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WMG / Hope of the Shield Hero

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How Naofumi and his party fight off the Church
  • Once they are near losing, or almost defeated, the Church is confronted not only by the Order Of The Spear Breakers, but also the Queen of Melromarc, unhappy citizens who do not appreciate the Church's ruling (could be that the Pope is an incompetent ruler, and is much more terrible than the trash King.) and the army of Shieldfrieden, all there to help support those who do not agree with the Church's demonstrations.

    • And for that matter, one of the Queen's shadows could inform her of the situation, and as such inform her of the Coup d'etat, and that she should ally with Shieldfrieden in order to reclaim her country.

The Ghost Ship Arc and the subsequent fight with Glass will be much harder or easier depending on the context
Three out of Four of the Cardinal Heroes have access to their Cursed Weapons, along with Naofumi, Ren, and Itsuki being able to work together much more effectively. Either Glass is really going to have to step up her game or she's going to be on the receiving end of one hell of a Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • In the end, it's more or less the same as in canon. Motoyasu does like then, but Itsuki works better, and in the end the one holding Glass off is Ren.
  • It's at the Cal Mira Wave after they've learned new magic, leveled up a bunch, and received unexpected bonuses from Naofumi's accessories that Glass is put on the receiving end of the biggest Curbstomp in the fanfic to date by the Three Heroes.

Pope Balamus will be burned up in the stake
Given how his actions have caused the destruction of part of Melromarc's capital, a civil war in the worst possible moment (not only are the Waves of Catastrophe coming, but Siltvelt also invades at the same time), the near death of three of the people who are fundamental to save the world from the Waves of Catastrophe and of the heiress to the throne and being behind the plot that threw everything out of whack, it is clear that Balamus is going to be facing execution, and given that Bitch was burned in the stake and had her soul destroyed due to her role in Tact's plot, which caused many of those things...
  • Confirmed. Not only is he burned at the stake, his soul is indeed eaten by a Soul Worm.

Due to Malty's true nature being made public, the Spear Breakers will be Pardoned

Now that heroes have gone through Character Development and Malty is forced to flee after her Engineered Public Confession, the Spirit Tortoise Story Arc will occur in one the following ways
  • Since Malty's plans to take the throne are ruined, she'll probably unleash the Spirit Tortoise herself out of spite or as a distraction so she put her own plans into motion.
    • Jossed, as Word of God confirmed that Malty had nothing to do with the Spirit Tortoise.
  • Malty will manipulate Tact into unleashing the Spirit Tortoise by playing on his ego. Tact will release the beast to show off his strength and prove he's the best, only for it backfire when the beast easily overpowers him and kills some of his Party Members despite their high levels, forcing him to retreat or get knocked out. He'll fail to realize Malty played him and still see her as a trusted ally.
    • Jossed for the same reason above, and it's also unlikely Tact is involved at this point.
  • One or all of the Three Heroes will still be used to power the Tortoise, though unlike in canon, their reputations don't plummet since they aren't responsible for the death and casualties the beast caused. And they still have allies and friends that are not only loyal to them and willing to go to their rescue, but are also strong enough to survive the Tortoise's rampage and contribute in the battle.
    • Confirmed. While the circumstances are different, Ren and Motoyasu are used to power the Spirit Tortoise.
  • Kyo was the one who unleashed the Spirit Tortoise, and is secretly planning to use one or all of the heroes to power-up the beast.
    • The author confirms that he unleashed it.

The Harpoon Hero is a reincarnator like Kyo who sees Kizuna's world as a game for him to play
That may be the reason he likes fighting the Waves so much, since it allows him to indulge in his Blood Knight tendencies.
  • The author confirms that Orokana Ryoshi, the Harpoon Hero, is a reincarnator alongside Hidemasa Miyaji, the Musical Instruments Hero.

Tact's fate will carry aspects of his fate in both the webnovel and light novel
  • These aspects include:
    • Tact will be utterly humiliated in battle by the more skilled heroes, while his harem is defeated one by one. Tact will also get some of his loved ones killed due to his carelessness and blame the heroes.
    • Tact will be betrayed by Malty, and he is initially in denial and desperately trying to convince himself it's all a bad dream.
    • The women he brainwashed will get their revenge on Tact and reject him, making it clear that they hate him for taking away the lives of their loved ones and their free will all the while deluding himself into believing he's saving them.

Naofumi and Melty's reconciliation
  • Since Melty still hasn't forgiven Naofumi yet for his cruel words, some kind of event will force Melty to let out her feelings. Naofumi will only be able to earn her forgiveness after she finally comes to an understanding with him. For possible events:
    • Similar to how Zuko earned Katara's forgiveness and how Bolin earned Opal's, Naofumi might go on some adventure with Melty that will finally allow her to find closure and let go of her grudge.
    • Melty might be inflicted with a Loss of Inhibitions that makes her more hostile to Naofumi and actually try to kill him. Melty will get a My God, What Have I Done? moment upon coming to her senses, especially if Filo or one of Naofumi's allies gets caught in the attack, and Naofumi not holding a grudge against her will lead her to reexamine the damage her grudge caused.
