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YMMV / GothNebula

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  • Accidental Innuendo: This in the epilogue of Werehog's Roommate:
    "Ga bwa go" Canis said. He reaches out his hands that he wanted to be picked up. Sonic did so and heads to the couch with him, morphing into a blue wolf again so that he can groom his werepuppy son with his tongue like a wolf. Canis closes his eyes as he's being groomed by his father.
    "Hehe, I thought wolf mothers do that for her pups" Amy chuckled and decides to let her lover groom his son. She morphs into a wolf and grooms Pawline with her tongue like a wolf. The lilac baby werehog girl cooed from getting groomed by her mother. She got licked on her head.
  • Archive Panic: GothNebula has written over 220 fanfics already, though most are one-shots.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
  • Moe: GothNebula's take on Movie Sonic
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Scourge, an evil prince, crosses it early in Rose in Shining Armor when he attempts to rape his Arranged fiancee Amy.
      Sonic: What? By raping the princess?! This is treason!
    • Da Chief Scourge from Cop and the Thief was already an unlikable Jerkass from the start, never thanking the cops for their catches and bossing them around rudely just to meet his demands, but he finally crosses it when he orders guilty burglar Jet to kidnap Justified Criminal Nebula, whom he really wants imprisoned. Unsurprisingly, he ends up in prison himself.
      Shadow: Scourge? My own boss?! He's gonna pay for betraying me and my colleagues!
  • Nightmare Fuel: In Blue Dhampir, Amy's husband, Dexter, who disappeared prior to the story, turns out to have been captured by Dracula, tortured to the point of being severely underweight and completely insane, and forced to engage in cannibalism. It's frightening, to the point Sonic Mercy Kills him.
  • Salvaged Story: Sally Acorn was originally portrayed as a Jerkass, as opposed to GothNebula's favor of Sonic/Amy pairing, but turned heroic as a response to the backlash.

  • Spiritual Successor:
    • Creature of the Forest to Hedgehog Pride. They're both stories starring a girl who comes across Ethnic Magicians who practice Animorphism in a foreign land, a villain who wants to destroy their land, and the girl eventually earning their Animorphism ability and joining them.
    • Vampire Wind and the Innocent Rose to Werehog's Roommate. They're both Monster Mash stories featuring Sonic and company as nice monsters and taking place in an Urban Fantasy setting.
    • Demigods to Guardians of Seasons. They both feature the gods of Greek Mythology and Sonic and his friends being at least divine.
  • Tear Jerker:
