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WMG / Majestic Prince

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Team Rabbits are Half-Wulgars, or at least has Wulgar genes.
Since there's no elaboration on who the Wulgars are yet, there is still room for this interpretation. After all, if the framework of the JURIA System is Wulgar in nature, logically it won't work on humans without some sort of accommodation from the humans' side. Plus, there are currently no information on how compatible Wulgars and Humans from the genetic standpoint.
  • Episode 10 states that Humans and Wulgars descended from the same genetic stock.
    • Confirmed in Episode 20 when it was revealed that Teoria donated her own DNA for the development of Team Rabbits. And then they throw in more. revealing that Izuru and Asagi are essentially half-brothers.
Ange was deliberately raised with no gender identity
While the rest of Team Rabbits seems to have picked up humanising traits after their memory wipe, Ange seems to view him/herself as only a weapon and a weapon doesn't need a gender. Besides it seems like the kind of asshole move that some of the higher-ups in this series would pull if the idea occurred to them.
Ange is a hermaphrodite in the same vein as Izana from Knights of Sidonia
The MJP seem to have mastered genetic engineering to a high degreeafter all, so it wouldn't be that far of a stretch to assume that one of their more eccentric geneticist made Ange a hermaphrodite just to prove they could.
Ange is so plain vanilla that his AHSMB has dominated him from day one
When Ange get into his AHSMB, his AHSMB gets into him. As far as personality goes, he doesn't exist - he is a human body for his 'mech to wear.
For Kakusei no Idenshi, Asagi will be promoted to The Protagonist, with Izuru as something of a guest-star.
This trailer, as well as the official site lists Asagi first in the credits, with Izuru's name by itself at the bottom. This would hint that, with the latter out of commission from his fight to the death with Jiart, the former will serve as the movie's main point of view, with Blue 1 even gets its own Super Mode. As for Izuru, he probably won't show up until near the end, likely piloting the original AHSMB, White Zero, seen at 1:05 in the trailer. In other words, even if Izuru is still The Hero, Asagi will still be the main character.
