralled into an out-of-universe meme.
  • Awesome Music: So many linked songs. Some culprits, including the first, even retool the "Machine Gun Talk Battle" game mechanic into a song battle.
  • Cargo Ship: One Crack Pairing people say they ship is between two inanimate objects, the Arm Thing and the Stunt Cow.
  • Crack Pairing: A lot are joked about, often involving Hans, the Balladeer, or characters who aren't even in the game. Hansadeer used to be this, but then it stopped being a joke and became actual game canon.
  • Fan Nickname: A few of them are there already.
    • Valjean: Bread Dad and French Jesus. These are mentioned in the epilogue.
    • Eliza: Founding Mom
    • Astarte's Superpowered Evil Side is called "Impostor-chan," "Stabby," or "Genocider Astarte."
    • "Billydeer" for the Balladeer became an In-Series Nickname.
    • Javert: Law Dad
    • The events of the game's unfolding backstory gained the nickname "Round 0."
    • "Bad Santa" for King Charlemagne.
    • Billy H. and Hans, of all people have become known as Team "Love Made Us Better People."
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Aside from Hans/Balladeer, which actually became canon with Hans's Heel–Face Turn, the Leading Player is often shipped with one of the heroes for fun, generally set before she also turned good.
  • Genius Bonus: The multiversal Denny's may seem fairly random, but besides being a theater kid hangout, the name "Denny's" derives from Dionysus, the Greek God of wine, madness...and theater.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Accusing Hook of having syphilis.Round 1 
    • Accidental Misnaming by the narration.Explanation 
    • Sometimes... you app the mastermind.Round 2 Spoilers 
  • Mind Game Ship: Pairing the mastermind with the Balladeer has a following for this alone, specifically when LP erases B's memory for defying her.
  • Player Punch: Players knew half the cast would die, but in Round 1, killing the Balladeer too, then bringing him back with Laser-Guided Amnesia, was done specifically to make them suffer.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: All the R1 canon ships got them eventually.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Seymour after he learns that he literally did help do that.
