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Jack's real father is Alfred Borden from The Prestige.
Hence the resemblance, their tendency to get incarcerated, and the unbelievable amount of Ho Yay. Borden has been to New York, and he's slept the hell around...

Independence Day is the result of the Alien race seeing this movie and deciding that the current president would only fight back with dance.
That's the reason we won. The alien race expected a dancing pussy. What they got was Bill Pullman. Not one of the Names to Run Away from Really Fast, but still more resistance than they expected.

Jack Kelly grows up to be Batman

His parents are... not here. Maybe they were shot in an alleyway and Jack became an orphan instead of being taken in by Alfed? Or maybe this is part of his Walking the Earth routine where he will learn the stealth, martial arts, and synchronized dance techniques that will allow him to clean up the mean streets of 1920's Gotham?

The Delancey brothers are child abuse survivors.

Oscar states in the musical that his father didn't take care of him. In addition, they live with Wiesel, who, in the film, one of the boys refers to as their Uncle. Oscar and Morris show a tendency toward unnecessary aggression, and are violent beyond what their job requires. Morris in particular shows a desire to use intimidation whenever possible. All of this is commonly observed in abuse survivors who never had the underlying issue addressed. It would also explain the amount of anger that can be seen in these characters despite the fact that they are children, as violence is often a learned behavior.

Most, if not all, of the newsies in that lodging house are either gay or bisexual. They sleep on top of each other and are very close. One of them even humps another guys leg in bed at the beginning. They just have sex at night because they don't want others to know. Remember in the 1890s, homosexuality was illegal.

Davey and Les are Jewish.

A much darker script for the movie actually confirms this, though it's not confirmed in the finished movie or the musical. The full name David Jacobs would point to Jewish heritage. Additionally, Davey's language indicates he's more scholarly than the other newsies, which is in line with the Jewish tradition of valuing education. The reason Davey and Les don't say anything specific about their heritage might be because their parents are not recent immigrants (maybe they've been in America for several decades or longer). Or perhaps they are recent immigrants, but have undergone such persecution that they insist their sons act as assimilated as possible.

Crutchie has been in The Refuge before.

Note that he tells Jack if someone gets the idea he can't make it on his own, he'll be locked up there "for good." Crutchie may have done a stint at the Refuge before; if so, Jack probably got him out. And even though Crutchie doesn't seem like the criminal type, his disability may have meant he stooped to theft for survival, since in 1899, disability would've meant few or no chances at work. Even worse, Crutchie could've been funneled into the Refuge simply because of his disability, on the grounds that he would've had little chance of being adopted, succeeding in school, contributing to society as defined by abled people, and so forth.

Jack's dad told him about Santa Fe.

Mr. Kelly dreamed of taking his family there and ranching before the streets of New York broke him. Jack caught onto the idealism, and may have planned to carry on his dad's dream as man of the family, if said family had survived.
