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"1 More Hit" is a Sequel Song to "Hash Pipe"

Rivers has said "Hash Pipe" is about "a homosexual transvestite prostitute" (who, going by the chorus, has a penchant for smoking hashish). "1 More Hit" is about the same person, who continued to prostitute themselves as hashish became a gateway to stronger drugs. In "1 More Hit", the drug references are more blatant if anything, perhaps illustrating how much addiction has taken over this character's life at this point. Meanwhile, if there's nothing directly about prostitution this time, there's still some obvious sexual innuendo (most infamously the lines "pump it up into me, please daddy"). Musically, the verse riff even sort of sounds like a heavier Dark Reprise of "Hash Pipe".

Weezer are going to do one more self titled album after the SZNS project,

the 'Gray' album. It will be a meloncholy, acoustic-focused album to contrast the traditional rock sound of 'White' and the experimental Electropop noise of 'Black', and will take influence from Brian Wilson, Neil Young, Indigo Girls and Ed Sheeran
