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WMG / Scratchin' Melodii

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Jamtine is a Yandere
  • She certainly has a few screws loose. Just look at the fit she throws shortly into the duel, squeeing "I want him to be mine, for our feelings to combine! I wanna...I wanna...I WANNA!!!" and immediately entering a yandere trance.

Related to the above; Jamtine is going to get rejected.
  • The immature and insensitive way she acts, never pausing to actually consider her crush's feelings, is just asking for it.
    • Jossed. "Supastar Tennis" reveals that she and her crush got together after all, since he liked her cookies so much.

On the other hand, Jamtine is just an innocent Smitten Teenage Girl with some Stock Shoujo Heroine flair.
  • Many people online are annoyed by the treatment of her as a Yandere, and people may be overthinking her feelings. Although, given how fandom is, she may be Flanderized into one in fanfiction.

The game is going to have a darker turn.
  • Feds investigating a small child for posting graffiti? An unconscious child lying in the middle of the road and nobody bats an eye? An apparently unhinged teenage girl obsessing over her crush? This is gonna turn awry.

Melodii's father will be (one of) the final boss(es) of the game.
  • Mentions of Melodii's mysterious Disappeared Dad are plentiful in the SAGE 2022 demo, so it almost feels obligatory to have him appear in some way. Since their mom seems very mild-tempered and understanding, her ex may turn out to be a vindictive man which results in Melodii Calling the Old Man Out in a DJ battle.

Cinnabay is intended to be a Ms. Fanservice.
She has a Form-Fitting Wardrobe and the remade Cream Cheese Icing as well as Supastar Tennis give her poses that accentuate her figure.

Rensa will be a boss, similar to Mr. McWave.
"Sidechain Fever" has Rensa and Melodii popping knockoff Puyos while singing a call-and-response duet. This could be Melodii's community service: helping Rensa deal with a Puyo infestation.
