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Fridge Brilliance

  • Several characters have meaningful names, as detailed on the main page. "Nobert" sounds like "No Bird," for example, and he's a bird that says "No" a lot.
  • Kara's screen gives Nobert's name as "Nobert Potoo", while the contract he hands to Monkey Wrench only gives his first name. This is because Nobert doesn't want to be found by his parents. Kara's contract, in contrast, was given to her by Queen Potoo herself, who wants to find her son Nobert back.
  • In real life, a potoo is a dopey looking bird with big eyes that makes distressing vocalizations (though theirs are more scary than annoying). Much like another Potoo...
    • Another name for them? Ghost birds...who would, logically, have come out of a ghost egg. Sound familiar?
  • Scratch told Shrike to give him the bird, and Shrike technically complied.
  • The highest-class characters—a casino owner and two members of the royal family—are humanoid birds in space. Logically speaking, the first humanoid species to have mastered flight would also be the first to master space flight, giving them a leg up in society.
  • Kara is a feline humanoid assassin—her two primary targets in the pilot have both been bird people. Cats chase birds in real life, so it makes perfect sense here.
  • Ricket appears to be higher-ranked than the eyeless Fodder clones. He also only has one eye—as the saying goes, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
  • Queen Tyneen has good reason to shrug off a lost bounty, even one as big as Nobert's.
    • She has a huge ship, with several crewmates and a machine that can literally print more hands for jobs. She doesn't seem to be hurting for money.
    • She's stated to be a pirate, not a mercenary, so she's not worried with rankings.
    • The person who ended up with the bounty was Kara, a sort of Celebrity Crush for Tyneen. It would be hard to be mad about something like that, especially since Kara's seen as one of the best in the business.
  • One of the things the Shrike plush does in the first Scrach Emporium is get sat on by a live cockatiel, at which the plush is shaking violently. Becomes Brilliance if you assume this is a Call-Back to episode 1, where Shrike gets harassed by another parrot-like being.
  • Dr. Agness was right about one thing: the Lythops were an endangered species. Mainly because she was the one endangering them...
  • It makes sense for the Lythops to worship crystals—they're a race of rock people, and a crystal is just a rare, unbreakable, and beautiful rock. If a human were to meet a shining and invincible person, they'd be worshipped as a god.
  • The Lythops' Elmuh Fudd Syndwome can probably be chalked up to the fact that they're using old/broken translators—the corpses in the caves likely died very quickly, and therefore very violently, potentially damaging any translation equipment they had on their heads.
  • Of course Agness wanted to get Shrike and Beebs to go down and capture the Lythops. Considering that they call her the Striking Sun, it means they have personally met her before and recognize her as evil. Thus, she'd need some innocent suckers to do the job for her.
  • It seems very off that Us and Them (and their Agari spaceship in a Freeze-Frame Bonus) were shown to be infected by the Cataclysm in Scratch's recollection of the incident in the derelict ship, yet none of them were infected before Them made contact with the cargo. Us even mentioned that they escaped the "green place" (the Cataclysm) even before they got separated. However, considering that this was Scratch recounting the incident, it was warped by his assumption that all Agari are Cataclysm-infected drones out for his guts.
  • El Bandito's horse is named "Dos Pantalones" because he has four legs, and can wear two pairs of pants if he wanted to.

Fridge Horror

  • Agness had a blender made of Lythop Crystals to mulch all but the leader Lythops for her sword, it means this isn't the first time she's successfully managed to capture and blend them down, and that there used to be other Lythop populations on the planet that were massacred this way. Furthermore, the fact that the Lythops call her visage the "Striking Sun" means that she had come down personally before to pull this off.
  • After the events of Episode 3, the Bucket may still be infected by the Cataclysm. While Us' ship was capable of pulling it out of the Bucket... it's not certain if all of it got pulled out, and there may be small bits still lurking around. Hell, since Shrike used The Best to knock the infected Them into the sun, it's also possible that Scratch's ship now has the virus...
