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What An Idiot / T.U.F.F. Puppy

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Dogs are dumb already, but Dudley’s even dumber. Do the math.

  • In "Purr-fect Partners", Dudley enters Snaptrap's lair to retrieve the chew toy that he's been trying to chase after. In the process, he takes down the bad guys, only leaving Snaptrap, who has grabbed the toy, behind.
    You'd Expect: Since that he has taken his toy, Dudley will take him down for that and then get it back.
    Instead: He only grabs it and laughs maniacally with Snaptrap for a few seconds before he escapes in the escape pod.
    • The matter of the Chief taking in Dudley as a TUFF agent.
      You'd Expect: For Keswick to point out that putting an idiotic dog with an only sane cat together on the same page is a bad idea, especially after his idiocy has led to her getting injured and Snaptrap getting away.
      Instead: The partnership is put together and it's a train wreck. Eventually, they get better when their teamwork defeats Snaptrap.
  • In the episode "Doom-Mates", Kitty kicks Dudley out of her apartment through a slide to her giant litterbox after getting fed up with his ways of protecting her from the Chameleon. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and Kitty sees Dudley on the other side.
    You'd Expect: Kitty to realize that it's the Chameleon in disguise since Dudley is still on the slide down to her litterbox.
    Instead: She lets him in when he uses Puppy Eyes, and what do you know, it's the Chameleon in disguise.
    As A Result: The Chameleon uses the opportunity to kidnap Kitty.
  • "Mall Rat" has Snaptrap being released from jail and claiming to be redeemed. Only Kitty remains unconvinced by this.
    You'd Expect That: Until she gets proof of her claim, she would play along with his attempts of giving out his goodies to everyone in Petropolis.
    Instead: She starts ruining everything that he has given out to them (muffins, sunshine, etc.), thinking they're his evil devices.
    As a result: Everyone in Petropolis starts to hate her for this, including the TUFF agents.
    Luckily: As soon as everyone (including her) is trapped in Snaptrap's mall, it turns out Kitty's right; he's not redeemed after all.
  • "Share-a-Lair" has one when T.U.F.F. and D.O.O.M. are launching missiles on each other's hideouts due to a field agent in their organizations stating that one is declaring war on the other when in fact they're weren't.
    You'd Expect: Each of the organizations would have a spy to keep a close eye on the field agent if he's trying to make false alarms or so.
    You'd Also Expect: For both organizations to have more than one field agent in the first place so there's more verification if the field agent gets compromised, gets misled, or is lying.
    Instead: They don't and blow up each other's hideouts.
    As a Result: Their mutual destruction means the two teams are forced to share an apartment room.
    Even Worse: Their idiocy ends up being a plot orchestrated by the Chameleon, wanting revenge on T.U.F.F. for putting him in prison and D.O.O.M. for not inviting him on a social event together.
  • In "The Wrong Stuff", Kitty is going out with her former partner, Jack Rabbit. Dudley doesn't trust him so he attempts to follow them, but is caught every time. Finally having enough of this, she decides to join Jack's new organization, S.T.U.F.F. While being seated on a chair, Jack admits he drains information of super agents' brains and sells it to super villains.
    You'd Expect: She would take the hint, conclude her business with him, and leave S.T.U.F.F. so that she could warn Dudley about Jack.
    Instead: She thinks what Jack said is a joke..
    As a Result: ..until he cuffs her to the chair that is; cue My God, What Have I Done? moment when she finally realizes Dudley's right about distrusting Jack.
  • "Frisky Business" has Dudley's mother Peg leaving him in charge for 3 days by himself. Dudley soon starts doing things she would normally forbid him from doing.
    You'd Expect: Someone from the neighborhood would call a babysitter for him or a social service to verify if he could take care of himself.
    Instead: Nobody does any the above.
    As a Result: Dudley ends up being a wreck like sleeping during the job, not wearing proper clothing, and making the house a big mess.
  • In "Doom and Gloom", Larry points out to Snaptrap that the reason his plans keep on getting foiled is because he keeps on revealing them to the T.U.F.F. agents.
    You'd Expect: For Snaptrap to realize that Larry may have a point in all this and consider taking his advice.
    Instead: He sends him to the shark tank for the remark.
    As a Result: Larry quits after remarking that he can't his abuse anymore.
    So now You'd Expect: Both Ollie and Francisco to call him out for this.
    Instead: They just run off with Larry just to avoid taking turns being thrown to the shark tank.
    As a Result: Larry becomes a more dangerous villain without telling anybody of his evil plans. Whoops.
