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WMG / Thieves Can Be Heroes!

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Overhaul's Palace and Treasure.
Now that Kaneshiro has been killed by Overhaul, the third Palace will be WILDLY different from the games. My guess is either a hospital or a morgue, due to the whole Plague Doctor theme he has.
  • Close, but Jossed. The Thieves try for "hospital", but that's incorrect. Overhaul's Palace is a "Laboratory", a place that manufactures the "cure" (de-quirking bullets) society needs.

Kunikazu Okumura will be a member of the MLA.
In Persona 5 Kunikazu Okumura was a ruthless businessman who would do whatever it took to get ahead and believed he was better than others. This is similar to the leaders of the Meta Liberation Army. This will also keep the story connected to the BMHA cannon.

Overhaul's sin will be Greed
The major difference between Overhaul and Kaneshiro is that, while Kaneshiro extorted tons of money he didn't have any ambition to use that money for anything other than to make himself rich, which is why his sin is gluttony. Overhaul, on the other hand, has ambition and goals (putting the yakuza back on top) and is willing to do anything to get it. As such, Overhaul's sin can be argued to be greed.
  • Jossed. Overhaul's sin is Wrath. He hates the current state of the world and wants to violently destroy it with his quirk-erasing bullets.

Overhaul's treasure will be Eri
While Overhaul does not care for Eri she is his most important possession. Overhaul himself states that Eri is the crux of his plans. And that is what makes her so important to him, none of his plans can happen without her. To Overhaul, Eri is the cure for humanity and the way to put the Yakuza back on top. While he doesn't care for her as a person, Eri is his most important tool.
  • Confirmed in chapter 40

Overhaul's treasure will be related to the previous Boss
Overhaul views the previous boss as a father and even got into fights when people badmouthed the yakuza. He even fully intended to restore the boss to full health after the Quirk Erasing Bullets were completed. While Eri was a big part of Overhaul's desires getting distorted, something the boss gave him will likely be the real treasure.

Endevor will be a target.
Shoto will somehow encounter the Phantom Thieves or more likely just Izuku in their civilian identities wich will lead to them finding out about Endevor and cause them to target the number 2 hero.

The Conspiracy will use different means to manipulate the Phantom Thieves
It the original game, the Conspiracy used a fake Medjed to hack into the Phan-Site and manipulate the polls in the Thieves favor, leading to the death of Kunikazu Okumura. Part of the reason was the poll Mishima posted "Are the Phantom Thieves Just?" which the Conspiracy manipulated. But since Shiho is helping him run the Phan-Site and making sure he doesn't do anything dumb, and so far there is no evidence of any polls being done on the site, the Conspiracy will need to do other means to manipulate the Phantom Thieves, assuming Izuku's presence doesn't keep them on the right path.

Evidence for this is that the fic lacks the How We Got Here the game has, meaning either Sae's Palace will be skipped or the events of leading to and in the Palace will be different.

In Spite of a Nail, Ren will still awaken to Arsène and join the Phantom Thieves as Joker (or maybe Ace to both keep his Playing Card Motifs intact and account for him presumably not being a Wild Card in this universe), and Izuku will still become All Might's successor and the next holder of One For All.
Also, All Might will be the Judgement Confidant, rather than Sae, and Ren will be Justice, as Izuku hasn't formed a Confidant with Akechi.

Ren is or will become All Might's successor
Alternatively, just as Izuku has become the leader of the Phantom Thieves and gained the Wild Card, in this reality Ren will become All Might's successor and gain One for All.

In regards to Morgana's Quirk...
It'll turn out that either he's Quirkless, or that his Quirk is his Monamobile Form, which will start manifesting in reality.

Bakugou's Arcana will be...
The Tower, befitting the Break the Haughty that occurs to him both here and in MHA's canon.

Sae's Quirk
Unlike her sister, Sae won't have Energy Absorption as part of her Quirk. Instead, her Material Mimicry will be so strong that she can even fuse herself to innanimate objects and opperate them as if they were an extension of her own body. This would explain why Leviathan is a Walking Armory, she fused with all of her weapons with her Quirk.
