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WMG / Love Nikki - Dress Up Queen

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WMG page for Love Nikki - Dress Up Queen.

Spoilers are unmarked, as per policy!

Nikki is the mysterious Hostess L
I mean... there surely aren't TWO people who are identical to Nikki in Miraland, right? She even sports the same hairstyle, and is notably dressed like an Alice Allusion in a blue dress with a white apron. "Mira" sounds like the word "Mirror" or as it is also called "looking glass". You use mirrors to judge your outfits. Breaking a mirror results in 7 years of bad luck according to superstition and there are 7 nations. Queen Elle dresses in red and clearly likes roses. Hostess L disappeared and is totally missing because Nikki went on Earth, which may or may not be her true home, but is certainly not Momo's since talking cats aren't exactly commonplace on Earth. She even has an older sister, like Alice does. Time possibly flows differently in Miraland than Earth, too. So nine years in Miraland is only nine months on Earth or so. Nikki doesn't remember it and nor does Momo for some reason, but if Nikki really is Hostess L, it would explain why Queen Nanari chose her. Momo likely didn't hear stories of Miraland from his great-grandfather in the way he thinks he did as a fictional land far away, but heard about them as someone from Earth might talk about their adventures backpacking across Europe. Their memories may have been erased to protect them from Queen (then Princess) Elle.

Momo is part of Nikki's psyche given a separate body
At one point during the Cloud Realm event storyline, Nikki ends up in a world made of her own mind. There she sees her friends, but they are clearly stated to be made of her own memories of them. But Momo is also with her from start to finish, and it seems he is there as himself. This only makes sense if he is also in some way from Nikki's mind.

My theory is that before entering the contest alluded to in the introduction to the game, Nikki was not the smiling, soft-spoken girl she is now. She was coarse, sardonic, confrontational and a lecherous lesbian. And had no respect for the fourth wall. But to make any headway in this contest, she had to act like everyone's idea of a princess. So she externalised those traits into another being who must always stay besides her. This also explains how Momo sometimes knows what she is thinking, never argues with her despite a very different outlook, and why there are no other talking animals in this world.

Grey Raven/Morrison either is a demon or is working for one

The item descriptions of the entire White Demon suit imply that he serves as the demonic side of many a Deal with the Devil, and one piece calls him an "angel of the underworld". While certain story events seem to contradict that (namely Sibling's Promise, which gives him an actual, somewhat melancholic human backstory), he need not have been born a demon to be one, necessarily...

Perhaps to get the medical knowledge he sought, he sold his soul to some demonic entity and thus gained uncanny abilities- an experience so stressful it turned his hair prematurely grey. The process either made him a demon outright or somehow connected him to the demon realm. Maybe he's working to pay off his debt to his demonic contractor; now he reaps others' soul through surgery to avoid paying his own. He's an interesting character.

Nikki will fail to save Miraland
Considering Shining Nikki's plot revolves around going back in time to prevent Miraland's destruction, it seems likely that Nikki's efforts will end up being All for Nothing and the game will end on a cliffhanger The Bad Guy Wins Downer Ending.
