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Woobie / Tintin

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The Tintin series is chock full of woobies.

  • Everyone who was given that madness-inducing poison in Cigars of the Pharaoh and The Blue Lotus. Especially Sarcophagus and the young man who developed an obsession with decapitation (Didi).
  • The seven members of the expedition in The Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun, kept in a state of And I Must Scream by a xenophobic offshoot of the Incas.
    • The Incans themselves could be considered Woobies, if you look at them/their actions through another perspective. They're wary of foreigners due to the Spanish conquest centuries ago and how it almost wiped out their people and culture, so any "extreme" action they may do in this book is just a way to preserve their culture from being "again" destroyed by foreigners. It's maybe not justified, but understandable.
  • Frank Wolff. Trapped into becoming The Mole because of his gambling debts, and is horrified to learn Colonel Boris' real objective. Ultimately sacrifices himself to get the others safely home.
  • Our heroes also get their Woobie moments:
    • Tintin during all of Tintin in the Tibet, and how during many moments in the story he almost loses hope of ever finding Chang.
    • Captain Haddock struggling with his alcoholism in Crab with the Golden Claws, and late contemplating doing a Heroic Sacrifice in Tibet. And how apparently he considers himself "dead weight"...Sniff.
    • Snowy when he gets his leg broken by Jorgen in Explorers on the Moon.
