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WMG / Whacked!

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As this is a WMG page, all spoilers will be unmarked ahead. You Have Been Warned!

Van Tastic and Otto's chair represent the historical sins of Vainglory and Despair respectively

Historically, there were eight deadly sins, which excluded Envy, but included Vainglory and Despair.

  • Vainglory was considered different to Pride. Where Pride was about believing you are better than everyone else, Vainglory was the act of making others think you are better than them, even if you yourself didn't think so. This fits Van Tastic, who constantly brags about himself, and talks down to the contestants like they're inferior. He also wears a mask, making himself look like a handsome guy rather than an ugly demon.
    • Jossed. He's just a representation of pure evil.
  • Otto's Chaor represents Despair because he is The Woobie, so he has a lot to despair about. There's also the fact that in real life, Despair was merged with Sloth, like how Otto and his chair are played as one character. Also, in Otto's ending, the chair gives up on him and gets together with Lucy. Plus, chair rhymes with despair.

Lucy's ending is the canonical ending, with the others being "what if" endings.

Assuming the game even has a canonical ending, it's safe to assume that it won't be one of the unlockable characters, but one of the starting four.

On the box art, Lucy is the one that stands out the most, implying she's meant to be the protagonist. Also, out of all the characters, Lucy's implied to have figured out that Van is a fake (see the fridge brilliance page for more info).

Plus, Lucy and Otto's endings are the happiest and most satisfying. So, it would be good is at least one of these endings was canon.

Lucy suffers from Williams Syndrome

She has similar facial features to someone with Williams Syndrome, such as a wide mouth, small slightly turned nose, and blue, starry eyes.

She also smiles a lot and is very friendly and sociable towards people. She also has a very controlled temper, only getting angry when she has a right too (such as Van telling her she won't get a prize) and even then, it's a calm anger.

Each of the contestants has a canonical "favourite weapon"

Similar to how in the Mario Party series, each character has a favourite item (e.g Mario likes the mushrooms), each Whacked! contestant has a favourite weapon.

  • Lucky: Eaither the Yolk-o-matic or the cannon. The cutscenes show he likes guns.
  • Lucy: One of the explosive weapons, like the missile or cluster duck. One of her catchphrases is "Fire in the whole", which she says when picking up an exploding weapon.
  • Lance: Dodgeball. It's unlocked when he is, and the description of both the dodgeball and Lance mention getting back at "bullies". Plus, it makes sense that a big strong guy would like a weapon he can throw, to show off his strength.
  • Charity: Mallet. she's shown using it on the box cover. Also, she uses a lollipop as her default weapon, so it makes sense she would like on similar to that.

Eugene, Tooth and Otto (or rather, Otto's chair), have no current guesses.
