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YMMV / Fruit Ninja

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  • Game-Breaker:
    • The Shadow Blade occasionally summons waves of fruit that hover mid-air in a certain formation. In theory, this should be a luck-based addition to the gameplay that can grant players a few extra points. In practice, it summons the hovering waves at a surprisingly high frequency, allowing the player to rack up enormous high scores and huge combos in a single game.
    • The Golden Ember Blade allows fruit to be sliced twice, making really high combos if timed well and is especially powerful in arcade mode. Of course, this was changed so that there is a chance that fruit can be sliced twice.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Contrary to occasional belief, there is no character explicitly named "Fruit Ninja" — the Featureless Protagonist player character, whenever acknowledged, is only referred to as "the ninja", and the guy that appears in most promotional material is Sensei. The series treats "Fruit Ninja" as a title given to people with a knowledge of Juice Jitsu martial art, and most commonly uses it as a collective name for Sensei's four ninjas-in-training (Katsuro, Mari, Han, and Nobu) that wear clothing heavily reminisent of various fruits and are supporting non-playable characters.
  • Narm Charm: Frenzy Force lives and breathes Saturday Morning Cartoons in its execution and style and does it so beautifully. It helps that it doesn't take itself too seriously.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: Believe it or not, the title screen music turns out to be an oriental adaptation of some beginning riff from Klymaxx's "I Miss You".
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: When unlocking blades and dojos was altered from accomplishing achievements to simply purchasing them with starfruit, players were unhappy, and the app store saw many negative reviews. What was once considered a staple game for mobile devices as a result faded somewhat into obscurity. This was partially remedied when Fruit Ninja Classic was released, which reverts to the previous method of unlocking blades and dojos in the 3.0.0 update, with only some blades and dojos that Starfruit can unlock.
