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Video Game/D4

D4 takes place in the same universe as Deadly Premonition and Spy Fiction (2003)
  • Real Blood could be made from Red Seeds. Both are red substances which are used recreationally to devastating effect on those unfortunate or unwise enough to partake. Both have widespread rumors wherein the drugs can be used to attain godhood. And both can cause mutations in habitual users Philip Cheney in D4, and George Woodman in Deadly Premonition.
  • Forrest Kaysen appears in all three games, as well. He could be changing his appearance, as he has at least two other forms at the end of Deadly Premonition, or there could be multiple Kaysens. In a red room segment of Deadly Premonition, there is a map of the continental U.S., marked with several Kaysen dolls in different clothing. As a traveling salesman, it's entirely possible that he could've gotten around to all these locales. However, SWERY said that Kaysen wasn't anything special, just another agent of the red tree. Other agents of the red tree might also use his name and alias. It would also explain how he keeps popping up after dying in Deadly Premonition and Spy Fiction.
  • In the beginning of Deadly Premonition, York mentions that he got the cuts on his face after an attack by some crazy cat lady. That seems to sync up well with what we know about Amanda. And it would make sense for York to have visited David; both of them are tracking cases related to the Red Seeds/Real Blood.
  • Both David Young Henning and Francis Morgan have paranormal abilities due to a traumatic incident involving the death of a family member. For Zach, it is due to the presence of an extra-dimensional entity: York. It is still unknown what the specific cause of David's abilities is.
    • Horrifically, perhaps David's abilities could come from Kaysen and the red seeds. Perhaps Little Peggy shot him, failing in an attempt to purge something that must not exist. Perhaps the sapling didn't sprout from David, and Kaysen's been keeping an eye on him ever since.

"Look for D."
  • Little Peggy isn't telling David to look for a person, but to look "4D," as in "fourth dimensionally." It's a hint that he has to look through time to solve her murder. He is doing just that.

August Oldmann is a future version of David Young.
  • Supergreatfriend points out at the end of his Season One playthrough that the two share quite a few design similarities, as well as (according to Little Peggy) both being hockey players; plus, it would explain how Oldmann arrived at the scene of the crime so quickly. We already know David can travel to the past, and their Theme Naming would also support this theory.

Peggy didn't say "look for D", she said "Look forward".
She wants David to move on with his life, not become mired in the loss of her.
  • To start with, there's a distinct similarity in the two phrases; it seems plausible that David might have misheard or misremembered one as the other, especially given a serious head wound.
  • David is urged several times to leave the past behind. Perhaps most notably, during David's interlude on the frozen lake Peggy herself seems to be trying to convince him to give up his attempts at changing the past to save her. In particular, she tells him the following:
    • One can't change the past
    • Time is always moving into the future (i.e. forward)
    • She belongs to the past

The game takes place entirely inside David's head.
  • Amanda appears to be David's cat, but somehow made human.
    • At least one flashback has Little Peggy addressing a bow-wearing cat by the name Amanda, I believe.
    • A white cat sometimes appears during "dives", offering the same "store" service that Amanda does.
  • The tall man is David's doctor; perhaps he's even operating on David's head wound as the game plays out.
    • Note that he is dressed in white; wears something similar to a surgical mask; and carries small, sharp metal implements.
    • His proportions would make sense if he was standing over a man on a operating table.
  • This might explain the sheer amount of strangeness present: it's all some sort of dream. (Hmm... "Dream": another "D"? ;))

Forrest Kaysen...
Will ultimately turn out to be a decent dude and not evil in any way.

Little Peggy's baby will show up in some way or form.
It'll turn out that David Young's child will be alive and well, despite misgivings that they died along with their mother.

Roland Walken is the Narrator.
He's a major recurring element in David's journey and Chris Tergliafera voices both of them. So Roland Walken is of course the narrator.

Whatever the hell Amanda is, she is not a cat.
There's a certain amount of (potentially deliberate) Uncanny Valley in both Amanda and the white cat who operates Amanda's store. When Human!Amanda plays keepaway with the baseball, she palms it in a way a cat is not able to—Davis may be an Unreliable Narrator, but for now I have to trust that the storytellers are not outright lying to us and this is a sign pointing to Amanda not being a cat.

Similarly, there's something odd in the way Cat!Amanda sits. She acts as if her wrists are elbows. This, of course, may be a genuine animation error, but again, at face value this is another point towards "not a real cat".