  • "Diary of a Mad Cat" has lot of these moments.
    • Dudley and Kitty are in a contest called, "Do You Know Your Partner?" and the host questions the former of what the latter's species is.
      You'd Expect: For Dudley to answer with "Cat".
      Instead: Dudley says "Squirrel".
      As a Result: Only the Chief and Snaptrap (with their partners Keswick and Larry) win a trip to Maui, leaving Dudley and Kitty behind.
      Even Worse: The host remarks that Dudley would have to take Kitty home, and then asks Dudley if he even knows where Kitty lives.
      So Now You'd Expect: Dudley would remember that he went to her home once in "Doom-Mates" and therefore, his answer should be that she lives in an apartment with a cat-themed rooftop.
      Instead: He answers that she lives in a statue in the park with all the other squirrels, much to Kitty's chagrin.
    • Kitty is disappointed Dudley doesn't know much about her when she knows much about him. When he rebukes that statement, she reveals how she knows his favoritism of bacon and the places he visited that sounded like bacon.
      You'd Expect: He would realize that ever since he became a T.U.F.F. agent she's been getting to know him, and apologize for not thinking straight.
      Instead: Dudley asks if she knows that by spying on him from her "squirrel nest".
      As a Result: Kitty gets pissed off to the point that she says she's going to write down nasty things about him in her e-diary.
    • Guilty that he doesn't know much of Kitty, Dudley decides to read her diary while she's away helping the Chief, Keswick, Snaptrap, and Larry pack their things up. While doing so, he sees a bug on the keyboard.
      You'd Expect: He would flick it off. That way, there will be no stupid accidents that will mess with her laptop.
      Instead: He presses on the keyboard with his hand to get it off.
      As a Result: This action causes her diary to be e-mailed by everyone in Petropolis (...somehow), and the villains read it and mock Kitty for her weaknesses. Way to go, Dudley.
    • In a fight against Bird Brain, he reveals that Kitty has a secret crush on the water delivery guy, Eric, and brings out a mind-controlled Eric. Kitty gets lovesick and doesn't attack.
      You'd Expect: Dudley to remove the mind control helmet on Eric, easily resolving the problem.
      Instead: He loudly announces that he's going to punch Eric's face, prompting Kitty to stop him from doing so.
      As A Result: Bird Brain gets away with a roundabout-flying machine.
    • Next, Dudley and Kitty get a call from Keswick that the Chameleon is causing trouble. As they arrive, he starts to shapeshift into her mother.
      You'd Expect: Upon seeing him shapeshifting, Kitty would just blast the Chameleon.
      Instead: She hesitates, giving him the chance to tell her off from what she wrote about her mother in her diary.
      As a Result: Kitty loses her confidence and runs away from the fight.
    • Regaining her confidence to fight after a talk with Dudley, Kitty reads the villains' diaries to see their weaknesses. Then they confront the Chameleon and Birdbrain about it.
      You'd Expect: Bird Brain and Chameleon would realize that Dudley and Kitty have an advantage due to now knowing their weaknesses, and book it.
      Instead: They boast that they don't have a weakness at all.
      As a Result: Kitty ends up showing a mirror with a bell on Birdbrain and a sadistic gym coach for the Chameleon, taking them down once and for all.
  • Even Dudley is no better in a Sequel Episode of "The Wrong Stuff", "Freaky Spy-Day", when he switches brains with Kitty to keep an eye on Jack. His excuse for wanting to go T.U.F.F. headquarters? He left his sunglasses in the top-secret computer room.
    You'd Expect: Dudley to not believe his excuse and continue to suspect him.
    Instead: Being an idiot, he falls for his excuse and before you know it, Jack is using that excuse to steal the T.U.F.F. agents list and sell it to Snaptrap. Kinda ironic, don't you agree?
  • Quacky becomes a villain after his second appearance. He routinely appears and asks Dudley and Kitty to be part of his plans.
    You'd Expect: They would remember when he tried to blast them to outer space and give him jack shit.
    Instead: They fall for it every time.
  • The Chief gets his hidden feelings about the team revealed by a mind-reading helmet (Dudley being a slob, Keswick being a snoozefest, and Kitty making bad cookies.
    You'd Expect: That at the very least Kitty and Keswick would forgive and forget, given that his opinions are very justified, and that he wasn't even being Brutally Honest with them, since his thoughts were forced out of him.
    Instead: They take it extremely personally, and they almost refuse to save him from a hostage situation.
