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YMMV / Christopher Daniels

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  • Awesome Ego
  • Arc Fatigue: Everyone loves AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, but people got sick of them feuding years ago — mainly because Chris was always the heel and he always turned for the same damn reason. The Audience-Alienating Era that was Claire Lynch did not help matters, and the only good thing that came out of that was the formation of Bad Influence.
  • Badass Decay: Going from the Fallen Angel to Curry Man, unless you count the two as distinctly different characters.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Daniels and Kazarian basically once shared the role of Suicide, only to become a long-running and highly successful tag team in their default personas.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Blackmailing AJ Styles by saying he was having an affair with Dixie Carter, despite knowing full well they two of them were helping a drug addict recover and clean up and were not telling anyone for her sake. When the truth comes out, he promptly gets his when AJ goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge on him and Kazarian.
    • Made even worse by this article — that phone call Daniels had aired at the end of May 31st? The "audio" part of his proof of Dixie and AJ's affair? Doctored. They were actually discussing a surprise birthday party for Dixie's husband Serg.
      • How does it get even worse? Turns out the pregnancy angle with the crackhead AJ and Dixie were helping was all a ploy by Daniels and Kaz to ruin AJ's life, and while what they did to get the woman to work with them isn't really hinted at, the fact she ultimately can't take the guilt anymore and reveals it tells she didn't want to. Can't say they didn't earn the name Bad Influence.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Astute fans who hung tough during the twilight days of WCW will remember Daniels as having made his TV debut during one of the final Nitros. Despite his most memorable moment being a botched move off the rope resulting in him bouncing three feet in the air off the top of his head, he showed a great deal of promise and technical savvy and was signed to a contract. Unfortunately, WWF completed their purchase of the company just a couple of weeks later and he never got to wrestle for WCW again, nor was his contract picked up by the WWF when the dust settled.
