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WMG / Untitled Goose Game

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The goose escaped from a farm and narrowly avoided being roasted for dinner, hence it living by itself in the woods and having a vendetta against humans.

The goose is unable to fly because humans injured it in the past, and is now out for revenge.

The sequel will be titled Untitled Moose Game.

And a Canada goose will be an unlockable character.

Alternatively, the sequel will be titled The Second Goose Game: This Time, They Have Tranquilizers

There will be a Greek mythology-themed spin-off titled Untitled Zeus Game.

There will be a Zelda themed spin-off titled Untitled Groose Game.

The sequel will be titled The Titled Goose Game and you will get to steal a title, get accidentally knighted, and steal a Napoleon-esque hat and epaulets.

This isn't the first time the Goose has gone for the bell...

Think about it. There are a bunch of golden bells in the pit where the goose makes their home. I suspect they came from times where the goose has gone and stolen the bell - and the first five to-do lists is what they found out works in order for a way to the bell to expose itself. However, this time, the annoyance has led to the villagers getting/making the 'No Geese Allowed' signs instead of them just letting the goose through, so the Goose has to change its plans to get to the bell slightly.

  • It stands to reason, since all the villagers know to be on the lookout for a goose with a bell, since you've stolen it seven times before (and probably wrecked the miniature cathedral the same number of times).

The goose cannot fly because it's molting season.

Geese molt annually, replacing their flight feathers in the process.

The goose cannot fly because it's an escaped farm animal.

IRL, farm geese can have the exact color pattern of the playable goose, and often are unable to fly as well.

The sequel will start with the first gate reinforced shut and covered in "No Goose!" signage. The pit will be full of golden bells, which the Goose can walk across to find a second town.

The Boy is autistic.
He seems unusually afraid of the Goose. Perhaps his fear isn't from some past experience with the Goose, but instead a panic reaction due to unpleasant stimuli. He covers his ears when the Goose honks at him - many autistic people have trouble with sounds that are one or more of these: loud, high-pitched, sudden, or repetitive. The Goose honking in his face checks all boxes.
  • He could also be misophonic, with honking being a trigger.

The village is Sandford.
An annoying Goose, a small replica of the village with a castle in the middle, and English citizen who didn't like to be disturbed.

The sequel will have a two player co-op mode.
Similar to Portal 2, it'll be a series of unique levels with tasks that require two geese to complete, like one goose distracts a human while the other steals an item or both need to work together to move a heavy object, et cetera, et cetera.

  • Partially Jossed: There’s now a two player mode, but there's no change in levels.

A sequel will have a Swan as an antagonist.
Swans can be crueler than geese, as they have been known to drown chicks that aren't theirs and attack other waterfowl. The Swan would be the only thing that could cause a Game Over, and would cause a stealth section whenever it appeared, where the Goose would have to sneak around and hide until it went away.

The goose is a reincarnation of a past resident.
This particular resident was either a public menace or they were screwed over by the other villagers somehow. Either way, they vowed to cause them trouble after death, and thus was reborn as the goose seen in game.

The goose is an Animalistic Abomination.
Specifically, it feeds off of humanity's misery, which is why it wreaks havoc in the town as a goose. It's a frequent visitor of this particular village because the misery there tastes especially good.

The goose is an adult Ugly Duckling
He lashes out against society because he was bullied as a child.

The goose is an agent of Eris, the Goddess of Discord
They were sent specifically by her to stir up discord in the community just for fun.

Those two pub patrons are from out of town.
They obviously don't know what a troll the goose is, or how reviled it is.

The sequel, if there is one, will be called "Another Untitled Goose Game".
It can't be called "Untitled Goose Game 2" if it has No Title.
