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WMG / Hitch

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Hitch arranged for the jerk at the bar to obnoxiously hit on Sara.
While it appears he just happens to be able to intercede during an unpleasant situation, we've seen him arrange countless other scenarios to bring a guy to a woman's attention. The Grey Goose martini that shows up just as Hitch leaves pretty much proves that he planned it all beforehand.
  • Hitch had already ordered a Grey Goose martini for Sara before he went over, so this seems a little thin.
    • Also his facial expressions as the guy tries his awful pick-up lines are very pained for someone who knew it was going to happen. Likely he just told the waitress to come over with the martini as he left and not before.
Yes, I know, different stories, the movie was first, and this is really contrived. This is just a fun idea.
Mind Screw:What if Michael Westen's mom emotionally manipulated him into doing the craziest inverted honeypot operation in Hitch's vicinity, just to get him to get out of this cynical, loveless career and actually give himself a chance at love? Michael would totally take a Groin Attack for that. Hell, Fiona would probably even be cool with the dalliance. WHERE ARE THE FANFIC WRITERS WHEN I NEED THEM?!?
  • Actually... Not the craziest idea. Though since this movie, as you said takes place before the pilot of the show, I'm seeing it as more along the lines of Michael being in the middle of a covert op (while still on the government's payroll) and staying in character meant goading Hitch into attacking him. This way he could properly keep up his cover to the other players around him. Painful, but effective.
  • There's only a flaw with this whole idea: Why would the government, let alone Michael's mom, have Michael attempt to hire a date doctor and then have sex with some random woman? Even more so, if it was it a government assignment, why didn't they burn Michael the moment his cover was blown (i.e. the likelihood that his cover name and cover job was more than likely published by Sara's magazine, and nation wide no less)? Michael is good at psychology, and he would have known Casey was an easy target. He wouldn't need to have any reason to hire Hitch because he would have been able to, and technically did if this WMG was providing some possibility of it being likely, did seduce Casey into sex and then promptly dumped her. Michael reaching out to Hitch doesn't make any sense, even if he was maintaining a cover.

Sara got fired after the end of the movie.
A bit of a Downer Ending, but Sara did several ethically wrong things, for one, she didn't check her source, and if her friend had listened, Vance did say "date doctor, my ass" I.E. not a compliment towards Hitch, She then prints a story without said facts, which make her and her magazine liable for libel lawsuit, from Hitch, Allegra and Albert, most magazine companies would essentially consider her toxic to touch and she would probably lose her job, due to nobody trusting her reporting anymore because of the massively faulty article she produced, even if she did put up a retraction.
  • Considering she realized she made a huge mistake, Sara was probably be okay with whatever punishment, including getting fired, that the magazine delivered to her in addition to the personal fallout she may have felt she deserved. She didn't go after Hitch after she apologized to him and, by how it seemed, was going to stay away from him because she got that he hated her. And seeing that Allegra and Albert were able to get back together, and Hitch seemed okay with her, they may have decided to not pursue a lawsuit against her or the magazine anyway due to the misunderstanding and having to understand why she did it. There's even the possibility that Allegra may have put in a good word with the publisher so that Sara could keep her job, but she would have to double confirm her sources and make sure to keep her personal bias out of her work from that point on.
