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WMG / Monkey Wrench

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The cargo that Chester passed to L.A.W. is a can for The Beast from Walking City OCT.

It's been established that Lariat and Triangle (of Walking City OCT fame) are from the same universe as Monkey Wrench, which by extension would include the corrupted disc that unleashed The Beast, an entity that can infect and corrupt both organics and machines alike while assimilating them. The Beast's colors are black with sickly green highlights and its corruptive attacks take the form of green energy, just like what the crate emitted at the end of the video. If it's truly the Beast... its corruptive, assimilative nature and vile motivations will make Dr. Agness look like a saint.
  • Confirmed with Episode 3. The episode 3 teaser shows hostile entities infecting the ship, including what looks to be an Eldritch Abomination, all with the Beast's exact colours. The episode's release all but confirms it — whatever is in the package seems to act as The Corruption as it is established to have turned the Agari into mindless, corruptive monsters, causes the arm of the Bucket to go haywire, and even infects Us's friend Them. The only difference is that it's known as the Cataclysm instead of the Beast.

The Lythop prophecy can still happen.

In the second episode, the lythop ruler claims Shrike to be the bearer of "Mother Crystal" and that he is prophesized to "save us all". At the end of the episode though, all of the Lythops except the ruler are ground up by Dr. Agness.

Despite this, it will be a case of Exact Words in that Shrike will be saving all in the galaxy rather than just saving all the Lythops.

There will be a way to cure the Cataclysm's corruption

Scratch unintentionally managed to do so by blowing up a Cataclysm-corrupted Agari (later identified as Them) in a derelict Terran vessel. The stuff that landed on Scratch's photo was clearly corrupted, yet when he opened the bag later, Them's remains on the photo were no longer infected (until it made contact with the cargo). The other corrupted Agari was Us, who appears uncorrupted later on, which means that they also found some way to purge themselves of the infection too.
  • Either that, or since Scratch was framing the incident, he might have assumed that Us and Them were corrupted while they actually weren't.

Terrans were framed

The series has frequently claimed that Terrans are the ones responsible for the Galactic wide cataclysm. However, we have yet to see how the cataclysm happened exactly with the only known detail being that it happened in the area that the Terrans and the Agari populated. There is a possibility that Terrans were actually innocent and whoever pinned the blame on them is the actual culprit who considered Terrans to be an easy scapegoat, and might likely be the one who contacted Cara to retrieve the cargo. Alternatively, the Terrans did unleash the Cataclysm, but from an accident or miscalculation caused via tech gifted to them by the true perpetrator so that the Terrans would be the Fall Guy.

Lariat and Triangle will join the team in Episode 4 or 5.

Both of them are part of Monkey Wrench's verse and it seems odd that neither have even made a hint of appearing in the series yet. Perhaps with more history about the Terrans being uncovered, Shrike and Beebs might initially see her as an enemy before learning that not all Terrans are evil (or that the Terrans were framed for unleashing the Cataclysm) and putting aside their differences.

The finale will have almost every character facing off against The Cataclysm (or whoever's behind it), unleashed from the cargo containing it.

It would make an amazing finale where Monkey Wrench, Scratch's crew, Tyneen's crew, Kara, the Lythop King, L.A.W., etc come together to save the galaxy. The irredeemable villains like Agness on the other hand might get infected and be transformed into something even worse and horrific.

Shrike's accent and his use of the Spanish language aren't natural.

Shrike frequently uses Spanish terms and speaks with a heavy Mexican dialect, unlike most of the other cast who don't, there are two possible ways on why he speaks like this.
  • Either he learnt the Spanish language from his collection of Terran cartoons which may explain his obsession with them, as that's how he learned to speak Spanish and he wants more.
  • Or someone, possibly other Terrans, taught him how to speak the language and thus his attachment to Terran memorabilia is to honour their memories.

At least part of the reason Beebs could communicate with Us is due to inhaling the particles from Scratch's bag

There is a close-up of this happening, accompanied by a particular airy instrumentation associated with the Agari. This theory is also brought up a lot in the live stream from the episode's premiere
